
58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

author:Nine Celestial Microreading
58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up
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58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

In 2018, a sudden storm swept through China's media circle, pushing the 58-year-old Zhu Jun to the center of the whirlpool of public opinion. , the once dominant CCTV host, the "national host" who appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, lost all his aura overnight.

A woman named "Xianzi" accused Zhu Jun of misconduct against him four years ago in her real name, which instantly detonated public outrage.

Zhu Jun's world collapsed in an instant. His program was forced to stop broadcasting, and he was no longer seen on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. The once glorious 25-year CCTV career and 20 years of glory came to naught in this turmoil.

Zhu Jun had to begin to face the harsh reality that his career could be over.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

However, this was only the beginning of a turning point in Zhu Jun's life. What kind of ordeal will he go through in the next four years? What will his future hold?

In 1964, Zhu Jun was born in an ordinary family in Gansu. Loving literature and art since childhood, he began to learn clarinet at the age of 11, which planted the seeds for his future artistic career.

The young Zhu Jun has a vision for the future and dreams of one day showing his talent on a bigger stage.

As a young man, Zhu Jun joined the army's amateur propaganda team and began his artistic career. During this time, he toured the Northwest with the team for more than 500 performances, and even won a third-class merit.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

This experience not only honed his will, but also laid a solid foundation for his future hosting career.

Around 1990, Zhu Jun stepped into the door of Gansu TV Station. With his outstanding talent and unremitting efforts, he quickly became an important figure in Taiwan, and almost all kinds of large-scale gala activities were hosted by him.

However, Zhu Jun is not satisfied with this, he is eager for a bigger stage and a higher challenge.

With the encouragement of Yang Lan and CCTV director Gao Limin, Zhu Jun resolutely embarked on the journey to Beijing. When he first arrived at CCTV, Zhu Jun started as an ordinary handyman, and his daily work included cleaning, wiping tables and chairs, ordering box lunches, etc.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

But he was not discouraged, but cherished every opportunity to learn, and recorded the harvest in a small book.

After months of hard work, Zhu Jun finally ushered in the opportunity to show himself. He successfully persuaded the leaders and got the opportunity to partner with Xu Gehui to host the show.

Since then, Zhu Jun's career has begun to enter the fast lane.

However, it took Zhu Jun four years to be promoted from a host to a CCTV celebrity. During this period, he has been sticking to the variety channel, hosting two popular programs "East, West, South, North and Central" and "China Music TV".

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

Finally, at the age of 33, Zhu Jun appeared on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala. This marked the beginning of a brilliant career in his career.

In the 20 years since, Zhu Jun has become a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala, and has also hosted many ace programs such as "Art Life", becoming a well-deserved CCTV brother in the eyes of the audience.

Looking back, Zhu Jun's glorious years were won by nearly 40 years of hard work. From joining the propaganda team when he was a teenager, to entering a local TV station when he was a teenager, and then to becoming a top host of CCTV, every step is condensed with his sweat and wisdom.

However, he never imagined that this hard-won achievement would encounter such a huge challenge in 2018.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

In 2018, a sudden storm swept the Internet, completely changing the trajectory of Zhu Jun's life. The news that a woman named "Xianzi" accused Zhu Jun of misconduct against her in 2014 was like a bombshell, instantly detonating public outrage.

Xianzi described that at that time, as an intern of "Art Life", she went to the dressing room to meet Zhu Jun in order to complete an interview mission. During the conversation, Zhu Jun was friendly at first, but then committed inappropriate behavior towards her in the unclosed dressing room.

The accusation swept like a hurricane, pushing Zhu Jun into the center of the whirlpool of public opinion.

Zhu Jun's world was turned upside down overnight. The well-known program "Art Life" hosted by him was forced to stop broadcasting, and he was no longer seen on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. The once glorious 25-year CCTV career and 20 years of glory came to naught in this turmoil.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

Zhu Jun had to face a harsh reality: his career could be over.

The power of public opinion is enormous. In the circumstances of the time, the public was almost one-sidedly on the side of the strings. Even when someone questioned the incident, it was quickly drowned out by online violence.

In 2020, it was rumored that Zhu Jun had received an invitation to the Hunan Spring Festival Gala, but in the face of strong opposition from netizens, he finally failed to make a comeback.

In the face of this sudden storm, Zhu Jun fell into deep despair for a while. He felt a deep sense of humiliation and powerlessness, friends he once knew were estranged, and the once-lively phone calls suddenly fell silent.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

For the first time, Zhu Jun truly realized what it means to be "a person walks to tea and cool".

However, Zhu Jun did not give up. In 2020, he responded to the incident in his first public statement on social media. He admits that he has been under tremendous pressure for the past two years, but he has always believed that the truth is in his heart and has faith in the law.

This turmoil not only affected Zhu Jun's career, but also brought earth-shaking changes to his life. Every day, he questioned himself, doubted himself, and even sometimes felt that being alive was a torture.

But it is in such a predicament that Zhu Jun cherishes those who have always stood by his side even more.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

Looking back on this difficult time, Zhu Jun was full of emotion. He is deeply aware that as a public figure, he must always be vigilant about his words and actions. At the same time, he also hopes that everyone can be more cautious when judging others, and give the parties the respect and space they deserve.

This turmoil brought a huge blow to Zhu Jun, but it also made him re-examine his life and think about what is most important. Although the process was difficult, Zhu Jun always believed that the law would give a fair ruling.

He firmly believes that as long as he persists, the truth will eventually be revealed to the world.

