
Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

【Red Collector Mr. Liu Rijin】

In the distant era, the land of Shenzhou was red, and wearing Chairman Mao's portrait badge became a political honor, wearing a red and golden Chairman Mao portrait badge, walking on the road, holding his head high, looking left and right, that was extremely proud, unsurpassed glory.

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

Chairman Mao's Portrait Medal, referred to as "Portrait Medal", "Red Treasure Medal" and "Commemorative Medal", is a portrait medal with Mao Zedong's portrait as the main pattern.

Chairman Mao's statue medallion, with its wide variety, vast number and grand popular range, has become a unique historical and cultural witness in modern Chinese history.

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

According to the data, since the birth of the first Mao Zedong medal, nearly 2 billion have flowed into the people.

Of the nearly 2 billion medallions, how many are not identical?

There is such a person, starting from the collection of the first Chairman Mao portrait medal in October 1966, this collection is 50 years, from green silk to white hair; this collection, footprints all over the north and south of the motherland, a journey of more than 400,000 miles; this collection, Chairman Mao's portrait medals from one to 71,611 different varieties.

His collection provides indispensable evidence for reproducing the glorious revolutionary history of our Party and inspiring the children and grandchildren of the Chinese nation to follow in the footsteps of our revolutionary ancestors.

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

Let's get close to this mysterious red collector, Mr. Liu Rijin, deputy secretary-general of the Red Collection Committee of the China Collectors Association, a demobilized cadre, and former deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Wencheng County Party Committee, and share his portraits and chapters on the road of collecting for more than 50 years.

(1) Descendants of Liu Ji

Medium stature, smooth and fair face, handsome and delicate facial features, eyes like a mountain spring, warm and clear, without losing masculinity. In June 1962, 18-year-old Liu Rijin was a simple and innocent high school student. On that sunny morning, he bit his finger and wrote a bloody letter: Asking to join the army and defend his family and country.

The head of the receiving unit cared for him. Soon, he walked into the barracks of Unit 6416 of the Chinese People's Liberation Army stationed in Binh Duong. Within two years, honors such as five good soldiers, special shooters, and even commendations followed.

On April 13, 1944, Liu Rijin was born on the Nantian Plateau, which is known as "one of the 72 blessed lands in the world".

Here, the flat area is thousands of hectares, the soil is fertile, the villages are dense, and the population is large. The "Taiping Huanyu Ji" compiled by the Northern Song Dynasty music history called it a "paradise" in the "depths of ten thousand mountains", and today it is still an important grain-producing area (rice producing area) in Wenzhou City and Wencheng County.

At that time, there was no Wencheng County system, and Nantian was under the jurisdiction of Qingtian County. According to the "Brief Table of Administrative Regions of the Republic of China": "Wencheng County, in December of the 35th year of the Republic of China, was approved to be disposed of in the border areas of Ruian, Taishun and Qingtian counties. The name of Wencheng County is taken from the nickname of Liu Ji (the word Bowen), a famous politician, military strategist and writer in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty.

Let's say that this Liu Rijin is the twenty-second generation grandson of Liu Ji. On the day of "Three Dans", Liu's father invited the principal of the local primary school, Liu Jibang, to come and name it. Principal Liu carefully watched this baby, who was only three days old, with a white face and red lips, a full heavenly court, and a square corner of the earth, and he would definitely have some achievements in the future! He pondered for a moment, and said loudly: The ancestral surname is Liu, and the Japanese character is the generation, so let's call Liu Rijin!

really responded to that sentence, the master is in the people! This Liu Rijin, day by day, day by day, day by day. One day 60 years later, Liu Rijin set a record of "the best in the Guinness Book of the World" with a collection of 71,611 Chairman Mao's portrait medals that are not the same.

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

(2) Like a chapter of love

When did Liu Rijin fall in love with collecting Mao Zedong's portrait medals?

Let's start with the origin of Mao Zedong's portrait medal!

