
Major development: At 6:06 a.m. confirmed by clothes, the big brother in black spoke that Papa Huang ruled out drowning

author:Butterflies for fashionistas


The disappearance of a four-year-old girl on the beach in Shanghai made a new discovery yesterday, and some people said that to find the murderer, it is a big deal, but I think this idea is wrong, we can gradually eliminate several possibilities, shorten a period, I think, this is already a huge improvement.

Shanghai 4-year-old girl lost on the beach, Shanghai 4-year-old girl lost on the beach, Shanghai 4-year-old girl lost, such news appeared again and again, since Huang's father issued the "Looking for People", everyone felt a heavy pressure, so that everyone could not breathe. From noon on October 4th, there were six full days, during which Huang Yuanxin was like evaporating in the world, and he couldn't find it.

Major development: At 6:06 a.m. confirmed by clothes, the big brother in black spoke that Papa Huang ruled out drowning

Our emotions also became more and more tense, like homeless people in the night, nervously searching for the disappearing Huang Yuanxin every moment. Like rain in a long dry place, we look forward to updated information. On major network platforms, the "search notice" is like a lit torch, which is forwarded, hotly discussed, and gathered into an unstoppable wave, and everyone's hearts are full of grief, like a cloudy sky, heavy, heavy.

Father Huang asked Brother Shui for help, but was rejected

Father Huang posted a message on his Weibo, telling about the loss of his daughter. He is well aware of the limitations of his abilities, but he firmly believes that in the vast sea of people, someone will help him find his daughter.

Everyone was moved by his words, everyone was looking around. In a pile of images, Huang's father identified one of them as his daughter at 5:53. However, that alone will not work.

Another visitor gave a 6:06 image, which he saw in a hint of a hint despite the blur. He said the image was similar to the one taken earlier at 5:53, but it was uncertain.

Major development: At 6:06 a.m. confirmed by clothes, the big brother in black spoke that Papa Huang ruled out drowning

Therefore, everyone is speculating whether this 6:06 second picture is Huang Yuanxin. It can be imagined that after everyone sees this picture, they will repeatedly compare, zoom in, zoom out, and look for clues. Moreover, Father Huang's heart must be more uncomfortable and anxious. He regarded his children as his most precious thing, and he would definitely have to flip through them, compare them over and over again, even if he scaled down the photo to the minimum, to make sure that this was his own daughter.

In desperation, No. 8 had to ask Brother Shui, Wang Yuheng, for help, and left a message under Brother Shui's Weibo, asking Brother Shui to help him identify.

"Does it matter?" In fact, this is a question that haunts everyone's mind, and it is also a thought-provoking question. The pain of losing a child is like an endless abyss, engulfing everyone.

However, Huang's father said in front of the media that as long as it can be confirmed that the girl in the picture taken at 6:06 is his biological daughter, then his daughter will not drown at 5:54, and this news is like a glimmer of light, penetrating the dark sea and making everyone see hope.

Major development: At 6:06 a.m. confirmed by clothes, the big brother in black spoke that Papa Huang ruled out drowning

Brother Shui did not respond positively, but told netizens his answer in a private chat. This silent promise, like a seed, has taken root in everyone's hearts. So they fantasized about this hopeful "yes", longing for a "no" that would turn everything into nothingness.

"Brother Shui" said that if the government has something, he will come forward to help, but he will not ask for help in private, because what he is most afraid of is that the information on the Internet is unreliable and will cause more trouble. In his opinion, the best thing to do is to let the relatives who know the girl best determine the girl's safety. At the same time, he began to doubt that the father could recognize his child.

"Brother Shui" said that if his father suddenly appeared from the pile of people, his girlfriend would definitely be able to recognize it at a glance. But even his own daughter can't recognize it, and it seems too exaggerated to let an outsider identify it. The incident sparked a heated discussion among netizens, who questioned his father, saying that his ideas were different from ordinary people.

This accident has made us reflect on the duty and safety of parents. Parents should be vigilant when going out with children, especially in crowded places, and pay more attention to the movements of children to avoid such things. Parents should always pay attention to the safety of their children and not cause their children to go missing due to their own negligence.

