
"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

author:Multi-talented water drop cua

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Love and persistence: Liu Shilong's legendary career, Liu Shilong, once shouted in the movie "Heroic Sons and Daughters" "For victory, shoot at me!" This name has inspired the blood of countless people. However, when he finally received the greatest recognition of his acting career at the age of 87, he passed away 11 days later, leaving his widow alone to keep the memories.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

Liu Shilong's artistic journey began in 1930, he was born in Anhui Province to a revolutionary family, his father Liu Hanzhao was an old Red Army member, participated in the Ningdu Uprising, and long engaged in united front cultural work in the Hubei-Yu-Anhui revolutionary base. Her mother Huang Mei was a female Red Army who participated in the Wanyuan armed uprising, while her sister Liu Fengying joined the revolution early, and later went to study at the Yan'an Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, and served in the political department of the army after liberation.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

At the age of 9, Liu Shilong followed his father to the barracks, and at first, he could only study at the Joint Primary School of the Army, doing daily chores such as laundry and cooking. Liu Shilong did not want to become a burden to the army, and always warned himself to study hard to contribute to the army. Until one day, the county literary troupe came to the army to carry out theatrical performances.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

The singing and music on stage deeply attracted Liu Shilong, who realized for the first time that he could also enrich the life of the barracks and boost morale through literature and art. From that moment on, he used all his free time to practice acting, first learning to sing popular songs by actors of the county literary troupe, and later practicing solo and choral singing, learning some simple instrumental playing skills.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

Through continuous efforts, Liu Shilong has grown into an excellent literary and artistic propagandist, who not only sings and dances well, but also has strong combat effectiveness. In 1951, Liu Shilong was selected to be sent to the Southwest People's Art Institute for further study with his outstanding performance. There, he systematically learned professional courses such as music theory, vocal singing, and dance performance, and it was there that Liu Shilong opened the door to the film world.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

After three years of study, Liu Shilong entered the Beijing Film Academy to study acting. At the academy, he continued to learn and practice to take his acting skills to new heights. After graduation, Liu Shilong could have stayed at the Beijing Film Studio to start his acting career, but because he loved military life and served in the army, he voluntarily requested to be transferred to the Northeast Film Studio, which often shoots war movies.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

Just came to the Northeast Film Studio, Liu Shilong starred in his first film "Shajiadian Grain Station", although it is only a small role in the trick, Liu Shilong cherishes this opportunity very much and performs wholeheartedly. In the following years, he starred in many movies such as "Dong Cunrui", "Mother I Want to Marry", "Sea Condor ", he was very committed to each role, but these movies did not bring him a breakthrough.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

In 1962, during the filming of the youth-themed film "Hong Yan", Liu Shilong played a courier, and there was a scene that required him to jump from a 9-meter-high cliff to show the hardship of the courier delivering letters. In order to complete this difficult action scene, Liu Shilong jumped directly from the cliff without using any protective measures, resulting in a sprained foot and a bruise on his waist, but he endured the pain and continued to shoot after only a moment's pause. This highly dedicated professionalism and selfless dedication of acting skills won unanimous praise from the audience, and also made the name Liu Shilong gradually known.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

In 1963, Liu Shilong co-starred with popular actress Huang Wanqiu in the movie "Liu Sanjie", which tells the story of an authentic girl, which received a warm response and also made his popularity and popularity in the industry rise. In 1964, when casting for the key historical film "Heroic Sons and Daughters", director Wu Zhaodi remembered Liu Shilong, a dedicated actor who had served in the army, and resolutely decided to exclude the public, and the role of Wang Cheng was none other than Liu Shilong. In order to integrate more deeply into the role of this ordinary soldier, Liu Shilong specially returned to the army for several months to study before filming to re-experience military life. During the filming process, he also unfortunately suffered a burn accident caused by a gunpowder explosion, and his arms and eyebrows were injured, but he endured severe pain, did not delay the shooting progress because of this accident, and insisted on completing all his shots.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

