
Moisture can't be removed, mostly not liver thinning! Teach you to use a box of Xiaoyao pills to suck up the moisture of your body

author:Hepatologist Li Jingjing

Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Lee! Today I will teach you a new way to remove dampness, that is, first use Xiaoyao pills to loosen the liver, and then go to remove dampness, the effect is much better than if you go directly to dampness! Why do you say that?

Moisture can't be removed, mostly not liver thinning! Teach you to use a box of Xiaoyao pills to suck up the moisture of your body

Because Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the main drainage, if the liver's drainage function is abnormal, not only can not promote the operation of the body's internal fluid and water, but also affect the discharge of moisture. In addition, the liver also restrains the spleen soil, and the stomach of people with bad liver will not be very good, and the spleen and stomach will also produce moisture, causing a vicious circle, and the moisture in the body will be more and more. Next, we will talk about how to use a box of Xiaoyao pills to remove moisture.

Moisture can't be removed, mostly not liver thinning! Teach you to use a box of Xiaoyao pills to suck up the moisture of your body

First of all, if you just have a simple liver qi blockage, and the symptoms of the spleen and stomach are not serious, then it is enough to use a Xiaoyao pill. What are the characteristics of such people? Generally speaking, their mood will not be very good, more likely than ordinary people to get angry or depressed, usually, always feel that the ribs on both sides are swollen and painful, at the same time, because of the lack of liver qi, the body is heavy moisture, so there will be a drowsy head, unclear thinking, fatigue and weakness. In this case, it is enough to use a Xiaoyao pill.

Moisture can't be removed, mostly not liver thinning! Teach you to use a box of Xiaoyao pills to suck up the moisture of your body

Then if you are not only liver qi blocked, the condition of the spleen and stomach is already more serious, then one Xiaoyao pill is not enough. We know that the liver and spleen are relatives, and when the liver is bad, the spleen will also be affected. This kind of person, all his life is angry, chest, stomach feel uncomfortable, can't eat at all. Then the more you don't eat, the more your stomach will swell, and some people will have stomachaches and enter a vicious circle. At this time, we can take Xiaoyao pills with ginseng white dispersion, drain the liver, strengthen the spleen and remove dampness.

Moisture can't be removed, mostly not liver thinning! Teach you to use a box of Xiaoyao pills to suck up the moisture of your body

For others, their moisture does not gather in the internal organs, but goes to the meridians of the limbs. Then, moisture in these positions can easily affect the local qi and blood flow, joint flexion and extension are unfavorable, muscle redness and pain, and serious will affect walking. What about this one? In addition to using Xiaoyao pills to loosen the liver, we can also match a four-miao pill, one to fundamentally solve the generation of moisture, and one to sweep away the existing moisture deep into the limbs.

Moisture can't be removed, mostly not liver thinning! Teach you to use a box of Xiaoyao pills to suck up the moisture of your body

Finally, moisture stays in the body for a long time, and there is a tendency to dissolve heat. Nausea and vomiting, inability to eat, bloating stomach, old hiccups, tired limbs, yellow urine, unformed stool, yellow tongue. In this way, we can take Xiaoyao pills with a lotus clear stomach pill, and it will have a good effect.

Moisture can't be removed, mostly not liver thinning! Teach you to use a box of Xiaoyao pills to suck up the moisture of your body

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