Major development: At 6:06 a.m. confirmed by clothes, the big brother in black spoke that Papa Huang ruled out drowning

Brother Shui's reluctance to seek help in private can also understand his concerns. In the Internet environment, it is difficult to protect the personal information people obtain, and asking for help privately can lead to more trouble. However, we still need to give some space, and when we can guarantee its authenticity, it is necessary to ask for help privately. After all, for a lost child, every second counts, and even the slightest hint of it can help to find it.

In the attitude towards dad, adopt an inclusive attitude. The loss of a child is a very sad thing for all parents, and perhaps fathers, in the midst of anxiety and disappointment, are trying their best to find their daughters. Although this method is more special, we still try to help him find his child, and after finding the child, reasonable comfort and education for the child.

People on the Internet agree with Brother Shui's views, but it takes a lot of effort to completely solve this problem. Even if Brother Shui refuses to admit it, they can't deny this 6. The picture of 06 points. Not only him, but even enthusiastic netizens like us want to learn from everyone. Many people have great power.

Major development: At 6:06 a.m. confirmed by clothes, the big brother in black spoke that Papa Huang ruled out drowning

At this time, a man dressed in black, wearing a hat and black glasses walked out, giving us a lot of confidence. He said he usually does visual-related work, and he knows more about it. To see the area clearly, you must first expose the photo, maximize it, and zoom in.

The man in the black robe and the hat continued to explain that because it was summer, the surrounding light was warm, or bright red, which was the summer sun. If one color is blue, then the garment is clearly a strong impact color. He thought the girl in the painting was wearing a blue dress.

Major development: At 6:06 a.m. confirmed by clothes, the big brother in black spoke that Papa Huang ruled out drowning

The boss in black clothes and black hat said this, which strengthened our idea that the girl must be wearing a blue dress. The summer sun takes on a warm yellow or red color, as we feel the sunlight. However, in this image, large chunks of blue contrast sharply with the lights around it. If the garment itself is not blue, then this color will only appear after processing.

He says the actual color of the area can only be used by adjusting the light and shade of the photo, as well as zooming. He had already told Dad Huang about this.

Major development: At 6:06 a.m. confirmed by clothes, the big brother in black spoke that Papa Huang ruled out drowning

Why this is an important step forward

At the beginning, Huang's father made it clear in the interview that as long as he posted another photo of her after 5:54 p.m., he could prove that he was drowned, but she was wearing a blue dress and her body was very similar, so everyone could guess the reason.

There were no adults present at the time, both were similar in shape, wearing the same blue dress, both were a child, most likely the same person, but this possibility was very small, most likely a huge improvement.

At last

We believe that this valuable tip will attract Uncle Huang's attention and respond positively with his uncle. After all, the work of experts still has to be done by experts, and all we can do now is to provide you with some tips, and this data is only for reference. All of us are committed to proactively finding Huang Yuanxin.

We have to concentrate and focus on the actual work, so that it is possible to find out Huang Yuanxin. We sincerely wish Huang Yuanxin to return to his home soon and let this family have the joy of reunion again. In this way, everyone does not have to worry about her safety.

Major development: At 6:06 a.m. confirmed by clothes, the big brother in black spoke that Papa Huang ruled out drowning

Now, the relevant agencies are still searching, but whether the girl is still alive, no one dares to say, and there is no guarantee. For the girl's family, it was supposed to be a festival for family reunion and happiness, but at this moment, the sudden disappearance of a little girl broke all this. From the public's point of view, the disappearance of the girl is grief-stricken, while her father runs back to get his mobile phone and leaves the child alone on the beach, which is even more puzzling and angry. Among the public, many people have also proposed that the girl's father should bear legal responsibility, even criminal responsibility.

These emotional expressions full of anger reflect the concern of the whole society for the personal safety of adolescents. China's law on minors provides adequate protection for the life, health and safety of minors. A 4-year-old girl is still an individual with no capacity for civil conduct, without basic skills to perceive, avoid and protect external security risks, and she must be carefully cared for by her parents and other guardians to play normally. Everyone knows that the beach is a very dangerous place, according to news reports, this beach is called "wild beach", much safer than other places, so everyone should be in good spirits to avoid accidents. The girl's father goes to the beach with his own child to play, should always be vigilant, follow closely, leave the child for more than ten minutes halfway, leaving the child in a dangerous situation unattended, obviously with negligence and other problems.