
The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

author:Huang Yi is here


The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Text: Blue Rabbit

Editor|Huang Yi is here

The hustle and bustle of Weibo movie night has come to an end, but the stage for celebrities and artists from all walks of life to compete is still there.

The 618 e-commerce carnival, which has been warmed up for a long time, has finally officially kicked off.

Hunan Satellite TV also gathered many popular star artists to organize a party for this year's 618.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Satellite TV has rarely held e-commerce parties recently, and Mango TV is unique and out of the limelight.

Grabbed the ratings on weekdays and directly won the ratings championship of the same satellite TV.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

It was such a relaxed and lively party, but it aroused heated discussions and criticism from netizens.

The reason is just two words - lip-syncing.

Chen Zheyuan slipped his hand to provoke a lip-synching storm

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

The party was star-studded and sang on stage.

Chen Zheyuan sang a song called "Forever Star" at the party, which caused a carnival among fans.

Because this song is a song in the youth idol TV series "Secretly Can't Hide" co-starring Chen Zheyuan and Zhao Lusi.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

It is even known as the "war song" of the male protagonist Duan Jia.

Chen Zheyuan sang on stage, and many fans excitedly said that this was simply the super after-sales of "Secretly Can't Hide", and they directly dreamed of the sweet love in the play.

The reversal of things appeared at this time, and Zhang Zheyuan suddenly reposted a Weibo that said that he was lip-syncing.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

This Weibo pointed out the specific time point of Chen Zheyuan's lip-syncing, and said that he sang particularly stuck, intermittently.

Looking back at the video of Zhang Zheyuan's singing, he even laughed on stage.

Even though there are fewer opportunities to sing as an actor, there is still a minimum of respect for the stage.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

As soon as this incident came out, the first thing in the fans was a joking and ridiculing attitude.

laughed that it was his brother's hand slippery, and said that Chen Zheyuan did not participate in this kind of activity much, and it was understandable to sing falsely, after all, many professional singers still sang falsely on stage.

Reading between the lines is to excuse their idols.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

But other netizens will not get used to Chen Zheyuan.

Some netizens even directly pointed out that the behavior of fans is too confusing, is this a very honorable thing?

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Why don't fans and owners have any shame at all?

Subsequently, public opinion continued to expand.

directly ranked first on the hot search list.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Later, the marketing account directly posted the list of true and fake singing of this Mango 618 party.

I don't know if I don't see it, and I'm shocked when I see it.

Of the 32 performers on the list, 14 were lip-synching.

Lip-synching accounted for nearly half.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

In this list of lip-synching, actors such as Chen Zheyuan and Chen Yao are excluded.

There are even some professional singers who choose to lip-synch.

Ironically, even Luo Yunxi, who is an actor, chose to sing for real.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

The professionalism of this room is not as good as that of an actor, which really makes people doubt their professionalism.

Some netizens directly named Zhang Yuan and Su Xing: "Zhang Yuan, wake up, I am ashamed of you." ”

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

The 0713 reemployment men's group, which became popular in middle age, has always been loved by the audience with its sincere image.

This time, the 618 party chose to lip-synch, and passers-by will inevitably suffer a certain loss of popularity.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Mango Channel's party this time compared with the film and television music festival of Shanghai Dragon TV the day before.

It can be said that the loss was a mess.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

On the stage of Dragon TV, there are a number of powerful singers singing, and there are no lip-synching contestants at all.

Zhang Xinzhe, who is now 57 years old, sang three songs in a row on stage, and his timbre is still steady.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

and the singer Sun Nan, who recently became popular for saving "Singer" and cutting his double eyelids, several classic skewers have made people see his real strength, and I look forward to him winning the championship in "Singer".

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

There are also Zhou Shen, Yu Shi, Mao Amin and others who sang for the party.

I don't know if those artists who are lip-synching on Hunan TV will blush when they see their professional attitude.

History is always strikingly similar.

In fact, it is nothing new that the lip-synching incident has caused heated discussions.

Dramatically, after last year's Weibo night meeting, it was also the lip-syncing incident that was controversial.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

The incident started with a blogger who used the live broadcast of the party and some videos taken by fans as a basis.

With the help of professional audio analysis software, the 10 programs of the 12 singers of the evening were detected.

It turned out that more than half of the singers were lip-synching.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Among all the singers who really sing, there is no pad sound, and the ones who are completely open are: Zhou Shen, Li Yuchun, and Liu Yuning.

Interestingly, comparing the list of real singers and fake singers on Weibo Night in 2023 and the list of 618 this year, there is one person who really has a long memory.

That is the champion of "The Voice of China" - Shan Yichun.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Last year, she was completely picked up by that blogger, and it is estimated that she will no longer dare to fool the audience casually.

Shan Yichun was revealed last year, not only lip-synching at the party, but even her own online concert was lip-synching.

The concert was originally to make money from fans, but it turned out to listen to the edited audio for fans.

May I ask Shan Yichun, as a professional singer, does it really hurt his conscience to do this?

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

If it weren't for being faked by the blogger, I really don't dare to think how long she would have to deceive her fans.

Lip-singers are everywhere

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Thinking back to the singer's lip-syncing incident, the Mayday incident cannot but be mentioned.

The Mayday falsetto incident caused a stir.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

After all, a veteran band that has debuted for 25 years has countless fans at home and abroad, and it is really embarrassing to be caught in a lip-praising turmoil.

