
The dilemma of rural "wife shortage", 3 types of guys or become "bachelors", how should farmers solve it?

author:Azuki is a skilled mover

Description: In recent years, with the intensification of rural population loss and the imbalance of rural economic development, there has been a serious "wife shortage" phenomenon in rural areas. In the face of this dilemma, three types of young men in rural areas have become a particularly anxious group: the "older leftover men" who are older and unmarried, the "free bachelors" who choose to be single due to the lack of a sense of belonging, and the "poor bachelors" who cannot start a family because of family burdens. So, how should farmers solve this problem?

The dilemma of rural "wife shortage", 3 types of guys or become "bachelors", how should farmers solve it?


Dilemma background

The dilemma of rural "wife shortage" refers to the fact that due to the large number of women going out to work and the process of urbanization in rural areas, the opportunities for rural men to pursue spouses have decreased, forming a situation in which there are more men than women. This phenomenon has brought many problems to rural society and made three types of young men in trouble.

Older leftover man: Love has not yet arrived

Older leftover men refer to men who are old and unmarried. In rural areas, it is difficult to find suitable candidates in the local area because of family traditions and economic constraints. At the same time, they have high requirements for love and marriage, and hope to find a partner who truly understands them and has common interests.

The solution: open your mind and broaden your channels. Older leftover men can increase their chances of meeting people by participating in social activities and expanding their social circle, and at the same time they can try online dating platforms or matchmaking services to find a wider range of options. In addition, marriage should be faced with an open mind and remove some unnecessary "conditions" and "baggage".

The dilemma of rural "wife shortage", 3 types of guys or become "bachelors", how should farmers solve it?

Freelance Singles: The Pursuit of Personal Value

Free bachelors refer to men who have average personal conditions but choose to be single due to a lack of belonging. They love independent and free life and enjoy unrestrained personal space, but at some point in life, they will also have expectations for marriage and family.

The solution: Find balance and cherish fate. Freelance singles can seriously think about their life goals and future plans, weigh the relationship between personal development and marriage, and find a balance that suits them. At the same time, we should also cherish fate, seize the right opportunity and person, and do not refuse the opportunities brought by marriage too much.

Poverty singles: economic concerns

Poor singles refer to men who are unable to start a family because of family burdens. They often face financial hardship and do not have enough funds to provide marriage and family security.

The solution: seek support and work hard. Poor singles can seek some financial support and help from their families, relatives and friends, and the local government to solve their financial difficulties. At the same time, work harder to improve your skills and income levels to build a solid foundation for future marriages and families.

The dilemma of rural "wife shortage", 3 types of guys or become "bachelors", how should farmers solve it?

The farmer's solution

1. Strengthen publicity and education, promote the formation of a social atmosphere that respects individual choices, encourage rural men to try a variety of ways to find partners, and break the shackles of traditional concepts of marriage.

2. The government can increase support for marriage information services in rural areas, provide more matchmaking platforms and activities, and help farmers expand the scope of friendship.

3. Guide rural youth to enhance their own quality, enhance their family's economic ability, and provide a solid guarantee for the establishment of marriage and family.

4. Colleges and universities and vocational training institutions can strengthen the cultivation of rural talents, improve the comprehensive quality and employment competitiveness of farmers, and increase their opportunities to meet people.

5. Promote the values of rural family warmth and community care, encourage farmers to better manage their families, care for and take care of their families, and create a good marriage and family environment.