
Stop being embarrassed! Look at the former Eighth Route Army, when will the bureaucratic show stop?


In recent years, we can often see some officials or government agencies carrying out various showcases in a bureaucratic form, which makes people feel helpless and confused. However, looking back at history, we can find that as early as the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Eighth Route Army won widespread praise at home and abroad for its unpretentious, pragmatic and efficient style. By comparing the bureaucratic phenomenon of the past with the present, this article explores why we need to return to the spirit of the Eighth Route Army and how to change the current status quo.

Stop being embarrassed! Look at the former Eighth Route Army, when will the bureaucratic show stop?

The unpretentiousness of the Eighth Route Army

As one of the main forces of the Chinese people in resisting Japanese aggression, the Eighth Route Army left a deep impression on people with its unpretentious style. Their eclectic dress, humble conditions, and thrifty lifestyle allowed them to focus on the battle and achieve great results. The pragmatic attitude of the Eighth Route Army that did not put on too much showmanship and show-off, but devoted limited resources to where they were most needed, was admirable.

Stop being embarrassed! Look at the former Eighth Route Army, when will the bureaucratic show stop?

Modern bureaucratic forms for show

Unlike the Eighth Route Army, some modern officials or government agencies often carry out various showmanship activities in a bureaucratic form, and these activities are often exaggerated and empty, paying too much attention to form and ignoring substance. For example, various celebrations, gatherings, speeches and other activities organized by some units often invest a lot of time and resources into them, but they have little effect, and even have obvious false elements. This excessive pursuit of form not only fails to solve the problem, but also causes people to be tired and disappointed.

Stop being embarrassed! Look at the former Eighth Route Army, when will the bureaucratic show stop?

Return to the spirit of the Eighth Route Army

Why do we need to return to the spirit of the Eighth Route Army? First of all, returning to the spirit of the Eighth Route Army means being pragmatic and efficient, focusing on practical actions rather than empty talk. The Eighth Route Army was not bound by red tape, and they knew that their goal was to defend the motherland and fight the aggressors, so they were able to achieve victory under difficult circumstances. Secondly, returning to the spirit of the Eighth Route Army means being unpretentious and not pursuing vanity and ostentation. The Eighth Route Army used precious resources where they were needed most, and not wasted on unnecessary forms. Finally, returning to the spirit of the Eighth Route Army also means thrift and thrift, and achieving maximum benefits at the lowest cost. This spirit is particularly important in the current situation of limited social resources, which can improve the efficiency of resource utilization and promote economic and social development.

Stop being embarrassed! Look at the former Eighth Route Army, when will the bureaucratic show stop?

A path to change the status quo

To change the current bureaucratic showmanship, we need to start from many aspects. First, officials and agencies need to shift their mindset and focus more on the substance and solution of the problem, rather than just on the form. Second, we need to establish a set of corresponding assessment systems, clarify and quantify performance evaluation indicators, and guide officials and government agencies to really do practical and good things. In addition, the media should also shoulder the responsibility of supervision, timely expose those false and exaggerated behaviors, create a public opinion environment, and promote the formation of a pragmatic and efficient new fashion.

Stop being embarrassed! Look at the former Eighth Route Army, when will the bureaucratic show stop?


As an excellent model during China's revolutionary war period, the Eighth Route Army won widespread praise for its unpretentious, pragmatic and efficient style. In contrast, the phenomenon of modern bureaucratic showmanship is unsatisfactory. We need to return to the spirit of the Eighth Route Army, pay attention to practice and action, be unpretentious, and be diligent and thrifty, so that we can solve problems and promote social progress. Let's work together, stop being embarrassed, and create a better future together!

Stop being embarrassed! Look at the former Eighth Route Army, when will the bureaucratic show stop?