In November 1931, the First National Congress of the Chinese Soviets was held in Ruijin, Jiangxi, at which the Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic was elected and the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic was proclaimed. Mao Zedong was elected Chairman of the Central Executive Committee and Chairman of the People's Council. At that time, the relevant departments made a silver statue of Mao Zedong engraved with the word "Chairman Mao" on the front, which opened a precedent for China to make Mao Zedong's portrait badge, and the title of Chairman Mao began to resound throughout the country and spread to the world from this time. Later, in various historical periods such as the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and socialist construction, the Chinese people, out of reverence and love for Chairman Mao Zedong, used various materials to produce various Mao Zedong portrait badges. Especially in the late 60s and early 70s of the last century, there was an upsurge of making and wearing Mao Zedong's portrait badges all over the country, from the central leaders to the common people, from the army to the localities, from the cities to the rural areas, and all the workers, peasants, businessmen, students, and soldiers wore Chairman Mao's portrait badges, forming a cultural phenomenon that has never been seen in ancient times.

In October 1966, Liu Rijin was already the squad leader of a border guard unit at the Donghai outpost. At that time, the whole country and the whole army set off a craze for wearing Mao Zedong's portrait badge, but at that time, it was difficult for the border troops to get Chairman Mao's portrait badge, and cadres and soldiers used bullet shells, toothbrush handles and other raw materials to make their own "Long Live Chairman Mao" medals and "Chairman Mao's quotations" medals.

In May 1967, the Central Military Commission decided to award all commanders and fighters of the army a five-pointed star-shaped Mao Zedong medal and a medal of quotations for serving the people specially made by the General Political Department. At this time, Liu Rijin was already a platoon commander, and when he received this coveted medal, he was extremely excited. Early the next morning, I walked to a photo studio in a small town 20 miles away, wore a badge on my chest, hung a pistol, tied up an armed belt, and took a full-length portrait in a formal manner. On the left side of the photo, it is also specially written "Always loyal to Chairman Mao".

Since then, Liu Rijin has a soft spot for Mao Zedong's portrait medals and has a strong interest in collecting.

The many Mao Zedong medallions that flow into the folk are like pearls scattered all over the world, and it is not easy to collect classic medallions of different periods, different varieties, different specifications and different materials?

But Liu Rijin did not flinch, and with his reverence for Chairman Mao and his love for the art of portraits, he began his long and arduous journey of collecting in 1966.

(3) Wind and rain Dabie Mountain

"Bang dang, bang dang dang ......"

It was a June day in 2003.

A green-skinned train, exhaling, is moving unhurriedly from Wenzhou to Wuhan. At the side of the aisle, Liu Rijin was full of exhaustion, and slowly closed his eyes with the sound of rain outside the window, and the past came to mind......

Time flies, in January 1986, Liu Rijin bid farewell to 24 years of military camp life, transferred from the deputy regimental post to the locality, first served as the deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Wencheng County Party Committee, and was transferred to the vice president of the county court a year later. The environment has changed, the position has changed, but the original intention of collecting the portrait of the great man has not changed, and the enthusiasm has increased unabated, and he often uses his spare time to browse relevant newspapers and magazines, and pays attention to collecting information and information about the portrait medal.

One day, he learned from a publication that a collector surnamed Yao in Hong'an County, Dabie Mountain, Hubei Province, had an extremely precious "Mao Zedong Medal of the Northeast Democratic Alliance". He immediately requested the transfer based on the telephone contact provided. Who knew that Lao Yao regarded this as a treasure and refused it.

In the days that followed, Liu Rijin had been "obsessed" with this medallion, couldn't let it go, couldn't put it away, so he called Lao Yao every once in a while, asked about the cold and warmth, and asked about the work and life, and slowly became familiar and close, and spoke more easily, but whenever it involved the core issue, Lao Yao still smiled and declined.

Hey! A long sigh, pay for Fengxi water. The mountain wind is silent, and Mengmengyu root road.

