
"If you want to cover your breasts, you have to pay your taxes first!" This is India's breast tax, the most ridiculous tax ever. India, as a populous country, has it in many ways

author:Meigetsu Bunshi

"If you want to cover your breasts, you have to pay your taxes first!" This is India's breast tax, the most ridiculous tax ever.

As a populous country, India has strange regulations in many aspects, for example, toilets are a symbol of filth in their eyes, so it is difficult to find public toilets in India, which leads to a lot of open defecation in India, almost flooded, and the whole country can also be described as "dirty and messy".

In addition to these, there is a strange rule in India in the 19th century, that is, women need to pay a "breast tax", and women with open breasts can be seen everywhere on the street, which can not help but shock everyone, it stands to reason that India is a very feudal and conservative country, and why are women living in the 19th century so "open"?

In fact, this was the cruel social system of the time, which forced the Indian people to do so, because women here were not allowed to walk on the streets with shirts as long as they did not pay the breast tax. So where did the breast tax come about?

At that time, there were many classes in India, two of which were Brahmins and Shudras, and the relationship between the two classes had always been strong, but since the British invaded India, India has become a British colony, and the British have begun to put pressure on the Indian government.

The Indian government naturally has a variety of strange tax systems for the poor people, the status of the Shudra at that time was very low, most of the people lived in the slums of India, and were in a state of under-eating all day long, as we all know, the caste system in India is very inhumane, as long as you have a high caste in India, then you can have endless glory and wealth, if unfortunately it is a low caste, it will be the poorest race in the whole society.

These Shudra women were themselves very poor, and they had no money to pay taxes, and some of them had to walk the streets bare-chested, even though they had already endured inhuman torment, and there was also a provision in this tax that the bigger the breasts of the women, the more taxes they had to pay.

Under the exploitation of this system, some Shudra women joined Christianity in order to avoid exploitation, so that they could escape the fate of not wearing clothes, but this behavior was gradually discovered by the high-level, and some people even asked these women to take off their clothes in public on the street, and some women did not comply, and they would be forcibly torn by the high-ranking personnel until they took off their clothes.

It is said that a woman named Muraclam was walking down the street when these elements stopped her and forced her to take off her blouse, but to their surprise, Mulacram refused to obey and eventually cut off her breasts, which caused quite a stir.

Even more shocking was that her husband then followed her to heaven, where he jumped into the fire during Muraclam's cremation, which gradually shocked the Indian government and British colonial rulers, who also became aware of the cruelty of the tax system.

Then more and more peasants began to revolt, and the "Nadalism" emerged, and finally the government had to agree to abolish this "breast tax" in 1924. Women in India have also regained their freedom to dress, and women who do not wear tops are no longer seen on the streets of India.

Indian women were freed by this event, but other systems of exploitation still exist in India, such as the caste system, which is explicitly abolished, but is still widespread in India, and there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor in India, and the rich are really rich, but these people are a minority.

Poor people are so poor that they jingle loudly, people living in slums grab a lot of people, recently the news of India's hot death has been on the hot search, India is not only underdeveloped, the climatic conditions are also very unsatisfactory, the temperature will be as high as 50 degrees in summer, 40 degrees of weather is already very hot, I really dare not imagine 50 degrees, how the Indian people survive.

According to statistics, more than 200 people have died in India this year due to hot weather, and these people are not only poor, but also some election officials.

The very small population with air-conditioned air conditioners in India and frequent power outages are in stark contrast to China's. It's really a blessing to live in China.

"If you want to cover your breasts, you have to pay your taxes first!" This is India's breast tax, the most ridiculous tax ever. India, as a populous country, has it in many ways
"If you want to cover your breasts, you have to pay your taxes first!" This is India's breast tax, the most ridiculous tax ever. India, as a populous country, has it in many ways
"If you want to cover your breasts, you have to pay your taxes first!" This is India's breast tax, the most ridiculous tax ever. India, as a populous country, has it in many ways

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