
Title: [Exclusive Article] Online shopping saplings were tragically harmed!There is no trace of the merchants, wasting time and money in vain!Yo, friends!Today, let's talk about a real online shopping tragedy, you definitely guess

author:Ding Ding learns from the media

Title: [Exclusive Breaking Article] Online shopping saplings were tragically harmed! There is no trace of the merchants, wasting time and money in vain!

Yo, friends! Today, let's talk about a real online shopping tragedy, you will never guess what happened to me! Just 6 years ago, I bought a few saplings on a treasure with great anticipation, ready to make my yard full of greenery, and the result, hehe, it is simply a pit dad at home! Do you know? Those saplings are "rotten goods" when they are bought, and they do not bloom and do not bear fruit, they are simply a decoration! Wait, don't worry, listen to me slowly.

First of all, let's talk about the kiwifruit and grape seedlings I bought, these two guys are foodies, and they are hungry all day long, but when they come back, they are like raising two "dead people", motionless, and there is no sign of flowering and fruiting! I am about to wonder if they have been "anti-drop software" by someone. The year before last, I made up my mind to take a shovel and dig them up and replant them, so that I don't have to watch them die all day.

Then, let's talk about the three pomegranate saplings, listen, the merchant said they were five-year-old seedlings, and after I bought them, they should all be 11 years old. But the problem is that not only have they not grown taller than me, but even the trunks are about the thickness of my thumb! They are embarrassed to be called "saplings"? They are simply dog-tailed minks! What is even more annoying is that there is not even a shadow of flowering on the tree, and the branches are like brooms, and even the leaves are sparsely pulled, and they are simply poor in appearance! I began to wonder if the merchants had taken me as a "suspect in planting trees" and given me some "lifeless" guys.

Don't laugh, the saplings next door to my house have only been planted for three years and have already begun to bloom! So, I made up my mind to go to customer service and ask for advice on how to plant these saplings. But when I opened that shop, how did it disappear?

So, friends, I swear deeply that I will never trust to buy saplings online again! I don't want to be this kind of "sapling experimenter" anymore! Hurry up and tell my friends around me, don't be deceived again! Buy saplings online, that is, ten planting, ten poor! [Angry]

Title: [Exclusive Article] Online shopping saplings were tragically harmed!There is no trace of the merchants, wasting time and money in vain!Yo, friends!Today, let's talk about a real online shopping tragedy, you definitely guess
Title: [Exclusive Article] Online shopping saplings were tragically harmed!There is no trace of the merchants, wasting time and money in vain!Yo, friends!Today, let's talk about a real online shopping tragedy, you definitely guess
Title: [Exclusive Article] Online shopping saplings were tragically harmed!There is no trace of the merchants, wasting time and money in vain!Yo, friends!Today, let's talk about a real online shopping tragedy, you definitely guess

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