Day after day, half a year passed. When Liu Rijin learned that Lao Yao was a worker at the local Hong'an cigarette factory, laid off at home, and had a hobby of collecting cigarette labels, a subtle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There is a Longchuan village in the north of Dayu Town, Wencheng County, although it is not well-known, it is the hometown of Zhao Chaoguo, a generation of newspapermen who "once used to be a million masters and kept going to the rafters, and Zheng Zhengxiong's literature was passed on through the ages. During the Anti-Japanese War, a cigarette factory in Wenzhou was relocated to the village to avoid the war and produced "Fei General" brand cigarettes. This "flying general" is not an ordinary person. He was Claire Lee Chennault, a major general and pilot of the U.S. Army Air Corps who was appointed by Soong Meiling as an adviser in June 1936 to form the Chinese Air Force. This history has been nearly 100 years, so the "Flying General" cigarette label is very popular in the collection world, and the so-called "one ticket is hard to find." ”

At that time, Liu Rijin not only had a certain reputation in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, and even the national collection circles. A friend in Wenzhou, after learning about Liu Rijin's heart, said quietly: "I know that there is a young man in Longchuan Village, and his ancestors have passed down three 'Fei General' cigarette labels. And told the detailed address, Liu Rijin was overjoyed when he heard it, and found the young man.

As soon as the other party saw Liu Rijin, he opened his mouth and smiled. It is no wonder that as the vice president of the court, he reads out the verdict at every county public judgment meeting. From the old man to the eight-year-old child, whether it is a cadre of an agency or a tricycle driver, who in the mountain city does not know you?

Liu Rijin explained his intentions. The young man raised his head, looked at Liu Rijin for more than ten seconds, and opened his mouth to smile again. Then he walked upstairs, rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, tossed for a long time, carefully took the cigarette label, and handed it to Liu Rijin.

So, there was a trip to Dabie Mountain......

Liu Rijin got off the bus from Wuhan Station and looked for a bus to Hong'an County. He was drenched in sweat and wet in the rain.

"Are you from Wenzhou?" Lao Yao, who had been waiting at Hong'an Station for a long time, saw Liu Rijin who was in the dust, and asked in a low voice with a smiling face. "Are you Lao Yao?" Lao Yao didn't speak, and stepped forward with a smile to hold Lao Liu's hands tightly.

That night, Lao Yao was at home to catch the wind. When he saw the "Flying General" cigarette label sent by Liu Rijin, his eyes straightened. He admired Liu Rijin's personality, loyalty, and perseverance, and was deeply moved by Liu Rijin's thousands of miles to send his dream cigarette label and the grand goal he pursued. Then he happily transferred the commemorative medal, which was regarded as a treasure, to Liu Rijin.

Hong'an is the country's famous "General County", where more than 200 generals of the Republic have come out, the next morning, Liu Rijin accompanied by Lao Yao to visit the Hong'an Revolution Memorial Hall, at the moment of walking out of the gate, he turned around and bowed respectfully to the memorial hall three times. Then, he took the portrait of the great man in his heart, shook goodbye to Lao Yao, and embarked on the return journey.

(4) Two into Guangyuan

One evening in December 2005, in the howling north wind, Liu Rijin carried a satchel on his back, pulled a large trolley box with two small cardboard boxes on it, and pulled a small trolley box in his right hand, and walked out of Wencheng Station with a staggering step.

"Dean Liu, get in the car!" At this time, a tricycle came to him.

Liu Rijin looked at it, and he was a little familiar, but he didn't know it.

"Where did you come from? are you looking for the statue again?" asked the coachman with a smile.

"Yes, I'm back from Guangyuan. ”

Liu Rijin replied breathlessly, wondering in his heart, who is this?

The tricycle passed through the Yangqiaotou and turned to Xingfu Road. Liu Rijin saw his wife who was looking forward to it from afar, and a warm current surged in his heart.

"Let's eat first, I'm going to be hungry!" said his wife after helping to move her luggage home.

