
Mango Super Media: a media star, a hot land for investment, and the future can be expected

Mango Super Media: a media star, a hot land for investment, and the future can be expected

This article will provide a comprehensive analysis of Mango Super Media (stock code: 300413), from the aspects of company overview, industry prospects, financial data, market performance, competitive advantages, risk factors and so on. By deeply mining the investment value of Mango Supermedia, it provides a valuable reference for investors.

Mango Super Media: a media star, a hot land for investment, and the future can be expected

1. Company overview

Mango Super Media, full name Mango Super Media Culture Co., Ltd., is a leading media and cultural enterprise in China, covering new media, film and television production, games and other business fields. Relying on the superior resources of Hunan Radio and Television Group, the company takes "content + platform + terminal" as its strategic layout, and is committed to building an all-media ecological chain.

Second, the industry prospects

With the rapid development of the Internet, the new media industry is gradually rising and becoming the focus of people's attention. According to data from the China Internet Development Report 2022, by the end of 2021, the number of Internet users in China had reached 1.032 billion, of which mobile Internet users accounted for more than 99%. This huge user group provides a broad market space for the new media industry. At the same time, national policies are also constantly promoting the healthy development of the new media industry. Therefore, the industry in which Mango Supermedia is located has broad prospects and development potential.

3. Financial data

According to public data, in the five years from 2018 to 2022, Mango Super Media's operating income reached 6.777 billion yuan, 7.948 billion yuan, 8.618 billion yuan, 9.168 billion yuan and 12.648 billion yuan, respectively. In terms of net profit, the company's net profit in the past five years was 957 million yuan, 1.055 billion yuan, 1.157 billion yuan, 1.285 billion yuan and 1.584 billion yuan respectively. The company's profitability continues to improve and its financial position is solid.

Fourth, market performance

The performance of Mango Super Media in the market has also attracted much attention. As a new media enterprise under Hunan Radio and Television Group, Mango Super Media has strong advantages in content production and platform operation. Mango TV, a subsidiary of the company, is a well-known video platform in the industry, with many popular film and television dramas and variety shows. In addition, Mango Super Media has also actively deployed the game industry and launched a number of popular game products. The company's share price is also rising, attracting the attention of a large number of investors.

5. Competitive advantage

Content innovation: Mango Super Media has strong content production capabilities and focuses on the research and development and production of original content. The company's Mango TV not only has many popular film and television dramas and variety shows, but also actively explores new content forms, such as online dramas and online variety shows, to meet the needs of different user groups.

Leading technology: Mango Super Media also has a leading edge in technology research and development. The company actively promotes technological innovation and has developed a series of advanced technology products, such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), etc., to provide users with a richer audiovisual experience.

Brand influence: Mango Super Media relies on the superior resources of Hunan Radio and Television Group and has a strong brand influence. The company's brand image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has been recognized and supported by the majority of users. This gives Mango Super Media a great advantage in market expansion and cooperation.

6. Risk factors

Policy risk: The development of the new media industry is greatly affected by national policies. Policy changes may adversely affect Mango Hypermedia's business. Therefore, investors need to pay close attention to changes in national policies.

Market competition: The competition in the new media industry is fierce, and there are many competitors in the market. If Mango Super Media cannot adjust its strategy in time and enhance its competitiveness, it may face the risk of losing market share.

Technical risks: Mango Supermedia's technology research and development requires continuous investment of a lot of money and manpower. If the company cannot keep up with changes in market demand in technology research and development or encounters technical bottlenecks, it may adversely affect the company's business.

Mango Super Media: a media star, a hot land for investment, and the future can be expected


As one of the leading enterprises in China's new media industry, Mango Super Media has broad market prospects and huge development potential. The company has strong content production capabilities, technological leadership and brand influence, and has an excellent performance in financial data and market performance. However, investors also need to fully consider potential risk factors such as policy risks, market competition and technological risks in the investment process.

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