
What level of official did the Zhongtang master of the Qing Dynasty refer to?

author:KK Documentary Record

The Zhongtang Master in the Qing Dynasty refers to a kind of official rank among the officials of the Qing Dynasty. Zhongtang Daijin is the title of the official position of the central government of the Qing Dynasty, belonging to officials below the sixth rank, also known as Zhongtangzi and Hall number. Although its status was not high in the official system of the Qing Dynasty, it played an important role in the political system of the Qing Dynasty. In the following, I will introduce the Zhongtang masters of the Qing Dynasty one by one from the aspects of historical background, definition, responsibilities, selection conditions, and influence.

First, let's understand the historical background of the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history and the end of Chinese feudal society. During this period, the bureaucracy gradually improved, especially the central government. In the official system of the Qing Dynasty, Lord Zhongtang was a relatively special existence.

What level of official did the Zhongtang master of the Qing Dynasty refer to?

So, what is Nakado-sama? The word Nakado-sama is made up of the words "Nakado" and "Adult". The middle hall, meaning the central hall of the palace, was an important ceremonial place in the feudal dynasty. The word "adult" is a more common honorific title, indicating a high status and noble status. Therefore, Nakado-sama can be understood as a nobleman who presides over banquets and performs ceremonial affairs in Nakado.

So, as Nakado-sama, what specific responsibilities do they have? The main responsibility of Lord Nakado is to be responsible for the management and affairs of the palace. They presided over the banquet, acted at the will of the ruler, arranged the location of the banquet for officials, and dealt with problems that arose during the banquet. In addition, they were responsible for the ceremonial and ceremonial organization of the court, ensuring the proper functioning of the ceremonial system. At the same time, Nakado-sama was also an important staff officer of the emperor, and they provided advice and suggestions on government affairs by participating in the discussions and decision-making of the imperial court.

What level of official did the Zhongtang master of the Qing Dynasty refer to?

So, what are the selection conditions for Nakado-sama? In the official position system of the Qing Dynasty, Zhongtang was a low-level official, so there were no high requirements for selection conditions. Generally speaking, the selection of the lord of the middle hall was decided by the emperor himself. In the selection process, age, official position, seniority, etc. are all factors to be considered. In addition, Nakado masters also need to have certain etiquette, preparation and organizational skills to ensure the smooth running of banquets and celebrations.

Finally, let's take a look at the influence of Lord Nakado. Although the official positions of the Zhongtang masters were not high, they had some influence in the political system of the Qing Dynasty. The duties of Lord Nakado made them close officials to the emperor, so they had access to some important political secrets and the emperor's thoughts. By participating in the decision-making and discussion of the imperial court, they also had the opportunity to influence and express their opinions on the affairs of the country.

To sum up, the Zhongtang Master of the Qing Dynasty refers to an official rank in the central government of the Qing Dynasty. Although its status was not high, it played an important role in the political system of the Qing Dynasty. Lord Nakado was responsible for organizing banquets and celebrations, participating in government decision-making, and providing advice and advice to the emperor. Their selection conditions are relatively low, but require certain etiquette, preparation and organizational skills. Although his official position was not high, Lord Zhongtang had a certain influence in the political system of the Qing Dynasty, and was able to access important political secrets, express his own opinions, and influence the development of national government affairs.

What level of official did the Zhongtang master of the Qing Dynasty refer to?