
WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

author:Peel the pits

On WeChat, when others send you a large number of pictures, how to save them in batches? Although WeChat provides the option of downloading pictures to the computer with multiple choices, it is more troublesome to operate, is there a way to automatically save them when chatting?

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

Indeed, recently in My Love, someone has come up with a small tool for WeChat, which can automatically back up WeChat pictures when you chat with someone, and it can read the encrypted dat picture files during WeChat chats.

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

Before introducing this tool, let's take a look at the author's interesting settings: First of all, this tool does not support viewing other people's pictures, supports users who have recently logged in, and the decryption process does not require logging in to WeChat, WeChat ID and related parameters. In addition, exporting emojis is not supported, because the author knows that emojis involve WeChat interests, after all, everyone already knows about Li Jumping.

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

This tool is free, and the author has also open-sourced the relevant code - but not in the core decryption algorithm, the author said that it is to avoid some people taking it and packaging it and then selling it twice, which is very good, to avoid the embarrassing situation of some free tools coming to the original author for an explanation after some people pay for it.

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

The software even has a "gentleman's agreement".

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

Take a look at the software itself, after opening the software, you can see that the main interface of the software is very simple, the main thing is to select the file directory.

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

But after you click on it, you will find that things are not so simple, it seems to be a bit round, its use logic and guidance method, the first time you use it may not be able to figure it out!

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

Step by step, the software first obtains the WeChat file storage directory, which can be found in the WeChat settings.

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience
WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

Fill in the path, click Scan, some pictures will come out for you to choose, some friends are confused, what is the situation of this choice picture? Does it matter if you pick any one? In fact, this is the most crucial step! The app uses the image you choose to determine who you want to save the image to.

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

The software doesn't mean collecting everyone's pictures in one go, it's following a conversation, and there are two options here.

The first one: you can send a new image in the chat box, the software will appear, and after you choose, it means telling the software to collect the picture in this conversation.

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

The second type is more convenient, drag a picture of the chat record into the software box, and the software will automatically recognize and select the corresponding picture.

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

After choosing, go back to the main interface, click the "Create" button to complete the settings of the software, you can create multiple saving rules, put the software in the background, and then the picture when you chat with the specified person will be automatically placed in the folder you want.

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

Its occupancy is relatively low:

Memory estimate: background 0.3-3M (self-starting) view mode 10-20M (main interface) view is fully open 30M+, thumbnails are memory-occupied, released when the window is closed.

CPU usage: 0%-5% (MAX)

With software such as cloud disk mounting, you can even store the pictures sent in the chat directly in the original image into the cloud disk, the process is fully automatic, in some more important occasions, these collected pictures, can become evidence or memories or something, or with other automated tools for subsequent processing.

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

When the author released this tool, he mentioned that this tool is used to help his friend deal with the OCR extraction of pictures sent by the boss, with this tool it is much more comfortable, after all, it is to be hung in the background to run, the author also mentioned the performance of this software and some optimizations:

WeChat chat picture backup tool, WxAutoExIm software experience

Programming languages: Rust, C++

Rust is the most rigorous programming language with memory, GC mechanism is also very radical, fltk framework is a light view framework, if the window is not opened since the start is only 3M, the program needs to run complex logic, if you simply entangle the tens of M memory is meaningless, after all, the mainstream view framework startup memory is more than 70, more than a hundred M are common, or the volume is very large.

Computing pictures and scanning files are very CPU-intensive, in order to pursue speed, scanning and dragging users is the limit, the system idle resources, but the duration is not long (100,000 pictures about 2 seconds) [the less pictures, the more saving] and he has a cache mechanism, scanning to produce cache search is very fast N ms level.