In the darkest moment of Zhu Jun's life, there was one person who always stood by his side steadfastly, and that was his wife Tan Mei. Their love story dates back to 1988, when Zhu Jun and Tan Mei both worked in the art troupe, one was a cross talk actor and the other was a dancer.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

At first, Zhu Jun only had a good impression of Tan Mei, and did not have too many sparks of love. However, during a performance in Xinjiang with the troupe, Zhu Jun witnessed the scene where Tan Mei carefully selected gifts for each member of the family, and this detail deeply touched him.

Zhu Jun found that Tan Mei is not only beautiful on the outside, but also full of family responsibility on the inside.

Under the teacher's matchmaking, the relationship between Zhu Jun and Tan Mei quickly warmed up. In the spring of 1993, they entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. At the beginning of their marriage, the young couple left their hometown and came to Beijing to chase their dreams.

When I first arrived in Beijing, I didn't have a good time. They live in cramped basements, sometimes moving several times a month. The room was so cramped that clothes could only hang in the bathroom, and all the clothes had to be stacked on the bed when taking a shower.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

Despite the difficult living conditions, the relationship between Zhu Jun and Tan Mei has always been consistent. Zhu Jun not only handed over his income to Tan Mei to manage without reservation, but also sewed clothes for her personally.

In addition to taking care of each other, Zhu Jun and Tan Mei also encourage each other to strive for their dreams together. Years later, when Zhu Jun became a household name host, Tan Mei also successfully founded her own dance school.

They have proved with their actions that as long as they support each other, no matter how big the difficulties are, they can overcome.

It was this deep affection that made Tan Mei choose to believe and support her husband without hesitation after the outbreak of the "String Incident". In 2019, Tan Mei shared a sweet photo of the couple on social media, and wrote: "The pure one is self-purifying, I believe in you, and will always be by your side silently guarding you."

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

This sentence is not only a commitment to love, but also the firmest support for the husband.

In Zhu Jun's most difficult moment, Tan Mei's love and understanding became his greatest spiritual pillar. Zhu Jun once said with emotion that if it were not for his wife's support, he might have collapsed long ago.

Tan Mei's indefatigable indefatigability allowed Zhu Jun to find the courage to continue moving forward in the wind and rain.

Now, although his career has suffered a heavy blow, Zhu Jun cherishes his relationship with Tan Mei even more. This turmoil made him lose a lot, but it also made him more deeply appreciate Tan Mei's love for him.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

In Zhu Jun's view, his wife's inseparability is the greatest luck in his life.

With the passage of time, many doubts in the "Xianzi Incident" gradually surfaced, triggering the public to rethink the truth of the incident.

First of all, Yan Weiwen, the eyewitness mentioned in Xianzi's accusation, quickly issued a statement to clarify, saying that he did not participate in the recording of the "Art Life" program in 2014, so he could not be an eyewitness.

This statement raises questions about the credibility of Xianzi's testimony.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

Second, in 2014, the police had already extracted the clothes worn by Xianzi on the day of the incident as evidence for examination, but failed to detect any traces of other people's DNA on these clothes.

There is a clear contradiction between this physical evidence and Xianzi's accusations.

In addition, with the in-depth investigation of the incident, the identity of the think tank member behind the string, Mai Yao, has also attracted public attention. Some netizens found that Mai Yao had publicly made some inappropriate remarks, and even said that he would rather go to other countries than give up his nationality.

This information raises questions about her motives as a member of the Strings Think Tank.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

At the legal level, there has also been a major turning point. In 2021, the court rejected Xianzi's claim on the grounds that the plaintiff's evidence was insufficient. In 2022, Zhu Jun won the case again in the second instance, and the law cleared him.

However, despite the conclusion of the lawsuit, there is still a long way to go before the public perception can be completely reversed. Zhu Jun said that this experience gave him a deeper understanding of the media and public opinion.

He called on everyone to be more rational and cautious when judging others, and to give the parties the respect and space they deserve.

This turmoil brought a huge blow to Zhu Jun, but it also made him re-examine his life. He firmly believes that as long as he persists, the truth will eventually be revealed to the world.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

Despite the law's fair ruling, the lost time and damage suffered can never be recovered.

Today, 58-year-old Zhu Jun stands at a crossroads in his life. Four years have passed, and a once brilliant career has been forced to come to an end. Facing the future, Zhu Jun is both confused and full of hope.

The blow to Zhu Jun was huge. He lost his job at CCTV, the opportunity to host the Spring Festival Gala, and even the public trust he had accumulated over the years.

However, this experience also gave Zhu Jun the opportunity to re-examine his life and think about what is most important.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

Zhu Jun admits that he is not sure if he will be able to return to the stage. But instead of giving up, he chose to move on. He may no longer be a host, but he believes that he can still contribute to society.

This attitude shows Zhu Jun's tenacity and courage in the face of adversity.

Looking back on the hardships of the past four years, Zhu Jun is full of emotion. This experience made him cherish the people around him even more, especially his wife Tan Mei, who never left him. Her love and support became Zhu Jun's greatest strength to overcome the difficulties.

Although the future is full of uncertainties, Zhu Jun chooses to face it with peace and relief. He said that no matter what the future holds, he will continue to move forward with this gratitude and strength.

58-year-old Zhu Jun: I have been tortured in the past 4 years, and I am grateful to my wife Tan Mei for never giving up

Because he knows that as long as there is love by his side, life will always be full of hope.

Zhu Jun's story is not only the ups and downs of a public figure, but also a life apocalypse about perseverance, faith and love.

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