
US troops were forced back to Japan, China drew a red line, Biden stepped on the brakes: there was no desire for conflict

author:The official number of Road Observation

After China drew a red line, the main force of the US military was indeed forced back to Japan, and after a new round of high-level dialogue between China and the United States, Biden was silent for two days, once again telling China that he did not want to conflict, but his speech was still full of hostility to China.

Originally, the news that the US Navy's "American" amphibious assault ship was going to participate in the US-ROK military exercise in the Yellow Sea was raging, and many netizens were indignant that the US main warship was going to hold a military exercise at the gate of the Chinese capital, but now it seems that netizens really do not need to be angry. This is not to say that this provocative behavior of the US military is not bad, but because the PLA has already given color to the United States. According to information from the International Ship Identification System, on September 16, the amphibious assault ship USS America left the Yellow Sea and returned to the waters near Japan, which was equivalent to halfway through the exercise, and the US military withdrew the main warship of the exercise from the Yellow Sea. The most likely explanation for this change is that the PLA carried out live-fire military exercises in the north and south waters of the Yellow Sea during the same period, drawing a red line prohibiting foreign warships from entering, and it was the pressure of the PLA that forced the US military back!

US troops were forced back to Japan, China drew a red line, Biden stepped on the brakes: there was no desire for conflict

In fact, although the United States always puts on an aggressive appearance towards China, especially often showing off force around China, the United States itself is actually very afraid of a real military conflict with China, because the US military is not sure of defeating China in the Asia-Pacific region. In order to avoid a real military conflict between China and the United States, the Biden administration also often seeks high-level dialogue with China to manage bilateral relations. On the 16th and 17th of this month, Wang Yi, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, and US National Security Adviser Sullivan met in the Mediterranean country of Malta for two consecutive days, and the two sides held multiple rounds of talks lasting 12 hours. It can also be seen from this that the differences between China and the United States on this issue are still very large, otherwise it would not take such a long time to continue the discussion.

US troops were forced back to Japan, China drew a red line, Biden stepped on the brakes: there was no desire for conflict

After the meeting between Wang Yi and US national security adviser Malta, the Biden administration was slightly silent for two days, but in the latest UN General Assembly speech, US President Biden once again directly shouted at China. At the general debate of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly held on September 19, local time, Biden released the annual debate speech of the US side. In his speech, in addition to talking about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and calling on all countries in the world to follow the leadership of the United States, he especially elaborated on the relationship between China and the United States. Biden once again declared that he wants to manage and compete responsibly with China to avoid conflict between the two countries. At the same time, Biden also re-emphasized his support for "de-risking" rather than "decoupling" from China. It should be said that Chinese are no strangers to this statement, and Biden has mentioned this statement that he does not want to conflict with China and does not seek to "decouple" from China. And he mentioned these old words again, which can be seen as Biden stepping on the brakes on the deterioration of Sino-US relations, but it is not the real idea of the US government.

US troops were forced back to Japan, China drew a red line, Biden stepped on the brakes: there was no desire for conflict

In fact, although Biden put the brakes on Sino-US friction, the second half of his China-related speech is still intensifying contradictions. Biden said so, declaring that the United States will "fight back against aggression and intimidation, defending the rules of the road from freedom of navigation to freedom of leap to level the playing field for the economy." Although these words may seem grandiose, according to the unique interpretation of these words by the US government, the actual meaning of these words can be understood as the United States wants to put economic pressure on China on the one hand, challenge China's sovereignty in the South China Sea and other places, and continue to provoke China's most critical Taiwan issue.

US troops were forced back to Japan, China drew a red line, Biden stepped on the brakes: there was no desire for conflict

After seeing the above issues clearly, we cannot expect too much from the "friendly" statement of the Biden administration. Again, the strategic tone of the US government's containment of China has not changed, and any friendly statement towards China in this context is nothing more than an expedient measure and a measure to slow down the troops. In the foreseeable future, the Biden administration will seek to continue to suppress and contain China by any means other than direct conflict, and seek to hinder China's development. Biden's so-called do not want to conflict with China, in essence, is that he does not want to have a military conflict with China for the time being, and in other areas of violent conflicts, I am afraid that the United States will impose on China next, and we must be mentally prepared for this.

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