"No, no, I want to rest first!" After drinking a few sips of the hot tea handed over by his wife, Liu Rijin leaned back on the sofa, and then there was a soft snoring sound. His wife's heart was hot and she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

This goes to Guangyuan, information from my friend Mr. Lou. Mr. Lou is a native of Dongyang, Zhejiang, who has been developing in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province for a long time, and is also a lover of red collections. He said that President Ma of the Sichuan Guangyuan Regional Collection Association has more than 2,000 Mao Zedong medals and wants to transfer and exchange them. At that time, the number of portraits of Liu Rijin in Sichuan was very small, and after getting this information, he resolutely went despite the cold winter and the moon. This venerable Mr. Lou waited for Liu Rijin at Xi'an Station in advance, and then accompanied him to Guangyuan to meet President Ma. As soon as I entered Guangyuan, although it was hard, I returned with a full load. It's just that because his heart is like a chapter and his heart is like an arrow, Liu Rijin politely declined President Ma's kind invitation, and neither went to Qingxi Ancient Town, Jianmen Pass, nor to the Empress Hot Springs and Thousand Buddha Cliffs.

But on the eighth day after returning home, Chairman Ma called and said that the former grain bureau chief in Guangyuan also had more than 1,000 medals that he wanted to transfer and exchange, and most of them were different from his breed. When Liu Rijin heard this, he immediately became interested. Early the next morning, the second entered Guangyuan.

From Wencheng to Guangyuan, first take a bus to Hangzhou, then take a train to Xi'an, and then transfer to Guangyuan, all the way. After finding the director of the Guangyuan Regional Food Bureau, he successfully transferred more than 1,000 medals. But on the way back, Liu Rijin suffered a lot. It happened to be the time of the Spring Festival, and it was hard to find a ticket. The director stepped in to help, but only bought a standing ticket. He stood in the aisle of the carriage for more than six hours, until a passenger got off the train halfway through and he was given a seat.

Back in the county seat, it was already 9 o'clock on Chinese New Year's Eve. His wife cooked a few good dishes early, just waiting for Lao Liu to come home and celebrate the New Year happily. But his wife waited and waited, but Lao Liu was missing, and the dishes on the table were hot and cold, hot and cold. When Liu Rijin entered the house, he heard that Zhao Zhongxiang and Ni Ping, the hosts of the Spring Festival Gala on TV, were greeting the people of the whole country!

(5) Zhou Jiali

Small and exquisite, with white skin, phoenix eyebrows and bright eyes, steady and dignified. At the age of 16, she is the first school flower of Shancheng Junior High School. That "movement" made her become a rural educated youth, a substitute teacher, and a printing worker.

Zhou Ruizhen, female, was born in December 1950 in an influential family in Dayu Town, Wencheng County. Due to the early death of his grandmother and the remarriage of his grandfather, Zhou Ruizhen's father had 11 brothers and sisters. These many children are well-behaved and sensible, knowledgeable, and successful in their careers, and have cultivated excellent next generations. Someone once said that the Zhou family is present in the party, government, military and civilian studies, east, west, north, south and middle. This is rumored to be a beautiful talk in the mountain city.

According to Mr. Zhou Yan, president of the Wencheng County Zhou Bida Research Association, after research, this Zhou Ruizhen is also the 28th generation grandson of Zhou Bida, the prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty.

In August 1970, with a marriage letter, Zhou Ruizhen and Liu Rijin, an active military officer, became husband and wife. In the days after marriage, children are born, and children go abroad to start a business. She used one person as two people, half the time in China and half in Western Europe. She often changes her roles: wife, mother, grandmother, grandmother. At the same time, she is also a daughter.

"Lao Liu, come out too!

At the beginning of 1996, Zhou Ruizhen, who had been starting a business with two children in Florence for six years, was physically and mentally exhausted and asked Liu Rijin for help.

"Dad, you're alone, we can't rest assured, come here!" the son begged repeatedly.

"Dad, I miss you. Come out soon!" The daughter called her father several times and completed the formalities for his settlement in Italy.

At this time, Liu Rijin thought a lot.

He has collected more than 60,000 portrait medals of Chairman Mao, and he has not forgotten the connotation of the family motto of his ancestor Liu Ji of "valuing literature and advocating wisdom, and advocating honesty through thrift", and is preparing to build a family museum of Chairman Mao's portrait medals to educate the vast number of young people on patriotism and revolutionary traditions. Western Europe, there are his closest relatives and loved ones!

