
After India's environmental princess was born, I strongly supported it

author:The Dead

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In today's world, Greta Thunberg is a Swedish 16-year-old girl who has become a high-profile figure for her environmental activism. She has received enthusiastic support from countries and large organizations, has travelled the globe to give speeches, and even dared to accuse heads of state at the United Nations General Assembly. Thunberg has been hailed as the hope of humanity's future because of her influence that at one point called millions of students on strike to force the government to reduce carbon emissions. But unexpectedly, on February 4, 2023, the Indian government opened a case against her.

In the past six months, large-scale farmers' protests have erupted in India that continue to this day as farmers oppose the Farmers Act enacted by the central government in September 2020. In protest, Indian farmers formed a human wall to block the road, lying on the track and interrupting the railway, causing many large-scale traffic paralysis, but the Indian central government resolutely refused to budge. In this context, Western celebrities such as Sweden's environmental princess Thunberg have intervened in India's internal affairs.

After India's environmental princess was born, I strongly supported it

Not only did Thunberg publicly retweet CNN's tweet, claiming "We strongly support the Indian farmers' protests," but also shared a "protest tutorial" that taught Indian farmers how to organize larger and more intense protests. This blatant interference in India's internal affairs has aroused strong dissatisfaction among the Indian people. On February 4, angry Indians took to the streets, burning photos of Western celebrities such as Tumberi, declaring that "we do not need an outsider to interfere in India's internal affairs."

The Indian government believed that the "protest tutorial" forwarded by Thunberg exposed "an organized overseas cyber conspiracy" and was ironclad evidence of foreign interference in India's internal affairs, so it launched an investigation into Thunberg for allegedly "inciting hostility". Thunberg defines the lives of Indians as an environmental princess and a saint of humanity, but has been accused of foreign interference in India's internal affairs.

After India's environmental princess was born, I strongly supported it

However, if the West thinks that Sweden's environmental princess is not suitable for meddling in India's internal affairs, then perhaps an Indian version of environmental princess can be created for India. In recent months, an Indian girl named Lisipriya Kanggujam has risen to prominence under the auspices of Western environmental groups. Kangujam is younger than Thunberg, just 9 years old, but she quickly rose to prominence and became a new darling in Western environmental circles.

Whether Kangujam really understands environmental protection is a secondary question, and what matters is that she is portrayed as a radical environmentalist. Her call to extreme environmental slogans, especially children, may seem inappropriate among adults, but children's voices are more likely to resonate.

After India's environmental princess was born, I strongly supported it

The emergence of Kangujam, as India's environmental princess, seems to be in line with the Western-dominated environmental agenda. The situation has aroused great interest from Western environmental groups. At the same time, China has a large number of children who care about and are actively involved in environmental protection, but they receive little international attention. This has led to some double standards regarding environmental activities.

Is it normal if a Chinese schoolboy is suddenly awarded various awards by multinational organizations for writing letters, shouting slogans, or even speaking at the United Nations? Is this glory and status based solely on individual efforts? Or, are they the result of manipulation by an external organization?

In this case, one can question the comparison between the environmental princess of Sweden and the new environmental princess of India. They all appear to be carefully packaged pawns by Western environmental groups to push some kind of agenda. This raises questions about the motivation of Western environmentalists, whether they are pursuing environmental protection or other goals.

After India's environmental princess was born, I strongly supported it

In fact, environmental issues are often used as a tool to combat industrialization in developing countries. The West often asks developing countries to reduce carbon emissions, but offers little support to help them meet their environmental goals.

Moreover, many Western environmentalists hold double standards for China's efforts and achievements. Instead of acknowledging China's environmental improvements and growing forest cover, they criticize China's carbon emissions. This unfair treatment is confusing, as if the core goal of environmentalism is not really environmental protection, but more to achieve

The political and economic agenda of the West.

When China proposed a reasonable carbon emission plan that required no more than 80% of Western countries to emit carbon emissions per capita, this proposal was supported by many country representatives. However, the United States did not hesitate to reject the proposal, arguing that Chinese were not eligible for the same carbon emission rights as they could.

