
The 3rd Fisherman's Cultural Festival in Huicheng Jiangnan opened, and cultural tourism empowered the "Millions of Projects"

author:Huicheng release

The green water is leisurely on the banks of the East River, and the sound of gongs and drums celebrates the start of fishing. On June 30, the 3rd Fisherman's Cultural Festival of Jintou Lake, Qilian Village, Jiangnan Street, Huicheng District opened.

With the theme of "Promoting Dongjiang Culture and Boosting the 'Millions of Projects'", this year's Fishermen Cultural Festival held a series of wonderful activities to share the joy of welcoming fishing with citizens and tourists, while showcasing the long-standing Dongjiang fisherman culture and beautiful landscape scenery of Jintou Lake, and promoting the cultural tourism empowerment of the "Millions of Projects" in the south of the Yangtze River.

He Hailang, member of the Standing Committee of the Huicheng District Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, attended the event and announced the official launch of the series of activities of this fisherman's cultural festival.

The 3rd Fisherman's Cultural Festival in Huicheng Jiangnan opened, and cultural tourism empowered the "Millions of Projects"

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Fishermen's folk performances show the charm of traditional culture

......At 3:30 p.m., with the sound of the leading gong, the mighty parade began. In front of the dragon flag, gongs and drums and so on, there are performance squares wearing traditional fishermen's characteristic costumes to accompany each other, the parade team around the Jintouhu Village group while walking and performing, but also keep waving to the onlookers, the scene is not lively.

Jintouhu Village Group is a Dongjiang fishing village with a history of more than 300 years. Since ancient times, the villagers of Jintou Lake have mainly engaged in fishing, and still retain a distinctive fisherman's cultural tradition.

For a while, there is a Dongjiang dragon soaring and flying, a moment there is a fan dance graceful and soft, and there are catchy Dongjiang Hakka songs, the Dongjiang fisherman's theme scene song and dance "Gongs and Drums Ring to Celebrate the Opening of Fishing" reproduces the harmonious life of the fishing village and the warm scene of celebrating the opening of fishing, fully demonstrates the charm of the traditional culture of the fisherman, and ignites the atmosphere of the third fisherman's cultural festival.

"Let's sail!" With the sound of a gong, the dragon and lion dance at the opening ceremony were celebrated. In ancient times, in order to pray for safety and a good harvest, the fishermen of Jintou Lake held a grand and grand ceremony before each boat. Nowadays, the fishermen beat the drum for the trumpet, the gong opens the way, and on the surface of the Dongjiang River, the fishing boats with the fishing flags of Jintou Lake set off in turn, riding the wind and waves, indicating that there is new hope in the new year.

Subsequently, the original programs such as the fisherman's dance "The Most Beautiful Fisherman's Girl", the solo song "Revitalize the Countryside and Sing", the fisherman's dance "The Sun Comes Out and the Joyful Ocean", and the song and dance "Pilot" were staged in turn, showing the positive and high-spirited, united and cooperative spirit of the fishermen in the new era, expressing the fishermen's expectations and yearning for a better life, and the wonderful performance won bursts of applause from the audience.

It is worth mentioning that there is also a group of special "relatives" who came to the site of the 3rd Fisherman's Cultural Festival, and they are guests who came from Nafu Street, Guizhou County. Since 2021, when Jiangnan Sub-district and Nafu Sub-district launched the twinning assistance work, the two places have comprehensively promoted the in-depth development of cooperation between the two places in various aspects such as financial support, talent exchange, industrial cooperation, labor service cooperation, and consumption cooperation.

The 3rd Fisherman's Cultural Festival in Huicheng Jiangnan opened, and cultural tourism empowered the "Millions of Projects"

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Seven alliances were signed on the spot to gather and develop synergies

The "Millions and Millions Project" needs to be cohesive and mobilize the active participation of the whole society.

With the comprehensive promotion of the "Millions of Projects", Jiangnan Street has innovatively launched the "Millions of Projects" co-construction alliance to integrate social resources, stimulate social vitality and build social consensus from different perspectives. At the opening ceremony, Jiangnan Street joined hands with 7 alliances to carry out the signing ceremony of the joint construction alliance.

Among them, the CPPCC member alliance relies on the "CPPCC member studio" to carry out democratic supervision, social and public opinion collection, project support, etc.; The People's Congress Deputies Alliance carries out public opinion collection, publicity and interpretation of policies, and promotion of grassroots governance through the liaison stations of village (community) people's congress deputies; The United Front Alliance closely combines the resource advantages of the democratic parties with the actual situation of Qilian Village, and actively practices pairing and co-construction; Relying on local colleges and universities, the Wisdom Alliance provides technical support, intellectual support and talent support for the "Millions and Thousands Project" of Jiangnan Street; The business alliance gathers the strength of the chamber of commerce in the jurisdiction, provides financial and resource support, and enriches the business format of the jurisdiction; The Township Sage Alliance attracts the return of rural talents and provides human, financial and material support for rural construction; The cultural alliance injects vitality into cultural inheritance and promotion, cultural exchange and cooperative performances.

The 3rd Fisherman's Cultural Festival in Huicheng Jiangnan opened, and cultural tourism empowered the "Millions of Projects"

The opening ceremony also held the establishment ceremony of Huizhou Qilianqiang Village Management Co., Ltd. This is an important step taken by Jiangnan Street in promoting economic development and rural revitalization, aiming to strengthen the collective economic strength of the village, promote the diversified development of the village industry through standardized management and resource integration, and realize the increase of villagers' income and the prosperity of the village.