"Is it because he doesn't love them?"

Actually, every decision is hard!

In the end, Liu Rijin politely refused Zhou Ruizhen's request, and asked her to return to China to help build the family Mao Zedong Statue Museum!

Although Zhou Ruizhen wears a dress, her heart is still Chinese. She weighed again and again, resolutely said goodbye to her children, sister's family, and returned to her motherland.

But since then, the son got married, the daughter got married, and the daughter-in-law and daughter gave birth to children, and Zhou Ruizhen went abroad to help take care of them, inside and out, busy. For many years, she has traveled back and forth between Wenzhou and Milan countless times alone. She poured her motherly love into her children in foreign countries, she sprinkled her wife's love to her Chinese husband, and assisted Liu Rijin in founding the family Mao Zedong Statue Museum.

After the completion of the family museum, in the summer of 2003, his son Liu Bin invited his father to travel abroad again and applied for a visa, but Liu Rijin could not leave the museum and still did not make the trip. Outsiders don't know that Liu Rijin has never been abroad so far.

(6) Family Pavilion

Zhengfu Lane Liu Rijin's family "Mao Zedong Statue Museum" is open for free.

The news quickly spread in the mountain town of Oku.

One day in March 1999. Spring is bright and windy.

At No. 2, Zhengfu Lane, Yugen Road, Dayu Town, Wencheng County, two consecutive five-story buildings were surrounded by the audience.

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

Liu Rijin's family Mao Zedong Portrait Museum is located on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors of his own building, with more than 380 square meters. It is divided into: small chapters, large chapters, famous chapters, material chapters, luminous chapters, pair chapters, sets of chapters, special chapters, etc., a total of more than 23,000 non-identical Mao Zedong portrait medals, displayed in 5 exhibition rooms. It was the largest family Mao Zedong Portrait Museum in Zhejiang Province at that time.

Liu Rijin was wearing a Mao suit, wearing a golden portrait of Chairman Mao on his chest, and introduced the content of the exhibition with emotion.

"Shocking, shocking!" the audience gave a thumbs up.

As the night grew darker, the people who went to bed early had fallen asleep, and Liu Rijin and his wife saw off the last group of spectators.

After cleaning up the exhibition room and washing it, it was late at night. But Liu Rijin was lying on the bed, but he couldn't sleep.

It's a long way to go. Qu Index, he has been collecting Chairman Mao's portrait medals for 33 years. Thirty-three degrees of spring and autumn, how many 33s can there be in life?

Liu Rijin believes that the purpose of collecting Chairman Mao's portrait is not to hide, but to serve the society, educate and inspire people. His family pavilion is open to the public free of charge; first, to cherish the memory of the great achievements of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as Chairman Mao, the founding leader of the People's Republic of China; second, to educate young people in patriotism and revolutionary traditions; and third, to carry forward the culture of statues and badges and to invigorate the national spirit.

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

To Liu Rijin's surprise, since the exhibition of the Chairman Mao Statue Museum of his family, there has been an endless stream of visitors, and it has reached more than 120,000 people in just a few years. More than 100 media across the country, including CCTV, and RTB TV in Italy, have successively publicized and reported. Zhejiang TV, Wenzhou TV, Shaoxing TV and Wencheng TV have all recorded feature films and introduced them many times. Mr. Wang Dechang, a national first-class actor and the actor of Premier Zhou Enlai, said with emotion after the visit: "The portrait of Mao Zedong is rich in connotation and is a vivid teaching material for the education of young people's ideals and beliefs. And wrote "Remembering the merits of great men and inspiring patriotism". A student from Wencheng No. 2 Middle School said: "This medal tells me that Chairman Mao led the Chinese revolution to victory, and we have a happy life today, and I want to cherish today, study hard to Xi, and serve the country in the future." MBARKYBAEY, FIRST DEPUTY PRESIDENT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC, FREQUENTLY EXTENDED HIS THUMBS UP DURING THE VISIT: "MAO ZEDONG IS GREAT, AND CHINA'S BADGE ART IS GREAT." After he returned to China, he also sent a Russian inscription "Kyrgyzstan-China friendship is evergreen."

