
People do not perish for themselves, it is not selfish forcible occupation, but people should practice themselves from the moment they are born, otherwise heaven and earth will give everyone who does not abide by the rules suffer, making people suffer and lose

author:Mr. Bai talks about life

People do not perish for themselves, it is not selfish forcible occupation, but people should practice themselves from the moment of birth, otherwise heaven and earth will give suffering to everyone who does not abide by the rules, making people introspect in pain and loss...

Heaven will only give calamity to those who disobey against heaven, and when the blessings and past good rewards are exhausted, it is time to kill themselves...

Heaven's gifts and rewards and punishments for people are precise to the slightest, and a good thought has a good reward, and an evil thought has evil retribution...

Everything is cause and effect, cause has effect, effect before effect has cause, starting thoughts are causes, and what is received in the present moment is effect.

To be kind to others is to be kind to yourself, in order to get the love of others, you must first learn to love others, love others is to truly love yourself...

Because of your hard work, you know how to love and how to give, because you have a full heart, and your love will alarm the Buddhas in all directions to protect you

How others treat you is the cultivation of others, and how you treat others is your cultivation...

Your cultivation is your blessing, and the more your blessing accumulates, the smoother your destiny will be...

Quiet to self-cultivation, thrift to cultivate morality! People have a thousand calculations, the sky has one calculation, people count self-interest, heaven counts fair, for themselves, cultivate themselves

Be kind to people, bless the way of heaven, be kind to people, do more good deeds, do not ask about the future, although the blessing has not yet arrived, the calamity is far away

People do not perish for themselves, it is not selfish forcible occupation, but people should practice themselves from the moment they are born, otherwise heaven and earth will give everyone who does not abide by the rules suffer, making people suffer and lose
People do not perish for themselves, it is not selfish forcible occupation, but people should practice themselves from the moment they are born, otherwise heaven and earth will give everyone who does not abide by the rules suffer, making people suffer and lose
People do not perish for themselves, it is not selfish forcible occupation, but people should practice themselves from the moment they are born, otherwise heaven and earth will give everyone who does not abide by the rules suffer, making people suffer and lose

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