
My red collection


In recent years, the red collection has become the darling of the collecting world. Generally speaking, the red collection in a broad sense refers to the collection of major historical events and the relics of historical figures involved in the activities of the Chinese people in modern times in opposing foreign aggression, striving for national independence and liberation, waging revolutionary wars, and building new China. Due to the proximity of historical time, the deep foundation of the masses, and the special era sentiment of the red collection, it has quickly won the love and pursuit of the broad masses of the people and collectors.

My red collection

Red collection has always been a relatively active category in the collection market, it is not only a collection activity, but also a bearer of past years. Many collectors have personally experienced that hot era, are witnesses of history, and have an inseparable feeling for historical objects and creations that reflect historical emotions, so the red collection is clearly different from other types of collections. In addition to emotional factors, the reason why red collections are sought after is also because they embody the efforts of countless working people, and many collections have become rare among fine products because of their high quality and rare quantity.

My red collection

As early as the sixties and seventies of the last century, the collection of portrait medals, Mao selections of various editions, and revolutionary propaganda posters began. Over time, the value depression of the red collection was rapidly developed, and the price of the collection soared. Most of the prices of red collections have risen by more than 10 times, and some have even increased by 100 times and thousandfold. For example, the Mao portrait medallions, Mao selections, comic strips, propaganda posters, and Mao Zedong-themed stamps, porcelain, commemorative coins and other categories that collectors pay attention to quickly show great appreciation potential.

My red collection

It is a rule that the red collection must rise every major holiday. This year marks the 130th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth, and on this special day, the red collection that recalls the Chairman's demeanor and revisits the glory years will become a hot spot. It is worth mentioning that Chinese has pure and warm feelings for red history, cherishes the historical memory, thoughts and feelings and life beliefs contained in it, and plays with a kind of nostalgia and reminiscence of passion.

My red collection

This is a four-volume edition of the 66th edition hardcover woolly selection

My red collection

This is the 67th edition of the hardcover wool anthology

My red collection

This is the fifth volume of Mao Xuan, which was published in the late Cultural Revolution. From its printing, paper, binding, cover are not as good as the top four

Volume. At that time, domestic productivity was declining, various material shortages, and the printing volume of these five volumes was very small at that time, and many people knew that there were four volumes of Maoxuan, but did not know about this fifth volume.

My red collection

This is a single book of gross menus

My red collection

This is the complete work of Marx Enkers, but unfortunately there are only two dozen books.

My red collection

这是毛‬主‬席‬语‬录‬、‬毛‬主席诗词、‬及‬著‬名的五‬篇‬文章合‬集‬袖‬珍‬版‬。 ‬

My red collection

这是马‬克‬思‬思‬格‬斯‬全‬集‬的第一版‬,‬称‬为白‬版‬。 这个版本硬‬壳‬精装配‬插‬图‬,‬是中国最早的‬一个版本。

My red collection

这是马‬克‬思‬思‬格‬思‬全‬集‬的第二版‬,‬称为黑‬版‬。 ‬这个版本比‬一‬版‬更‬加精‬至典‬,也是最后一个版本。 ‬

My red collection
My red collection

毛‬主席诗词单‬行‬本‬,‬这是我串‬连‬的时候购‬于‬天‬津‬,‬日‬期为:‬1968年‬10月‬12日‬。 ‬

My red collection

这是我的一‬部分毛‬选‬精‬装修本‬收藏,‬从‬1966年‬版‬至‬1969年‬版‬都‬有。 ‬

My red collection

这是我收‬藏‬的毛‬选‬和马‬恩‬全集的一‬部分。 ‬

My red collection
My red collection

这是马‬克‬恩‬恩‬格‬斯‬全集中‬的插‬图‬。 ‬

My red collection


My red collection


My red collection


My red collection


My red collection


My red collection


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