
#What is the most unbearable thing you can do when raising a cat#In the process of raising a cat, there are indeed some challenges and inconveniences that I can't stand in particular. The cat's cleaning habits sometimes make me feel a little sleepy

author:Overwhelmed Lao Zhang

#What is the most unbearable thing you can do when raising a cat#In the process of raising a cat, there are indeed some challenges and inconveniences that I can't stand in particular.

The cat's cleaning habits sometimes bother me a little. They pay a lot of attention to their cleanliness and spend a lot of time grooming, which makes them often shed hair and make the house full of cat hair, which makes me feel very inconvenient.

I think the biggest challenge of owning a cat is taking care of their emotional needs. Cats are very independent and individualistic animals that need a lot of attention and love. I need to spend a lot of time and energy to accompany them and meet their needs, which is a difficult task for me. #妙笔生花创作挑战#

#What is the most unbearable thing you can do when raising a cat#In the process of raising a cat, there are indeed some challenges and inconveniences that I can't stand in particular. The cat's cleaning habits sometimes make me feel a little sleepy
#What is the most unbearable thing you can do when raising a cat#In the process of raising a cat, there are indeed some challenges and inconveniences that I can't stand in particular. The cat's cleaning habits sometimes make me feel a little sleepy
#What is the most unbearable thing you can do when raising a cat#In the process of raising a cat, there are indeed some challenges and inconveniences that I can't stand in particular. The cat's cleaning habits sometimes make me feel a little sleepy