
Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed

author:Spring breeze entertainment

Recently, Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei posted photos of herself attending a fashion dinner on social platforms, which was very different from her previous image, which surprised many netizens. Tan Mei's bold and modern dress this time completely broke everyone's impression of her being elegant and solemn.

Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed
Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed

Tan Mei and Zhu Jun's marriage has gone through 30 spring and autumn years, and the two have always been in love and have a son together. Although Zhu Jun has retired from the entertainment industry, Tan Mei is still active in the public eye. This time, she was invited to participate in China International Fashion Week and boldly tried a new look. Her big red lips, full black eyeliner and scalp-friendly hairstyle all show off her sense of fashion. And the luxury bag worth 50,000 yuan she carried has also become the focus.

Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed
Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed

However, the public has received mixed reviews of her look. Some people think that her appearance has changed, her eyes are raised, her apple muscles are bulging, and others think that her dress looks tacky. But it is undeniable that Tan Mei's attempt is undoubtedly bold and avant-garde.

Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed
Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed

With the development of social media, the image of public figures has also become more transparent and diverse. They are no longer just images on TV or movies, but show their multifaceted nature through various platforms. This also brings them more opportunities, but also more challenges.

Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed
Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed

In China's television industry, Zhu Jun and Dong Qing are names that everyone knows and knows everyone. They are not only excellent presenters, but also good representatives of cultural communicators and the public. Every appearance of them can arouse the enthusiastic attention and discussion of the general audience.

Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed
Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed

Zhu Jun, known as "CCTV's first son-in-law", his hosting style is unique, humorous, and in-depth. Whether it is in-depth exchanges with guests in "Art of Life" or interaction with the audience at various large-scale galas, he can accurately grasp the rhythm of the show, making it both entertaining and educational. And his private style is also one of the reasons why people like it. His sincerity, enthusiasm and love of life deeply moved the audience.

Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed
Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed

Dong Qing, known as "the first female host of CCTV", her hosting style is elegant, atmospheric, and full of wisdom. In the program "Let's Talk", Dong Qing had in-depth dialogues with various guests, discussing various topics such as life, art, and science. Her questions are always just right, both to guide the guests to think deeply and to inspire the audience. And her private life is also enviable. She is a versatile woman, not only an excellent presenter, but also a writer, and her books are loved by readers.

Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed
Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed

Although Zhu Jun and Dong Qing have very different styles, they are both leaders in the television industry, and each of their appearances can bring new visual and spiritual enjoyment to the audience. Their success is not only because of their talent and hard work, but also because of their love and respect for this profession.

Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed
Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed

In today's era of information explosion, television is no longer the only way for people to obtain information, but Zhu Jun and Dong Qing can still maintain their influence in the television industry. This is because they are not only hosts, but also disseminators of culture, and in their own way, they bring knowledge, emotion and artistic enjoyment to the audience.

Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed
Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed

Zhu Jun and Dong Qing are both iconic figures of our time, and every appearance they make is a cultural feast. I hope they can continue to bring us more wonderful shows and leave more classics for this era.

Zhu Jun's wife Tan Mei caused controversy, participated in the dinner party to exaggerate heavy makeup and carry 50,000 bags, which was accused of being awkward and changed,1416136259&fm=253&fmt=auto?w=640&h=347

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