
After planting the grape seedlings for 10 days, the sun has grown leaves, and although the cold honey has not grown leaves, the roots are also growing. #Viticulture#Sunshine Rose Grape#Honey#Grape Seedlings

author:Yu Shen 6

After planting the grape seedlings for 10 days, the sun has grown leaves, and although the cold honey has not grown leaves, the roots are also growing.

#葡萄种植 #阳光玫瑰葡萄 #寒香蜜 #葡萄苗

After planting the grape seedlings for 10 days, the sun has grown leaves, and although the cold honey has not grown leaves, the roots are also growing. #Viticulture#Sunshine Rose Grape#Honey#Grape Seedlings
After planting the grape seedlings for 10 days, the sun has grown leaves, and although the cold honey has not grown leaves, the roots are also growing. #Viticulture#Sunshine Rose Grape#Honey#Grape Seedlings
After planting the grape seedlings for 10 days, the sun has grown leaves, and although the cold honey has not grown leaves, the roots are also growing. #Viticulture#Sunshine Rose Grape#Honey#Grape Seedlings

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