After India's environmental princess was born, I strongly supported it

This situation suggests that environmental issues are used to some extent as a tool to suppress industrialization in developing countries. Western countries often ask other countries to limit their carbon emissions, but they themselves are reluctant to do the same. This raises questions about the real motives of environmentalism, whether it is for the environment or to achieve political and economic goals.

Against this backdrop, the emergence of India's new environmental princess, Lysipriya Kanggujam, seems to fit the West's environmental agenda. She was presented as a young environmental advocate calling attention to India's environmental issues, especially resistance to industrialization. This image fits with the goal of Western environmental groups to limit industrialization in developing countries to satisfy their own political and economic interests.

However, India's environmental princess and other similar roles have sparked controversy over double standards on environmental issues. Why are only a few countries and individuals given the "mission" of environmental protection, while other countries and people are excluded? Why can Western countries continue to live energy-intensive lifestyles while demanding environmental constraints on other countries?

Ultimately, environmental protection should be a global effort and effort, not a political tool or a tool of double standards. We should pursue a more equitable and just environmental agenda to ensure that every country and people can contribute to the future of the planet, regardless of political and economic factors. The core goal of environmental protection should be the sustainability of the planet, not just to meet the political and economic interests of a particular country or organization.

Article Inspiration:

The article presents a range of perspectives that highlight some of the complexities and double standards in environmental issues. Here are some of the revelations and lessons:

The complexity of the global environmental movement: The article highlights the complexity of the global environmental movement, noting that many environmental issues are not only for the future of the planet, but also involve national interests, political interference, and double standards.

The Role of Western Environmental Organizations: The article points out that some Western environmental groups may use environmental issues to influence policies in developing countries, especially to limit their industrial development. This suggests that the environmental movement may have been used as a political tool.

Double standards and double standards: The article clearly expresses dissatisfaction with double standards, such as Western countries blaming other countries on environmental issues, but their own behavior is contradictory. This reminds us to be careful about environmental issues and to demand consistency and fairness.

Social Media and Young Environmental Activists: The article mentions the influence of young environmental activists on social media, highlighting the role of social media in shaping public opinion and sparking movements.


The essay provokes deep thinking about the environmental movement by discussing environmental issues and the role of young environmental activists. It highlights the complexity of environmental issues, especially in the context of international politics and double standards. The article also mentions the role of Western environmental groups, suggesting they could be used as a political tool. Finally, the article highlights the key role of social media in the spread and influence of young environmental activists. This article sparked discussion about environmental issues and the importance of how to deal with them more equitably.

The article's discussion provides insights into the global environmental movement, but there are some important points and implications that need to be explored further:

Internationality of the environmental movement: The global environmental movement has become an international phenomenon that transcends national borders. Young environmental activists like Greta Thunberg and Lisipria Kanggujam show how a younger generation can cross international borders and call for action to solve global problems. This underscores the importance of international cooperation for the environmental movement.

Children's Role in the Environmental Movement: The article mentions child environmental activists and highlights how their voices have garnered global attention. This shows that everyone, regardless of age, can play an active role in the environmental movement. The sensitivity of the younger generation to environmental issues may help drive policy and social change.

Balance between environmental protection and development: The relationship between environmental protection and industrial development is discussed in the article. This raises a key question of how to balance protecting the environment with meeting people's needs. This requires a combination of sustainability and development to ensure the rational use of the earth's resources.

Public opinion and the power of social media: The article mentions the role of social media in sparking and shaping environmental movements. Social media provides a platform for ordinary people to voice their opinions and advocate for change, an important means of generating global attention and action.

Taken together, the article provokes deep thought about the global environmental movement, political interference, international cooperation, double standards, and the influence of social media. Environmental issues are complex and require discussion and cooperation on a global scale. At the same time, everyone can participate to their own extent and contribute to creating a more sustainable future. Environmental protection is not only a national or regional problem, but the common responsibility of all mankind.

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