
The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

author:Lao Mu said

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As the first film studio in New China, Changying Studio has not only contributed countless excellent works like "Guerrillas of the Plains" and "Children of Heroes", but also many actors such as Liu Shilong, Guo Zhenqing, Fang Hua and other actors who are deeply loved and respected by the audience.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

In addition to these actors contributing classic roles in front of the screen, the way they educate their children is also awe-inspiring, these second-generation stars maintain a low-key, introverted personality, and they are also diligent in their work.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

Next, let's take a look at the second generation of stars in Changying Studio, which one is the existence you are familiar with?

The source of this article comes from the authoritative report [] [Beijing News] [CCTV4] [Baidu Encyclopedia] (the detailed source is attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly and for reference only.

"Wang Cheng"'s son is very low-key

"Children of Heroes" was loved by the whole country as soon as it was released, and since then, actor Liu Shilong has become famous overnight, and he also won the "31st Golden Rooster Award Lifetime Achievement Award" in 2017.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

However, the person who came to the stage to accept the award at that time was not Liu Shilong, who was already 87 years old, at this time he was fighting against death in the hospital ward, and it was his second son Liu Xiaoyang who took the stage for him.

At that time, although Liu Xiaoyang was in his forties, he was still handsome, and his father's demeanor and heroism could be seen between his eyebrows. What's even more amazing is his speech on the stage, every sentence is both serious and rigorous and funny.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

What many people don't know is that he is actually a literary and artistic worker, but he never wants to receive a little special treatment because of his father, so he has always kept a low profile and introverted.

But I have always been proud of my father in my heart, so I put 120% effort and enthusiasm into my studies and work, and I am extremely humble and disciplined in dealing with people, for fear that I will affect my father's reputation because of myself.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

He also passed on this low-key and rules to the next generation, and repeatedly warned his daughter to study hard at school and never call herself a "celebrity offspring", which also made many people admire.

In 2003, when he learned that his 73-year-old father had a 39-year-old female fan next to him, Liu Xiaoyang, who had just experienced the pain of losing his mother, not only did not show any dissatisfaction with Chang Jiarui, but thanked her for taking care of his father, and the family lived very harmoniously.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

The daughter of the Devil King is very beautiful

Fanghua has a strong stroke in the history of mainland films, and the old man plays villains on the screen because of image problems, among which the more famous ones are Matsui in "Guerrillas of the Plains" and the commander of the Japanese ship in "The First Wu Fengyun".

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

Because of his outstanding acting skills, he suffered a lot of unfair treatment in that era, and even when he went to the street to buy things, he would be thrown eggs by the unwitting masses, and his children were scolded as "devil's children".

However, his two children understand him very well and know that his father's negative image is a movie demand, and it is precisely because of his ability and acting skills that he will be treated so unfairly, so they not only do not blame their father but are proud of him.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

Fang Hua and his wife gave birth to a son and a daughter, of which his son Fang Zhidan became an actor and producer under his education.

In 2003, Fang Zhidan and his childhood friend Guo Xiaoqing, who is also the son of Guo Zhenqing (the actor of Li Xiangyang of the Plains Guerrilla), reproduced their father's classic works together.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

Fang Hua's daughter Fang Lingjuan also has a very high appearance, she has become a professional dancer who likes to dance since she was a child, and she is also full of pride when she mentions her father.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

It is worth mentioning that the relationship between the Fang family and director Jiang Wen is also very close, Fang Zhidan was the producer of "Let the Bullets Fly", and the old man Fang Hua realized his dream of playing a Chinese soldier in Jiang Wen's "Sunny Day".

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

The "Li Xiangyang" family has been passed down from generation to generation

Li Xiangyang in "Guerrillas of the Plains" has a resolute, brave and resourceful personality, and the actor Guo Zhenqing has also become a screen star, and his wife is Li Xiaogong, who is also an actor of Changying Studio.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

The two raised two sons, Guo Xiaoqing and Guo Xiaochun, and the children have also become extremely proud of their parents.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

When Guo Xiaoqing grew up, he first joined the army and became a glorious soldier, and after retiring from the army, he also inherited his father's business and became an actor, and in 2003, he and Fang Zhidan reproduced the picture of his father's classic movie, which also made many audiences remember it vividly.