In the end, with his superb and delicate acting skills in "Heroic Sons and Daughters", Liu Shilong successfully established a three-dimensional and vivid image of an ordinary soldier, became famous in one fell swoop, and opened his brilliant screen career. Despite his great success in his career, Liu Shilong has struggled for his career for most of his life and has always focused on work, which has led to his family life not being very satisfactory.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

Liu Shilong's married life is also full of twists and turns. In 1954, 24-year-old Liu Shilong met 21-year-old classmate Lu Min at work, and the two fell in love and became husband and wife. However, because the film industry was not yet prosperous at that time, Liu Shilong and Lu Min's income was not high, and in order to work, they had to entrust their son Liu Xiaolong to Lu Min's parents to raise him. The long separation and work pressure, coupled with the lack of a solid emotional foundation, led to a rift in Liu Shilong and Lu Min's marriage. Especially in 1961, Lu Min directly told Liu Shilong that he liked someone else, which was a huge blow to Liu Shilong.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

Liu Shilong tried to save the relationship, but Lu Min insisted on divorce, and finally the two ended their 8-year marriage in 1962. After the divorce, Liu Shilong took Liu Xiaolong back and worked hard to play the role of a single father while working.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

In 1964, Liu Shilong met dancer Mang Shuangying during a filming mission. Mang Shuangying, 9 years younger than Liu Shilong and a young actor in the Jilin Song and Dance Troupe, fell in love with Liu Shilong at first sight and took the initiative to pursue him. At first, due to the age gap and her own conditions, Liu Shilong showed withdrawal, but the enthusiastic and lively Mang Shuangying did not mind this, she boldly pursued love, and finally impressed Liu Shilong, and the two tied the knot in 1966.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

Unlike the marriage of his ex-wife, Mang Shuangying is very virtuous, not only taking care of Liu Shilong and his son Liu Xiaolong, but also bringing Liu Shilong two children, and the family lives harmoniously. However, a blow of fate followed. In 1990, Liu Xiaolong was unfortunately involved in a car accident during army training, resulting in high paraplegia, and then died at the age of 36. The sudden death of his son made Liu Shilong and his wife deeply painful. In 1999, the then 60-year-old Mang Shuangying was diagnosed with leukemia, and it was in the advanced stage, Liu Shilong did his best to take care of her, but still could not stop the disease from taking away, and Mang Shuangying died of illness the following year.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

Losing his loved ones twice, Liu Shilong collapsed for a while, but thanks to the support of his two sons, he slowly came out of the haze. In 2002, Liu Shilong burst into tears when he recalled his deceased wife on a TV show, and Chang Jiarui, who was watching the program at the time, also felt deep grief. Chang Jiarui also experienced the pain of losing his lover, so he had the idea of taking care of his idol and helping him out of his pain.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

After many inquiries, Chang Jiarui finally contacted Liu Shilong and expressed his thoughts. At first, Liu Shilong was a little hesitant, but in the end, he was moved by Chang Jiarui's sincerity, and the two entered the palace of marriage in 2003. In 2017, Liu Shilong died, and Chang Jiarui asked him to be buried with his deceased wife Mang Shuangying to comfort Liu Shilong's spirit in heaven.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

Liu Shilong's three marriages are full of the joys and sorrows of life, which records an ordinary person's insistence on love and life in the torrent of the times, and also witnesses the power of love and beauty in human nature.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

In the journey of a difficult life, Liu Shilong was watched and encouraged by true love, which was the most precious treasure in his life. Like many complex relationships in life, the relationship between Chang Jiarui and Liu Shilong is difficult to define in simple words. However, these 14 years of companionship must have left an indelible mark on their hearts. In the long journey of life, every warm presence is a precious gift.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

Let us bless their happiness and health with gratitude and understanding.

"Shoot at me for victory", Liu Shilong suffered a sad life, receiving the award from his hospital bed until his death only 11 days

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