
Eggs are boiled with it, which is "poor people's ejiao"! Women eat twice a week to replenish qi and nourish blood.

author:A complete set of daily recipes

In today's fast-paced life, women present a high pursuit of health and beauty. However, most people overlook an affordable ingredient that is extremely nutritious and beautiful: eggs.

As a homemade ingredient, eggs are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, and are even more nutritious and delicious when cooked with spinach, and when eaten with "poor people's ejiao", it makes the skin fairer and younger.

Eggs are boiled with it, which is "poor people's ejiao"! Women eat twice a week to replenish qi and nourish blood.

Known as a "natural multinutrient storehouse," eggs can provide many of the nutrients the body needs. Spinach, as a green vegetable, is rich in chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals. Cooking eggs with spinach maximizes the best of both worlds and provides more comprehensive nutritional benefits.

Eggs are boiled with it, which is "poor people's ejiao"! Women eat twice a week to replenish qi and nourish blood.

1. Replenish qi and nourish blood

The iron rich in eggs and the folic acid in spinach can cooperate with each other to participate in the synthesis and maintenance of hemoglobin. Women often have the problem of anemia, moderate consumption of eggs and spinach can supplement iron, increase hemoglobin content, improve anemia.

Eggs are boiled with it, which is "poor people's ejiao"! Women eat twice a week to replenish qi and nourish blood.

2. Beauty and skin care

The protein in eggs can promote the metabolism of skin cells and enhance the elasticity and radiance of the skin. Vitamin C and carotene in spinach have antioxidant effects, which can reduce the damage caused by free radicals to the skin, making the skin brighter and more refined. Women eat eggs and spinach every week, which can improve the dull complexion and rough skin, and make the skin smooth and white.

Eggs are boiled with it, which is "poor people's ejiao"! Women eat twice a week to replenish qi and nourish blood.

Third, delay aging

Antioxidants in eggs and nutrients such as dietary fiber and vitamin E in spinach have anti-aging effects. Regular consumption of eggs and spinach can promote cell repair and regeneration, reduce the production of skin wrinkles, and help women maintain their youth.

Eggs are boiled with it, which is "poor people's ejiao"! Women eat twice a week to replenish qi and nourish blood.

1. Scrambled eggs with garlic spinach

Ingredients: spinach, eggs, garlic cloves, cooking oil, salt, light soy sauce

Practical steps:

1. Wash the spinach, cut off the roots, and cut them to a length suitable for consumption.

2. Beat the eggs into a bowl and set aside.

3. Pour the beaten eggs into the pan and stir gently until solidified and pour out for later use.

4. Heat an appropriate amount of cooking oil in a pot, add garlic cloves and an appropriate amount of salt after the oil is hot, and stir-fry over low heat until fragrant. Add the chopped spinach and stir-fry, then pour in the scrambled eggs and stir-fry well.

5. Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and salt to taste, continue to stir-fry quickly for a few minutes before serving.

Eggs are boiled with it, which is "poor people's ejiao"! Women eat twice a week to replenish qi and nourish blood.

2. Spinach egg soup

Ingredients: spinach, egg, water, ginger slices, salt, pepper, chicken essence

Practical steps:

1. Wash the spinach, cut off the roots, cut the leaves into edible sizes, beat the eggs into a bowl and stir well.

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and heat over high heat until the water boils.

3. Put the cut spinach in boiling water, cook quickly and skim off the foam, add some ginger slices and continue to cook for 2-3 minutes.

4. After the spinach is cooked, slowly pour the beaten egg liquid into the pan and stir well.

Eggs are boiled with it, which is "poor people's ejiao"! Women eat twice a week to replenish qi and nourish blood.

5. Boil until the eggs are set and the spinach is bright green, add salt and pepper, and cook over low heat for another minute.

6. Before turning off the heat, you can add a little chicken essence according to personal taste to enhance the taste. Once the spinach egg soup is cooked, put the soup in a bowl and enjoy.

The nutritional combination of eggs and spinach, known as "poor people's ejiao", is an affordable and effective way for women to maintain health twice a week. Let's make good use of eggs and spinach and enjoy the dual nourishment of youth and beauty!