In order to promote "supply creates demand, demand generates cooperation, cooperation brings win-win, and win-win promotes development", and encourages college students to actively participate in the construction of the "Millions of Projects", the Housing and Construction Bureau of Huicheng District of Huizhou City and the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering of Huizhou University signed a twinning strategic cooperation framework agreement on the spot, which will provide intellectual support for the investment, construction and operation of the next series of projects in Jiangnan Street.

In addition, with the entry of industries and the increase in passenger flow, Jiangnan Street has launched a design and creativity competition of "Tourist Reception Center" in fishing villages in order to create a characteristic service landmark of fishing villages, help improve the style of fishing villages, and empower the cultivation of typical villages of the "Millions and Thousands of Projects" in Qilian Village. At the scene, Jiangnan Street presented awards to the authors who won the first, second and third prizes, and it is reported that the excellent design creative drawings will be applied to the actual construction of the countryside.

The 3rd Fisherman's Cultural Festival in Huicheng Jiangnan opened, and cultural tourism empowered the "Millions of Projects"

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Cultural tourism empowers the new development of a century-old Dongjiang fishing village

"At present, we continue to promote the cultivation of typical villages in Qilian Village, precipitate characteristic rural cultural traditions, revitalize local cultural resources, write good articles on rural 'water', 'literature' and 'beauty', and promote the integration of culture and tourism and the transformation and upgrading of rural industrial structure." Zou Zhuangfan, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiangnan Street, said.

Jintouhu Village Group is a Dongjiang fishing village with a history of more than 300 years, the village is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the river, with a 5-kilometer-long shoreline of the Dongjiang River and the widest Shuichong Bay of 2 kilometers.

Every year the fishing is new. In recent years, Jiangnan Street has deeply excavated and revitalized the historical and cultural heritage of fishermen precipitated by the Jintou Lake villager group of Qilian Village for more than 300 years, and deepened the brand building of Jintou Lake as "the closest fisherman cultural village to the city center". Last year, Qilian Village of Jiangnan Street was selected as the first batch of typical villages to be cultivated in Guangdong Province's "Millions of Projects".

The 3rd Fisherman's Cultural Festival in Huicheng Jiangnan opened, and cultural tourism empowered the "Millions of Projects"

The hundred-year-old Dongjiang fishing village - Jintou Lake Group of Qilian Village is riding the east wind of the "Millions of Projects" to constantly glow with a new era and cultural charm. At present, the construction of Jintou Lake Boutique Village is "flowering at multiple points", and a number of characteristic cultural and tourism projects such as the Fisherman's Cultural Center, Fisherman's Wharf, Ecological Parking Lot, and Hiking Trail with the theme of "fishing" have been completed, and the construction of viewing platforms and second-phase hiking trails is in progress. The old fishing village has a new look, the characteristic rural cultural tourism industry is growing, the ecological, livable and beautiful village is becoming more and more prominent, and the goal of building a "fisherman's cultural village closest to the city center" is gradually being realized.

In order to better publicize and promote the fisherman culture of Jintou Lake, so that more people pay attention to and support rural development, Jiangnan Street has held two consecutive fisherman cultural festival series activities last year and the year before last, which has been widely praised by local villagers and people from all walks of life. Zou Zhuangfan said that the 3rd Fisherman's Cultural Festival will continue to show the simple fisherman's folk customs of Jintou Lake and the achievements of cultural tourism construction with rural characteristics, especially to take this event as an opportunity to further unite the strength of all walks of life, set sail again, and work together to build a happier and more beautiful Jiangnan with practical actions.

The 3rd Fisherman's Cultural Festival in Huicheng Jiangnan opened, and cultural tourism empowered the "Millions of Projects"

[Chita D]

Jiangnan Street "Water", "Literature" and "Beauty"

Jiangnan Street takes the three articles of "water", "literature" and "beauty" as the axis to create a "Qilian Village, Urban-Rural Integration" of "urban and rural integration".

Inject water into the source and write a good "water" article. In recent years, relying on the resource endowment and industrial development foundation along the Dongjiang River, Jiangnan Street has built 22 characteristic nodes to promote the integrated development of various "Blue Road +" multi-business formats. The successive construction of fisherman's wharf and riverside trails have met the needs of the masses for riverside activity space.

Shape with the text and write a good "text" article. Through in-depth excavation and enrichment of the cultural connotation of fishermen in Jintou Lake, and actively revitalize the use of fishermen's cultural resources, we are committed to promoting the interactive development of agriculture, culture and tourism, the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and continuously strengthening the revitalization of "fishery" characteristics. The planned "Zhuzhishan Culture" and "Ancient Tree Village Project" will further enrich the cultural connotation of Jiangnan streets.

Improve the quality with beauty and write a good "beauty" article. In the process of promoting rural revitalization, Jiangnan Street pays attention to the protection and beautification of the ecological environment. Through the implementation of greening projects, garbage classification, river improvement and other measures, the quality of the ecological environment of the village has been continuously improved. At the same time, we will strengthen the construction of village infrastructure and improve the level of public services.

Source: Nanfang + (reporter Lu Hui, correspondent Liao Chenyang, Lu Jiaqi), please indicate.

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