In fact, when netizens watch the live video of the Mayday concert, they will understand that there is no need for bloggers to use professional software to analyze it.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Because the beginning is indeed a real singing, but when it comes to the chorus, the voice is directly twenty years younger.

Whether it is true or falset, the fans of the song are still arguing endlessly.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Some fans even reluctantly commented: "He doesn't even want to re-record a version with his current voice." ”

It is normal for 20-year-olds and 50-year-olds to have a gap in their voices, and it may not be unacceptable for fans to sing with their own acoustic voices.

If the voice conditions of a professional singer can no longer satisfy the fans and themselves, then at least the money of the fans in the concert should not be opened.

Mayday's lead singer Ashin also posted a response to the lip-syncing incident:

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess
"There is no other way to move you except to sing."

Later, Mayday broadcast the whole process at the Paris airport in order to prove his innocence.

As a result, the real singing was indeed the real singing, but it was called the scene of the car accident, and the tone was broken and out of tune.

The eyes of the masses were really bright, and the "ugly" topic rushed to the second place on the hot search list the next day.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Netizens said: What is the Paris self-certification field prove?

Is it to prove that it was all lip-synching before?

There are many fans who are silent after watching the live broadcast in Paris, and they have never seen the hammer itself so ruthless.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Singers are rampant in lip-twinking, and domestic records have long been lonely

In fact, as early as ten years ago, some people in the industry exposed the current situation of the Chinese music scene.

That person is the powerful singer Han Hong.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

She once confessed in an interview:

"All talent shows have to go to the studio after singing on the day, and TV talent shows are like that, so you don't have to take it seriously, it's not a competition. The real competition is that there is no need to do the following embellishments, and it is just what it is. ”
The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

And Han Hong also hit the nail on the head to express her views on the Chinese music scene.

She believes that there are no stars among Chinese pop singers, and they can't compare with singer Celine Dion.

Although Han Hong's words were sharp, they were not unreasonable.

International superstar Lady Gaga once said at the concert:

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess
"Someone asked me if I had ever lip-synced at a concert. The answer is no. I don't lip-sync, and I never lip-synch. ”

Looking at the Chinese music scene on the other hand, how many people can say the above paragraph innocently?

For the domestic record market, although we don't need to be arrogant, but blindly tolerate the deformed status quo of the industry, Chinese music will only be more lacking in vitality.

Some singers always have a way of proving that they are really singing

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

No matter how chaotic the status quo of the industry is, there will always be people who treat the audience sincerely.

Lin Junjie proved at the concert that there is no exactly the same "A Thousand Years Later" in the world.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Every time the treble part can play a new trick.

Singer Zheng Jun's attitude towards lip-synching is: I can go on stage, but I won't open my mouth.

In one program, each group of couples sang on stage.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

When others sang it, it was good, but when it was only the turn of Zheng Jun and Liu Yun, the audience found that something was wrong.

Because only Li Yun was performing throughout the whole process, Zheng Jun was holding a microphone and loading wood throughout the whole process.

Not to mention pretending to sing a sentence.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

When Eason Chan sang "Exaggeration" at the concert, he was too involved in the animation.

I knocked down the microphone in front of me.

He quickly picked it up and continued to sing, which could be heard smiling.

Sure enough, it can't be lipt-synched.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

When Jay Chou held a concert that year, he was so anxious that he improvised rap directly on the spot because he forgot the words.

The words made up are still complaining, and the words compiled by Fang Wenshan are too difficult to memorize.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Sing directly in the song: I have memorized it for a week, what should I do if I can't memorize it? I'll sing it casually, it's okay, it's already here.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Xue Zhiqian's concert frequency is very high, but no one will ever question his lip-syncing.

Because his microphone flew this time.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

The microphone ran out of power again.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

It's completely foreign, and it's different.

If Xue Zhiqian's concert microphone will run out of power, then Wu Bai can confidently say to Xue Zhiqian: "Take mine and use it!" ”

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Wu Bai's way of proving that he really sings is simply not to sing, which is exclusive to Wu Bai's fake singing.

At his performance, he only needs to start with the beginning, and the fans will naturally continue to sing.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Netizens said: Wu Bai is really difficult to lip-synch, because just singing those few lines is not at all.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

However, Wu Bai's state is really envious of many netizens.

There is no need for body management, and there is no appearance anxiety.

The costumes are messy, and you don't even have to sing it yourself at the concert.

The concert was held more than a dozen times a year, and at the end of the year, there were three microphones and electricity.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess


Netizens and fans hate lip-to-singing, and the fundamental reason is that they feel the singer's perfunctory.

In his position, as a singer, his job is to sing.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

I can't even do what I can do to make a living, is it still necessary to stay in this circle?

It's better to quickly give way to those who are really capable.

In fact, lip-synching is not without punishment.

The 2009 "Huang Shengyi Fake Singing Case" is a lesson from the past.

At Huang Shengyi's Chengdu concert at that time, two artists of his company were identified as fake singing by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Culture through forensics.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

At that time, the two were each fined 50,000 yuan, and the organizers were also punished.

It can be seen from this that lip-to-singing is not as simple as simply causing dissatisfaction among the audience.

This behavior even violates the Consumer Rights Protection Law.

After so many lip-syncing incidents, I really hope that no one in the Chinese music scene will lip-sync anymore in the future.

The professional singer actually sang falsetto, and the Mango TV evening party was compared to Dragon TV, and it was a mess

Some references:

Weibo|Entertainment list hot search, Chen Zheyuan


Douyin|Wu Bai concert video, Xue Zhiqian concert video

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