However, because he was more interested in photography, he later changed his career to become a photographer at Tianjin TV Station, although he failed to become an actor as good as his father, but his behind-the-scenes efforts also made his parents extremely proud.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

He also cultivated a qualified third generation for the Guo family, that is, his son Guo Xiaoxiao, who graduated from the Central Academy of Drama and starred in many films, and also appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in 2019, becoming the pride of the Guo family.

Despite his illustrious family background, Guo Xiaoxiao is also very low-key in the crew and daily life, just acting in his own drama in a down-to-earth manner, and rarely causing scandals, which is enough to see the strict family style of Guo Zhenqing's family.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

Guo Xiaochun showed his talent for singing at a very young age, and worked hard to develop his singing talent after receiving the encouragement and support of his parents.

The son of the factory director inherits his father's business

Pang Xueqin is a veteran filmmaker who has been engaged in literary and artistic propaganda since 1945, and has starred in classic masterpieces such as "Jiawu Fengyun" and "Soldiers Coming to the City", and also served as the director of Changying Studio.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

He has two sons under his knees, the eldest son Pang Yue has loved acting since he was a child, so he became an actor under the teaching of his father.

The youngest son Pang Hao has achieved greater achievements, although he made a cameo appearance in a movie with his father when he was 18 years old, and he also wanted to be an actor when he was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, but his father sternly rejected him and suggested that he change to directing.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

Pang Hao was not particularly reluctant at first, but after an in-depth conversation with his father, he made clear his future direction and set a great goal of making world-class films, but he suffered a setback when shooting his first film.

Fortunately, his father rescued him in an emergency to help him solve the trouble of the actor's delay in entering the play, and finally he successfully filmed "Dream Chaser in the Sun", which was also quickly warmly welcomed by the audience, and then he handed over "Dawn of the Decisive Battle", "Golden Monkey Squad" and other masterpieces.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

Today's Pang Hao has become a well-known director in China, and he is also very grateful when he mentions his father's teachings to him, and he and his brother have not lived up to their father's expectations.

An excellent director trained by Gao Zhanwu

Li Yalin is one of the 22 stars of Chinese films, he is also a veritable drama face, and the roles he has played such as Gao Zhanwu and Feng Zhenhui are extremely brilliant, and he is also versatile and has directed many films such as "The Well".

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

He and his wife had three daughters together, and the second daughter, Li Tong, is undoubtedly the most accomplished, she inherited her father's inheritance and became a professional director.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

Although Li Tong's dream at the beginning was to become an actor, her father Li Yalin didn't want her to suffer again, so he persuaded her to change her career to become a director, and then she was successfully admitted to the directing department of the Central Academy of Drama and officially became a director.

In 1987, her first film "Me and Dads" won the "Golden Shield Award" of the Ministry of Public Security and the "Fish and Water Engineering Award" of Hebei Province, and then she also handed over works such as "Don't Touch My Drawer" and "The World's First Matchmaker".

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

Gong Li can become a well-known star, and it is inseparable from Li Tong's discovery and recommendation, when she could get the opportunity to star in "Red Sorghum", Li Tong fully recommended it to Director Zhang Yimou.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

However, it is a pity that none of Li Tong's works have been personally commented on by his father, because Li Yalin left this world due to illness as early as 1988 at the age of 57, which has also become the pain of her life.


Compared with the performance of many second-generation stars today, the second-generation stars of Changying Studio are more worthy of our respect and learning. Although they have achieved a lot of success in their respective careers, they are not ostentatious or unassuming, but only diligently complete their work.

The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

No matter what kind of identity and status you have, you should study and work in a down-to-earth manner, instead of relying on the protection of your parents all the time, otherwise you will only grow into a giant baby harmful to society.

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The source of this article is from [China News Network] [Beijing News] [Baidu Encyclopedia] [CCTV4]
The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business
The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business
The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business
The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business
The second generation of stars in Changying Studio: Fanghua's daughter is beautiful, Liu Shilong's son is handsome, and the director's son inherits his father's business

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