
Douyin increases the input of knowledge content: launches protection measures such as fan transfer and original review

author:Beijing News
Douyin increases the input of knowledge content: launches protection measures such as fan transfer and original review

On October 15, the 3rd Douyin Creators Conference was held in Nanjing. Zhi Ying, vice president of Douyin, said that increasing content investment in knowledge and culture and making knowledge content better distributed will be the focus of Douyin's work in the future.

Douyin will also serve authors from the direction of optimizing traffic support and providing more creative tools. In terms of original protection, in addition to the previously launched Originals Alliance program, Douyin has recently launched fan transfer and original conference hall functions to create a healthy and original ecological environment for creators.

Increase investment in knowledge content

According to the previously released "2021 Douyin Pan-Knowledge Content Data Report", in the past year, the number of pan-knowledge content playback on Douyin has increased by 74% year-on-year. At the same time, Peking University, Tsinghua University and many other universities have held classes on Douyin live broadcast, with a total of 12580 sessions, of which Peking University starts broadcasting 199 times a year, which is equivalent to one public class lecture every two days.

At the meeting, Chen Bo, deputy director of the Media Center of Peking University, said when sharing the experience of Peking University and Douyin cooperating to carry out open classes, "Regularly introducing Peking University's high-quality lectures and curriculum resources to the public has become the norm for our work. As a result, our Douyin has also completed the transformation from imparting 'light knowledge' to 'academic resources and scientific popularization', and the Chinese education community represented by Peking University has cooperated with Douyin to truly achieve 'universal knowledge'. ”

Liu Yu, head of operation of Douyin creators, introduced that in the future, Douyin will continue to exert efforts in the fields of knowledge, fashion and art, upgrade the "DOU Zhi Plan" and "Douyin Trend Art Festival", and support the content of science and technology, science popularization, art and other directions in a targeted manner, and enrich the content ecology of Douyin.

Optimize the original protection experience

With the expansion of the Douyin service scene, the identity of the creator is more and more diverse and complex, and Douyin said that it will continue to serve the author well, optimize traffic support, creation tools, and focus on optimizing and improving the creator's original protection experience and special population services such as the elderly.

In terms of original protection, Douyin launched fan transfer and original chamber functions. The former can transfer the fans generated by the infringing account due to malicious porting to the original author, while the latter invites high-quality original authors and professionals to form a jury to jointly vote on the content of the dispute.

As early as February 2020, Douyin launched the Creator Alliance Program, cooperating with professional copyright monitoring agencies to provide free infringement monitoring and rights protection services on 20 platforms for high-quality original authors. Up to now, more than 30,000 authors have joined, and more than 670,000 infringing videos outside the station have been helped to help authors complain about removing them.

In addition, Douyin also pays attention to the use experience of special groups such as the elderly. The online elderly mode and large-character concise mode make it more convenient for the elderly to use vibrato; set up time management functions to achieve the agreed use time to remind users to rest in time; set up an exclusive elderly customer service hotline, and customer service personnel use regional dialects and slow speaking speed to serve the elderly group.

Beijing News shell financial reporter Bai Jinlei Editor Xu Chao Proofreader Wang Xin