The successful exhibition of the family pavilion has added a strong impetus to Liu Rijin's realization of his grand goal - to build a first-class Mao Zedong statue and medal cultural museum in China.

(7) The boy also shed tears

On the afternoon of May 29, 2009, Liu Rijin carefully opened the mail layer by layer, and when he saw the certificate of "collecting the most 71,611 Mao Zedong portrait medals and creating the most Guinness in the world", he couldn't help but burst into tears.

The man has tears and doesn't flick, but it's not time to get excited!

Forty-three years of collecting roads, the past of the mountain city is not like smoke......

I once remembered that one day after serving as a squad leader, he sawed off a section of red plastic toothbrush handle, and wanted to make a long live Chairman Mao medal, but there was no special carving knife, no matter how hard he tried, it was useless, and he had no choice but to go to a small town ten miles away from the army station, find a carving shop, and the carving teacher helped him complete the first Long Live Chairman Mao medal......

I once remembered that I went to Wuhan on a business trip with my colleagues in the unit, and after the official business was completed, everyone rested in the hotel. He ran alone to the collection market to look for the portrait of Mao Zedong. I saw that I forgot the meeting time for a while......

I once remembered that when he went to Beijing to participate in the red collection seminar and exhibition held by the Red Collection Committee of the China Collectors Association, he first passed through Shanghai to negotiate with an ivory sculptor about a set of ivory stamps of "Chairman Mao's revolutionary process", and then bought a station ticket to take the train from Shanghai to Beijing that night. But he has been standing in the train aisle to Beijing......

Another time I went to Meizhou City, Guangdong Province to attend a meeting organized by the China Red Collection Committee. One day of free activity, he went to the collection trading market and squatted for a whole day, nibbling on the bread he brought at noon, while looking for his favorite medallion. This time, more than 200 scarce badges were selected, including the "Nine Model Opera" set and the "Sun Sunflower" pair of badges produced by the Air Force of the Guangzhou Military Region, as well as rare medallions produced by the Chinese medical team and Hong Kong. Get the image chapter you like, the sense of gain and excitement is difficult to express in words, only happy, not tired......

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

In fact, Liu Rijin knows very well in his heart that since he became obsessed with collecting Mao Zedong's portrait medals, he is most ashamed of his family, especially his wife Zhou Ruizhen. This descendant of the prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty Zhou Bi, the daughter of the Zhou family from a big family in Dayu Town, has no arrogance, hard work, and when her son and daughter need it, she is on the side. She came to him when he needed it. The family opened the Mao Zedong Statue Medal Exhibition Hall, and she participated in the design, using her brains and hands. There are so many like chapters, she helps to tidy up and clean without complaints. What's even more rare is that my son sent money over several times and asked to buy houses in Wenzhou and Hangzhou as investment projects. But he was good, not only did he not buy a house, but instead used his son's house purchase money to build a family pavilion.

The clock on the wall chimes the time, pulling Liu Rijin's thoughts back to reality from his memories. He looked at the time, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, picked up his mobile phone, dialed his wife in Milan, Italy, and his voice was choked: "Ah Zhen, I have received a certificate issued by the Guinness headquarters of Shanghai Great World, thank you, thank you......"

(8) Deeply moving

A philosopher once said, "When you make up your mind to accomplish something, the whole world will help you." ”

In Liu Rijin's collection journey for more than 50 years, he has received countless enthusiastic people from all over the country to help him, convey warmth and touch, like a trickle, converge into an ocean of love, which is moving.

Ms. Wu, who is in her 70s in Anshun, Guizhou Province, gave Liu Rijin 13 medals designed and produced by her husband before his death.

Mr. Zhou, director of the Badge Collection Committee of the Guangdong Collectors Association, learned that Liu Rijin's "Canton Fair Badge" was missing one of the key ones, and mailed it all the way.

