
Use folk songs to inherit the cultural roots - "Original Sound - Chinese Folk Song Festival" is sung passionately in Zuo Quan

author:Taiyuan Radio and Television Station

Pass on the roots of culture and sing the folk songs of the times. "Original Soundtrack - Chinese Folk Song Festival" created by China Central Radio and Television Station will be premiered in the CCTV-1 comprehensive channel, CCTV-3 variety channel and CCTV-15 music channel under the headquarters in the near future, and will be broadcast in ten episodes successively, and the program will also be promoted or broadcast simultaneously on radio, television, integrated media, buses, subways, transportation stations, cinema lines, etc. in Shanxi Province. "Original Sound - Chinese Folk Song Festival" is a variety show season program jointly organized by Shanxi Province and China Central Radio and Television Station, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Literary and Art Program Center of the General Station, and undertaken by Zuoquan County. Zhu Xun, Zhang Tao, Nigmat, etc., famous program hosts of the main station, and famous singers Wang Erni, Zhou Shen, Mi Hong, Tan Weiwei, etc. will appear one after another, and a folk song expert group composed of Tian Qing, Li Yuehong and the presidents of seven major music conservatories in China will perform on-site interpretation.

In order to create the volume of voice, before and after the broadcast, the head office gave full play to the advantages of the communication matrix, and the hosts Wen Jing and Yang Fan opened the "CCTV News 4-hour Live Broadcast", displaying Zuoquan intangible cultural heritage, cultural and creative products, special food, etc. through studio interviews, immersive experiences, cloud visits and other forms, so as to enhance the vividness and interest of the folk song festival. In the "Hello Folk Songs" program, hosts Nigmat, Zhu Guangquan, Wen Jing, Ju Ping, etc. will integrate folk culture with local characteristics through reality shows, folk song village evenings and other forms, so as to achieve the role of warming up the folk song festival and linking the national folk songs with Zuo Quan as the basic plate. CGTN reporters will tell the story of Chinese and Shanxi Zuoquan folk songs overseas in the form of visiting the class recording scene and foreigners learning to sing Chinese folk songs. New media platforms such as CCTV Literature and Art, CCTV News, CCTV Video and will link thousands of outdoor screens in more than 100 major cities across the country, as well as landmark screens and commercial platforms such as Times Square in New York, NASDAQ in New York, Burj Khalifa in the United Arab Emirates, etc., to achieve the spread effect of applause at home and abroad.

Since the press conference was held on July 13 and the collection activity "I Sing Folk Songs for My Hometown" was launched, "Original Sound - Chinese Folk Song Festival" has achieved 150 million reading attention on the whole network in just one month, showing a trend of being popular before broadcasting. The program is a vivid practice of the central government and the local government to explore the value of the excellent traditional cultural era, strengthen cultural self-confidence, sing the new era, create cultural products, and better build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Music competitions and reality shows will be the main forms to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture by excavating and interpreting the cultural genes hidden in traditional folk songs.

The "Song Nest" sings beautiful folk songs

The program chose the stage in the foothills of the Taihang Mountain and the Qingzhang River in Zuoquan County, Jinzhong City, where "Bihu string songs, literary style is quite prosperous", with the real landscape as the base and the five-color lighting as the pen, reflecting each other into a picture of original folk songs, showing the long history of Chinese folk song culture through "thought + art + technology". From the older generation of artists to the new generation of musicians, friends who love folk songs from all over the country meet to sing together and light up "Original Sound - Chinese Folk Song Festival".

"Original Sound - Chinese Folk Song Festival" takes folk song exhibitions as the main form, through the exchange and cooperation between the older generation of artists and the new generation of musicians, to bring the audience ten audio-visual feasts with both musical enjoyment and cultural atmosphere. The program will be composed of four themes: "The Sun Comes Out Joyful", "The Song Goes to the Sunset Slope", "The Water of the Fenhe River is Booming" and "Shandan Dan Blossoms Red and Bright", with classic songs flowing in time, and the original sound of flying over plateaus and hills, opening a folk song journey.

