
Zhang Decheng, the brother of the Boxer master, was killed in his escape: I want to eat a luxurious banquet or it will not be over

Zhang Decheng, the brother of the Boxer master, was killed in his escape: I want to eat a luxurious banquet or it will not be over

Author: Sasha

This article is Sasha's original and will not be reprinted by any media

On July 13, 1900, 118 years ago today, the city of Tianjin was breached by the Eight-Power Alliance, and the Qing army and the Boxers were defeated. In the process of fleeing, Zhang Decheng, the master brother of the first regiment under the world, died. Listen to Sasha.

Zhang Decheng, the brother of the Boxer master, was killed in his escape: I want to eat a luxurious banquet or it will not be over

There are many theories about Zhang Decheng's death.

Sasha will talk about the saying in "Fist Change".

Zhang Decheng was the most powerful Boxer brother in Tianjin and even in the directly subordinate region.

He is a boatman, very much of a fist and foot kung fu, and his fame in the jianghu is also relatively large.

His Boxers numbered more than 20,000 people, the so-called first regiment in the world.

After the defeat of Tianjin, Zhang Decheng fled to the town of Wangjiakou with the remnants.

The Eight-Nation Alliance pursued Zhang Decheng and also killed the town of Duliu, which was not far away.

Wangjiakou Town is a waterway pass, and there are many small merchants. The strength of the Boxers here was weak, and local security was mainly maintained by the landlords' militia regiments.

How many townships can there be in a town? Obviously not the opponents of thousands of Boxers.

The merchants did not dare to offend Zhang Decheng, nor did they dare to offend the Eight-Nation Alliance. After discussion, they hoped to meet all of Zhang Decheng's demands, asked for money to give money, and asked for grain to give grain, but they just hoped that they would leave as soon as possible.

In this way, the Eight-Power Alliance would not go to war in Wangjiakou Town and hit the pond fish.

Zhang Decheng, the brother of the Boxer master, was killed in his escape: I want to eat a luxurious banquet or it will not be over

Zhang Decheng was not an easy person to deal with. He was arrogant in Tianjin, and even yulu, the governor of Tianjin, was respectful to Zhang Decheng.

Originally, the general of the defeated army could not be strictly courageous, but Zhang Decheng was still full of momentum when he arrived in a small place like Wangjiakou Town.

He also understood that the merchants in Wangjiakou Town would try their best to pat him on the back and beg him to leave quickly, so he was very arrogant.

The local merchant invited him to a banquet and sent a palanquin of 2 people to pick him up.

Zhang Decheng was furious: When I was in Tianjin, the government used eight caravans to pick me up, so why don't I go? Are you looking down on me?

Where there is a baqi bridge in a small place, the merchants have no choice but to take out the palanquin dedicated to Guan Laoye from the Guandi Temple.

Zhang De stereotyped the merchants comparing him to Guan Gong, and his anger subsided a little, and he went down to the banquet with a few subordinates.

Just after sitting down, Zhang Decheng found that the banquet was only big fish and meat in the countryside, and burned into a large bowl. Zhang Decheng believes that this is a rural banquet, the grade is not enough, and he is angry again: how do I get chopsticks for such a dish?

Subsequently, Zhang Decheng overturned the table and asked the merchants to re-set up the banquet.

Zhang Decheng, the brother of the Boxer master, was killed in his escape: I want to eat a luxurious banquet or it will not be over

At that time, the city of Tianjin was destroyed, the Eight-Nation Alliance army was robbing and killing people everywhere, the people fled 90%, and the countryside was also in panic. Ordinary people can't even eat their nests, and this kind of feast is already doing their best.

The merchants originally wanted to seek perfection and send the plague god away.

Who knows, Zhang Decheng's requirements are so high, and the businessmen are also angry.

The merchants discussed it and thought that Zhang Decheng was making unreasonable trouble, and I was afraid that such a low three or four was not the way to go.

Therefore, Liu Yihe, the leader of the militia group, suggested that he bring not many of his subordinates to the banquet, and simply kill them all to avoid any trouble.

At this point, it seems that this is the only way.

Zhang Decheng, the brother of the Boxer master, was killed in his escape: I want to eat a luxurious banquet or it will not be over

Therefore, Liu Yihe rushed in with a group of vigilantes and captured the 54-year-old Zhang Decheng with seven hands and eight feet.

Zhang Decheng's men were originally defeated, and where they had the courage to fight, they scattered and fled.

At this time, Zhang Decheng knew that he was afraid, and prostrated his head and begged for forgiveness.

Liu Yihe, the leader of the vigilante group, said angrily: "Don't you mean that you can't get in with a knife and gun?" I'll give it a try.

As a result, seven or eight people slashed their swords together, and Zhang Decheng was cut into meat paste.

The demigod Zhang Decheng died like this, and the body was thrown into the Ziya River.

After Zhang Decheng's death, his subordinates did not dare to retaliate, but scattered.

The above is a saying in "Fist Changes Afterword".

Disclaimer: This article refers to Luo Xiaoxiao's "Fist Changes Afterword"

The image comes from the Baidu image of the network, if there is any infringement, please notify the deletion.

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