
51-year-old Kudo Shizuka wears a blue and white long dress and is praised as a princess, and Kimura Takuya prefers to shoot her face without filters

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51-year-old Kudo Shizuka wears a blue and white long dress and is praised as a princess, and Kimura Takuya prefers to shoot her face without filters

On October 3, local time, Shizuka Kudo once again posted a beautiful photo on her personal social media, wearing a blue and white pleated dress, standing in the courtyard of her mansion, looking very elegant and beautiful, at first glance, it does not look like a 51-year-old lady. Although Kudo has always become the most hated actress of the year in Japan for many years, she still has many fans, and after half saying goodbye to the entertainment industry, Kudo's lifestyle has also been liked by many people, and the kind of "quiet years" is very enviable. I have to say that Kudo's clothing taste is still good, the combination of popular and retro, can always show a unique feeling, of course, this way of wearing is also more suitable for her thin body.

51-year-old Kudo Shizuka wears a blue and white long dress and is praised as a princess, and Kimura Takuya prefers to shoot her face without filters

Kudo, who danced in a long skirt, was also praised by fans for "acting like a princess". If you don't carefully appreciate Kudo's face, you will really think that she is very young, after all, the bone feeling is very age-reducing in front of the camera, but it may be due to too little fat, her face wrinkles are obviously more, of course, some people think that this is related to her love of surfing but not wearing sunscreen.

51-year-old Kudo Shizuka wears a blue and white long dress and is praised as a princess, and Kimura Takuya prefers to shoot her face without filters

Kudo's life is indeed what many people yearn for, and she updates her social media accounts almost every day to show the bits and pieces of life, including her own beautiful figure. Kudo loves painting and is very good at colorful oil paintings, the female figure in the painting may be her imaginary self, in addition, Kudo is also full of the virtue of "Yamato Fumiko", cooking delicious and nutritious dishes for her family and herself is also her daily life. In addition, like many famous and rich women, she likes to show off the luxuries she has, but it is not excessive, so she will not be overly accused.

51-year-old Kudo Shizuka wears a blue and white long dress and is praised as a princess, and Kimura Takuya prefers to shoot her face without filters

Compared to his wife's semi-housewife life (and occasional performances), Takuya Kimura, as a husband, is still often busy with work, but this does not delay him from updating his social media and showing his fans his dynamics. Unlike his wife, who often shows off his posture, Kimura, 48, prefers couplet selfies, after posting a nucleic acid test before filming the day before. Although Kimura is a person who wins by appearance, he does not use filters excessively, and the small imperfections on his face are also very clear, which is different from Kudo.

51-year-old Kudo Shizuka wears a blue and white long dress and is praised as a princess, and Kimura Takuya prefers to shoot her face without filters

A couple who have been married for more than 20 years, although they are all Japanese topic figures, but they rarely appear in the same frame, it seems that they are still taking care of the emotions of fans, of course, they can still find evidence of the two people's relationship from some details, which may also be the reason why their marriage can be kept fresh.

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