Sing classic songs to awaken the emotional resonance in the memory

In the first program, four songs from different regions and different styles presented different geographical scenery under the background of the real lighting stage, showing the heroic spirit of the working people to the fullest. When the intangible cultural heritage left right blossoms and tunes, "Peach Blossom Red Apricot Blossom White" depicts a hundred miles of galleries with peach blossoms and beautiful scenery; A well-known song "Jasmine" sung by Salina, You Guotong, Zhang Chunfeng, Lei Meifeng and representatives of folk song inheritors from all over the world, bringing together different singing voices from all over the world and colliding classics into a new folk song charm.

The program will also interpret the cultural genes in traditional folk songs through a new folk song stage presentation, trace the image of Chinese folk songs in the long history of history, and combine the innovative interpretations of young musicians to show the creative vitality of folk songs. Zhou Shen's song "Valley Rainy Day" sings the joy of the harvest man welcoming the valley rain and hoping for a good harvest; Alain and Le Chi Gyaltso sang "Song Against the Wall" adapted from Tibetan folk songs, showing the heartiness of hard work with light tunes and joyful Tibetan dances; "Jangal Heroic Praise" under the melody of horse head qin, humai and long tune, singing the open-minded feeling of galloping in the boundless grassland and singing in the vast world; The sound of commenting is pleasant, and the encounter with smoke and rain Jiangnan is the romance told in "Chat about Giving a Leaf of Autumn".

Light up cultural self-confidence and illuminate the road of high-quality development with the light of brilliant culture

From the opening night of the first issue of "Original Sound - Chinese Folk Song Festival", I witnessed the endless vitality of Chinese national music with the audience, "the world's folk songs look at China, Chinese folk songs look at Shanxi, and Shanxi folk songs look at Zuo Quan", Zuo Quan is the ocean of folk songs, villages sing folk songs, and everyone sings folk songs. According to reports, the program is held in the "hometown of Chinese folk culture and art" and Zuo Quan, which is full of heroic feelings, which is the deep integration of folk songs with culture and civilization, and is a specific practice of continuing red genes and strengthening cultural self-confidence, so as to use folk songs to tell Chinese stories well, let the world hear Shanxi, China, and realize a comprehensive promotion of Shanxi's high-quality development.

In order to run a good program, the Central Radio and Television Station sent an excellent creative team, relying on the communication advantages of the station, rooted in the deep heritage of Shanxi, showing the Zuoquan folk song culture with first-class planning and stage design, and spreading the territory of Chinese folk songs from the dimensions of historical Shanxi, cultural Shanxi, and fashion Shanxi, helping Chinese folk songs empower Shanxi cultural tourism.

The reporter learned in the interview that the leftist masses like folk songs from the bottom of their hearts, and during the recording of the program, whether in the city and countryside, or in the streets and alleys, everyone was eagerly looking forward to developing the unique culture into an irreplaceable economic resource and promoting the comprehensive development of rural revitalization, cultural tourism, and industrial agglomeration. The headquarters and Shanxi Province will form a joint force to realize the continuity and effectiveness of the entire folk song activity, with the goal of building a base for the dissemination of Chinese folk songs, expanding the form and artistic content of life drawing, attracting more tourists and young people to Zuoquan, exploring the rich connotation of folk song culture, launching more high-quality masterpieces, promoting the deep integration of life drawing and tourism, and building an authoritative stage for folk song cultural innovation and exchange, and striving to build Zuoquan folk songs into a sustainable development industry.

Next, artists and folk song lovers in the folk song industry will continue to sing in the landscape, leading the audience to understand the position of folk songs in the music of the times, arousing the audience's love for folk songs, inheriting cultural roots with folk songs, and lighting up cultural confidence with art.

Source: Shanxi Daily

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