
Are academic qualifications useful? At the age of 35, I have achieved nothing, and I often have an inferiority complex!

author:Yu Xiaoyu


Friends, I would like to ask you a question, do you find academic qualifications useful? What do you think is the reason for the growing gap between people?

I'm 35 years old and recently married, and if I had to say anything about what I learned this year, I could only say that I was about to have a new identity and become a mother.

Are academic qualifications useful? At the age of 35, I have achieved nothing, and I often have an inferiority complex!

Other, I really can't find anything bright in me.

I am 35 years old this year, an ordinary two degrees, and it has been 10 years since I graduated, but so far I have achieved nothing, no money, no job, no money, no car or house. (Husband's does not count)

My relatives around me began to regard me as a role model for my younger siblings, and now I am regarded as a "negative teaching material" with academic qualifications.

I have been taking the public examination on and off for 10 years, civil service examination, public institution examination, recruitment and teaching examination, transfer student selection also test, travel expenses, accommodation fees, examination registration fees, study materials fees do not know how much waste, but in the end there is still no good result.

Are academic qualifications useful? At the age of 35, I have achieved nothing, and I often have an inferiority complex!

I passed by success a few times, but it was only a passing by, and I didn't have the opportunity to write the sentence that many public examiners wrote after they landed, "Take dreams as horses and live up to Shaohua."

I feel like my life is a failure!

Now, whenever others say who is who, how much does the child make a month? Whoever has the children of whose families has been admitted to what unit at one time.

I really didn't want to hear it, I really wanted to escape. Because I really don't have the same shot.

A relative, boy, graduated from college and found a wife of a graduate student, and the two went to Ningbo to work hard, opened a training course, and earned more than one million a year.

Are academic qualifications useful? At the age of 35, I have achieved nothing, and I often have an inferiority complex!

The second year earns more than the first.

So, can you say that academic qualifications are useless?

No, academic qualifications are useful, but they are of little use to people like me. People who are not good at words, unsociable, and have no ambition to make money, are useless.

My aunt's daughter, graduated from a university in Xi'an, now works in a bank in Hangzhou, learning computers, with a monthly salary of nearly 30,000, we are the same age, my cousin has settled in Hangzhou and bought a two-room house.

That's the gap!

Can you say that academic qualifications are useless?

Are academic qualifications useful? At the age of 35, I have achieved nothing, and I often have an inferiority complex!

The son and son-in-law of the aunt have not gone to college and may not have graduated from high school, but people can now earn 10,000 or more a month.

Can you say that academic qualifications are useful?

There are many, many people who have a better life than me, and there are many people who do better than me without a degree.

I don't know why I'm just having a bad time? Where am I wrong? I often ask myself!