Mr. Geng, secretary general of the Nanjing Military Region Veterans Calligraphy and Painting Association, learned about Liu Rijin's collection, and despite his old age and infirmity, he used 37 pieces of rice paper to record 37 poems of Mao Zedong and presented them to Liu Rijin.

In August 1982, Liu Rijin, then deputy chief of staff of the regiment, led the troops to build at the Lianyungang national defense site. Once, at the home of the head of the garrison troops, I saw a commemorative medal engraved with Chairman Mao's head on the desk to resist US aggression and aid Korea. He stepped forward quickly, staring intently, and did not leave for a long time.

The chief was meticulous and decided that this was by no means an ordinary person's behavior, so he asked: "Xiao Liu, do you have a hobby of collecting great man portraits?"

When Liu Rijin heard this, he didn't know how to answer for a while. In fact, there is, yes, and I am afraid of embarrassment for the chief, so I speak incoherently: "Report, report to the chief, I, I ......."

The chief looked at Liu Rijin's embarrassment and smiled happily: "I just looked at your eyes, and I guessed that it was inseparable." This is a good thing! What's so embarrassing? Come on, let's collect this one of mine as well!" he said, picked up the image seal and stuffed it into Liu Rijin's hand.

Ahh This is an honor that the chief executive won with his blood and sweat when he participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. How can I keep it for myself!

Liu Rijin waved his hand again and again, and took three steps back: "Chief, this doesn't work, this doesn't work, I can't accept it anyway!" After speaking, he left the chief with an excuse.

One day not long after, Liu Rijin and they completed the construction task, and when they were about to get on the car and return to the army, the chief came in a jeep, saying that it was to see him off, came to Liu Rijin's side, took out a delicate box, and stuffed it into Liu Rijin's hand. He said emotionally: "Xiao Liu, this medal records the great feat of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, recording our internationalist spirit and our determination to defeat the US aggressors, this is a witness of history, and I will hand it over to you young people for collection!"

When Liu Rijin heard this, his eyes turned red, and he took the medal with trembling hands. Immediately, with a snap, he saluted the chief with a standard military salute!

(9) Seishin Koso

The collection of Mao Zedong's portrait and medal is Liu Rijin's reverence and love for the great man engraved in his bones, and it has been Liu Rijin's dream for many years to build a first-class Mao Zedong statue and medal cultural museum in the country.

Rangchuan Village on the Landscape Wonders of Wencheng, Zhejiang, is built on the mountain, with clear staggering, backed by thousand-year-old camphor, and adjacent to the fiery red maple forest. On the south side of the village, on the side of National Highway 322, a group of trees and yellow walls and tiles are solemn and solemn, which is the Wencheng County Mao Zedong Statue and Seal Cultural Museum.

July 1, 2021, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, a day that has attracted worldwide attention!

On this day, Liu Rijin's dream came true!

With the support of the Wencheng County Party Committee and the county government, after 55 years of accumulation, the Mao Zedong Statue Medals that have been gentle and amazing for time have been reproduced and officially opened to the public in the Wencheng County Mao Zedong Statue Medal Cultural Museum!

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

The museum covers an area of 7 acres, with a construction area of 9,070 square meters, the top is composed of a number of "people" characters, embodying the concept of "people-oriented" and "people first", and the appearance is integrated into the architectural elements of the former residence of Chairman Mao Zedong Shaoshan; the surrounding area is golden yellow, highlighting the solemn atmosphere; the name of the museum is inscribed by Yan Zhentang, the former deputy director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and a famous calligrapher.

At present, the museum has three of the most in the country: first, the building is the largest, and full of meaning, unique characteristics. Second, there are the most Mao Zedong portraits that are not the same. After more than 50 years, Liu Rijin has collected more than 200,000 pieces of red cultural treasures such as Mao Zedong's portrait medals from all over the country. Among them, there are more than 70,000 different Mao Zedong portrait medals, which is "the Guinness record in the world". Third, the materials for making Mao Zedong's portrait medal are the most abundant. "The people have a beloved leader, and there is no material in the world!" The statue of Mao Zedong in the museum is made of gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, aluminum, lead, zinc, bamboo, wood, jade, glass, ceramics, plastic, agate, crystal, shell, cowhide, red, ivory, stainless steel, plexiglass, etc., with various shapes and colors.

