
The woman had just been married for more than two months, but her husband strangled her neck with a silk scarf, resulting in serious injuries and blindness

author:Parenting knowledge, Bao Dad

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This incident is shocking and distressing. A young woman, just two months after marriage, suffered cruel domestic violence from her husband. Her husband wrapped a silk scarf around her neck and pushed her into the water, leaving her blind and unconscious for more than three months. What is even more unacceptable is that instead of giving her any sympathy and help, her in-laws defended her son's actions, claiming that his detention by the police was illegal.

The woman had just been married for more than two months, but her husband strangled her neck with a silk scarf, resulting in serious injuries and blindness

This young woman, named Xiaofang, is 29 years old and is an ordinary housewife. Her husband's name is Xiaogang, 32 years old, who works freelancing. They met three years ago and just got married last month. They live in an ordinary neighborhood in Zhengzhou City.

Xiaofang's mother said that when Xiaofang and Xiaogang fell in love, their relationship was very good, without any contradictions or problems. She said that Xiaofang is a gentle and kind girl who is considerate of Xiaogang. She said that Xiao Gang was also very good to Xiaofang, often buying her gifts and taking her on tours. She has always been supportive of her daughter finding a good man.

However, soon after getting married, Xiaofang discovered Xiaogang's unknown side. Xiao Gang was addicted to online games and invested a lot of time and money. His concern for family and work gradually decreased, and he even often asked Xiaofang for the cost of game recharge.

One night, because Xiao Gang asked Xiao Fang to transfer 10,000 yuan to him for game recharge, and Xiao Fang refused, a dispute began. During the argument, Xiao Gang suddenly slapped Xiao Fang, and then choked her neck. Xiaofang struggled in horror and called for help, but there was no one to help. Xiao Gang dragged Xiao Fang to the bathroom, strangled her neck with a silk scarf, and pushed her into the water. He tries to suffocate Xiaofang to death in retaliation for her refusal.

Fortunately, after the doctor's full rescue, although Xiaofang was out of danger, she lost her vision and was in a coma for more than three months. She also suffered multiple traumatic injuries to her body, broken ribs and a torn liver. The cost of treatment is already putting enormous financial pressure on their families.

After the incident was exposed, it attracted widespread attention and condemnation from the whole society. Everyone unanimously called for severe punishment of violence and the maintenance of social justice. At the same time, the judicial department also intervened in the investigation and trial of this case, and will severely punish Xiao Gang.

The woman had just been married for more than two months, but her husband strangled her neck with a silk scarf, resulting in serious injuries and blindness

The above story reveals the harm that domestic violence does to victims and how it can ruin the happiness of a young couple. This article will analyze the parenting knowledge involved in this incident, with a strong emphasis on cultivating healthy intimacy and proper parenting styles to prevent violence and protect the safety of family members.

Cultivate healthy intimacy

  1. Communication and respect: In intimate relationships, communication and mutual respect are essential. Couples should learn to listen and understand each other's needs and feelings, avoiding quarrels and violence.
  2. Common interests: Couples can strengthen intimacy and build closer emotional bonds by developing common interests and hobbies.
  3. Conflict Resolution Skills: Couples need to learn to deal with conflict and find ways to solve problems peacefully, rather than venting their emotions through violence.

The right parenting style

  1. Family support: Family members should support and care for each other to ensure that everyone feels loved and respected. This support contributes to the healthy development of the child.
  2. Family values: Families should establish positive values such as respect, tolerance, mutual assistance, and responsibility to develop the child's character.
  3. Domestic Violence Education: Parents should educate their children about the dangers of domestic violence and encourage them to learn to seek help and support if they or others are threatened.

Prevention of domestic violence

  1. Education and awareness-raising: Society should do more to educate and raise awareness of domestic violence so that people understand its seriousness and encourage them to report and intervene in violence.
  2. Legal sanctions: The justice system should crack down on domestic violence rigorously, ensuring that perpetrators are brought to justice, while providing support and shelter to victims.
  3. Mental Health Support: Family members should seek mental health support to cope with the aftermath of a domestic violence incident and help them recover and rebuild their lives.
The woman had just been married for more than two months, but her husband strangled her neck with a silk scarf, resulting in serious injuries and blindness


Domestic violence is a serious social problem that destroys the harmony and happiness of the family. Domestic violence can be prevented by fostering healthy intimacy and proper parenting. Society should actively raise awareness and take measures to combat domestic violence in order to protect the safety and well-being of family members. Every family should be a model for fostering healthy intimacy and proper parenting to prevent this tragedy from happening again.