
If the blood is not passed, it will be painful, and the old Chinese medicine will cut in from the three points of qi, yang and stasis, so as to clear the blood and eliminate pain

author:Dr. Lee, the descendant of Qi Huang

Many friends in life will have waist and leg pain, chest pain, joint swelling and pain, and female friends will also have menstrual cramps. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that pain in any part of the body means that there is blockage, and there is a lack of qi, blood, and fluid. Today, Dr. Li has summarized the three causes of pain in the body based on years of clinical experience, and how to properly clear the blood vessels and eliminate pain.

If the blood is not passed, it will be painful, and the old Chinese medicine will cut in from the three points of qi, yang and stasis, so as to clear the blood and eliminate pain

The first type, qi stagnation: chest swelling and pain.

If a person is emotionally depressed for a long time, it will cause abnormal liver excretion function, at this time, the liver qi is blocked, and the flow of qi and blood will be blocked.

Such friends are often accompanied by irritability, poor appetite, and insomnia. For this situation, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Xiaoyaosan to open up liver qi and relieve chest pain and other problems.

If the blood is not passed, it will be painful, and the old Chinese medicine will cut in from the three points of qi, yang and stasis, so as to clear the blood and eliminate pain

The second type, yang deficiency and cold weight: joint pain.

In traditional Chinese medicine, blood coagulates when it encounters cold. This is because the cold evil has the nature of condensation and retraction, when the body is deficient in yang, cold and dampness are endogenous, or the temperature drops suddenly, and the body is not paid attention to keeping warm and keeping out the cold, the body suffers from the invasion of cold evil, and the qi and blood in the meridians are easy to run poorly, and if it is not passed, it will be painful. Many middle-aged and elderly friends in life are prone to joint pain when the weather is cold, because the yang qi in the body is deficient and cannot resist the external cold. In this case, the conditioning should be based on warming the yang and dissipating the cold, and you can refer to the addition and subtraction of the Jinkui Kidney Qi Tang to warm and replenish the body's yang qi and improve the symptoms of pain.

If the blood is not passed, it will be painful, and the old Chinese medicine will cut in from the three points of qi, yang and stasis, so as to clear the blood and eliminate pain

The third type, blood stasis: nodules, lumps and stinging

Many friends always have inexplicable bruises, purple patches, occasional lumps, nodules, and often accompanied by obvious tingling sensation, which is aggravated at night, which is a manifestation of congestion in the body. Such patients tend to have a dull complexion, rough skin, a dark tongue, and thick, purple sublingual meridians.

If there is blood stasis, it must be adjusted in time, and it is easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases if it drags on for a long time, such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and hypertension. For the pain caused by this kind of blood stasis, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Xuefu Zhuyu Tang to activate blood and remove blood stasis in time.

If the blood is not passed, it will be painful, and the old Chinese medicine will cut in from the three points of qi, yang and stasis, so as to clear the blood and eliminate pain

That's all for today. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, if you feel unwell, you must seek medical attention offline in time, guide you in syndrome differentiation, do not blindly use medicine, we will see you next time.

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