In addition, the museum has received more than 200 inscriptions from leaders of relevant departments and celebrities of calligraphy and painting across the country. Chairman Mao Zedong's grandson, Mao Xinyu, sent an inscription with the words "deeply miss my grandfather Mao Zedong".

One day not long ago, we went to the Wencheng County Mao Zedong Statue and Medal Cultural Museum, which is located deep in Donggong Mountain.

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

Wearing a blue checkered shirt, wearing a Mao Zedong statue badge on his chest, a three-seven split head, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and the amiable Liu Rijin personally came to explain to us.

A great man's medallion, a red story.

Listening to Liu Rijin's explanation and viewing for more than two hours, we can deeply feel that he has poured infinite affection into each portrait medal, and at the same time, he has carefully cared for the portrait medal, scientifically classified it, and wrote more than 300,000 words of research materials while collecting, of which more than 40 articles have been published in relevant newspapers and magazines. It has also held more than 30 special exhibitions of red collections in Wencheng, Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Beijing and other places, and donated more than 1,160 pieces of red collections to Wencheng County Museum, Fujian Province "Gutian Conference" Memorial Hall, Guizhou Province "Zunyi Conference" Memorial Hall and other units, which have been well received by all sectors of society.

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

At this moment, our hearts are deeply shaken, and it is a shock that has never been seen before. In my mind, I seem to reappear that the spark of the stars is burning the plain earth, and a round of red sun is rising, converging into a rolling wave, passing through the long time and space, and rushing forward!

Liu Rijin is currently the deputy secretary-general of the Red Collection Committee of the China Collectors Association, and has been awarded the honorary titles of "National Advanced Individual in Red Collection", "National First Red Collection Star", "China's Outstanding Red Collector", "The First Top Ten People Who Moved Wencheng", "The Most Beautiful Retired Soldier in Wenzhou", "The First Model Retired Soldier in Zhejiang Province" and other honorary titles.

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

It was almost dusk, and we reluctantly walked out of the exhibition hall.

When I was about to break up, I held Liu Rijin's hands tightly, and my blood was full of excitement: What kind of hands are these?

This is the hand that bites off its finger and writes a bloody letter and asks to join the army!

This is the hand of the top shooter!

This is the hand that holds the steel gun to protect the family and the country!

This is a collection of 71,611 Mao Zedong portrait medals, setting a record of "the most Guinness in the world"!

Yan Dongyi: Like Zhang Yuan - Remembering the Red Collector Liu Rijin

At this time, it seems that the blood remnants of the sun are not in the West Mountain, and the white clouds are red all over the sky. Red is the most vivid color in nature. The red in this museum is the unswerving gaze of the revolutionary martyrs and the spark of the long night.

At this moment, on the mountain in front of the door, there are birds chirping, there are young buds, there are flowers blooming; under the Fangkun ridge, the Ximenkeng stream slowly moves forward, telling the story of Liu Rijin and the great man's love affair.

Ah, can you hear me? Can you hear clearly?

Looking at Liu Rijin in front of us, we were full of emotion: the lost time will not return. The years may gradually erase the traces of life, but the firm and persistent original intention of him and thousands of descendants of Yan and Huang will never change!

The portrait of a great man of an ordinary party member is a process intertwined with sweat, tears, and blood. This warm memory will definitely remain in the world for a long time!

On May 16, 2023, at Yuefu Building, Sanyang Wetland, Wenzhou

Yan Dongyi is a native of Wencheng County, a native of Wencheng County, near the Sanyang Wetland in Wenzhou, Zhejiang. He has carried wood and planted fields, taught with a sledgehammer, and worked in government departments until retirement. His works have been published in newspapers and periodicals such as "Literary Port", "Modern Writers", "Zhejiang Daily", "People's Daily", etc., and have been selected into "Reportage Collection" and other books.

(Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Author's Authorization], revised and released)

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