
China has achieved 1.43 kilometers of perspective through the wall, how terrible will it be if used on the battlefield of the future?

author:Xiao Liuliu
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Wen 丨 Xiaoliu


China's Technological breakthrough in Kilometer-Level Perspective Through the Wall will subvert the future battlefield intelligence competition

Recently, the team of Academician Pan Jianwei of the University of Science and Technology of China has made a major breakthrough in non-field imaging technology, achieving 1.43 km of through-wall perspective. This technological breakthrough marks China's leap to the forefront of the world in this field, and its application potential in the future battlefield can be described as amazing.

China has achieved 1.43 kilometers of perspective through the wall, how terrible will it be if used on the battlefield of the future?

First, China has achieved "kilometer-level" perspective through the wall

Recently, the team of Academician Pan Jianwei of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a major breakthrough in non-field imaging technology, achieving 1.43 kilometers of through-wall perspective. This achievement marks that the mainland's research in this field has reached the world's top level.

Non-field imaging has been called a revolution in optics. The basic principle is to use laser measurement technology to capture the light interaction information between the laser and the target object, and then obtain a three-dimensional image of the object through algorithm calculation. This technique acts as a kind of "clairvoyant eye", allowing the observer to see through visual barriers and gain insight into hidden objects.

China has achieved 1.43 kilometers of perspective through the wall, how terrible will it be if used on the battlefield of the future?

Until then, the continent's non-field imaging distance record had been stuck at about 50 meters. Through this research, Chinese scientists extended the application distance of this technology to 1.43 kilometers, achieving "kilometer-level" perspective through the wall. **This means that our troops can see through important enemy targets at a distance of more than one kilometer and conduct covert reconnaissance.

In contrast, the current results of foreign public research are still on the order of 100 meters. The latest breakthrough by Chinese scientists shows that the mainland is already leading the world in research in this field. This has provided technical support for our army to develop new reconnaissance means.

In short, China's scientific research breakthrough of "kilometer-level" through the wall will bring more "invisible vision" to our military. The potential for military applications revealed by this ultra-long-range "see-through capability" is exciting.

China has achieved 1.43 kilometers of perspective through the wall, how terrible will it be if used on the battlefield of the future?

Second, the technology will subvert the acquisition of intelligence in the future battlefield

In future wars, all parties will surely fight for the right to information and decision-making. Grasping the real-time and accuracy of battlefield dynamics is directly related to the life and death of troops. The latest wall-piercing perspective technology studied by Chinese scientists is expected to bring a subversive breakthrough in this demand.

Traditional reconnaissance methods, such as manual reconnaissance and UAV reconnaissance, have certain limitations. They are either poorly concealed or have limited application. For example, in complex environments such as jungles and cities, these reconnaissance methods are often greatly reduced.

China has achieved 1.43 kilometers of perspective through the wall, how terrible will it be if used on the battlefield of the future?

China's new through-the-wall perspective technology has advantages that other tools cannot match. It is like a kind of "augmented reality" perspective eye, which allows soldiers to "see" through obstacles in any environment and directly obtain real-time information about enemy movements.

This technological advantage means that our military can actively seize information rights in any complex environment, greatly improving the accuracy and timeliness of operational decision-making. It can also be used for covert reconnaissance of important enemy targets and obtain key strategic intelligence.

It can be said that this breakthrough technology has become a super powerful weapon for our military to fight for information rights, and it will completely rewrite the pattern of intelligence acquisition in the future battlefield. The side that gains intelligence superiority is more likely to take the initiative in the war.

China has achieved 1.43 kilometers of perspective through the wall, how terrible will it be if used on the battlefield of the future?

Third, technological superiority demonstrates our military's combat wisdom

The achievement of this scientific and technological achievement not only shows the enhancement of China's scientific research strength, but also demonstrates the continuous improvement of our military's combat wisdom.

In scientific research, Chinese scientists have achieved technological breakthroughs of this level, which fully proves that the mainland has the ability to break through and innovate in frontier fields. In many links such as laser ranging, detector manufacturing, and complex algorithms, Chinese scientists have demonstrated world-class technical strength.

At the same time, this is also the embodiment of our army's combat wisdom. That is, the Chinese military is good at grasping the possibility of war revolution generated by cutting-edge technology and quickly transforming it into actual combat advantages.

China has achieved 1.43 kilometers of perspective through the wall, how terrible will it be if used on the battlefield of the future?

Specifically, the application prospects of this "clairvoyant eye" technology in complex battlefield environments can be described as broad. It will potentially subvert the intelligence and reconnaissance landscape of the future military and give our military many new combat options.

Our military understands this and has chosen to invest resources and talent in this disruptive technology. The Chinese military has taken a firm step on the road of using scientific and technological innovation to gain combat superiority.

It is foreseeable that in future wars, whichever side can make full use of cutting-edge technology to obtain information rights will be more likely to gain the strategic initiative. This achievement is an important symbol of our army's competition for the lead in this key field.

If you have any opinions, please also welcome to interact with me in the comment area!

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