
The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

author:Delicate Alvin talks about sports

The current results of the Chinese women's basketball team are remarkable, but the problem of its reserve strength cannot be ignored. The performance of the U16 and U19 women's basketball teams in international competitions is not ideal, which indicates that the Chinese women's basketball team may face some difficulties in the future. The current main players such as Li Meng, Wang Siyu, Huang Sijing, Yang Liwei, Jin Weina, etc. are older, and after the Paris Olympics, some people may choose to retire. Although the new generation of players, such as Liu Yutong and Zhang Ziyu, is highly anticipated, it remains to be tested whether they can carry the banner of the Chinese women's basketball team.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

In the world of sports, behind every shining moment, there are countless days and nights of hard work. Behind this, there is a huge sports training system silently supported. For the Chinese women's basketball team, how to find new strength and maintain or even surpass the existing competitiveness after the "golden generation" players gradually age is an urgent problem to be solved.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

What we want to focus on is the popularity of youth basketball. Only when basketball is widely popularized among teenagers can we select more outstanding athletes from a larger base. This requires us to increase investment in sports in schools, improve the status of sports, and let more children be willing to participate in sports such as basketball.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

We want to focus on the scientific training of athletes. In the training process of athletes, we should pay attention to scientific training methods to prevent athletes from overtraining and protect athletes' bodies. At the same time, we must also pay attention to the cultivation of athletes' mental health, so that they can maintain a good attitude in the fierce competition.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

What we want to focus on is the development of coaches. An excellent coach must not only have sufficient technical and tactical achievements, but also know how to manage and mobilize the enthusiasm of the team, and know how to make the right decisions at critical moments.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

In the glorious history of the Chinese women's basketball team, the names of Li Meng, Han Xu, Wang Siyu, Huang Sijing and Yang Liwei are like bright stars, shining with perseverance and hard work. Their outstanding performance on the court not only won honor for the national team, but also set a model for Chinese basketball.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

As they get older, some of them may choose to retire in the near future. This undoubtedly brings new challenges to the Chinese women's basketball team. How to continue to maintain the competitiveness of the Chinese women's basketball team after their retirement will be a question we need to ponder. In this process, we should cherish every appearance of these women's basketball superstars on the court, remember every wonderful moment they bring us, and look forward to the Chinese women's basketball team to continue to create brilliance in the future and pass the torch of Chinese basketball to the next generation.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

With the Paris Olympics approaching, the core players of the Chinese women's basketball team, including Yang Liwei and Jin Weina, may face an important career decision - whether to retire after this world-class sports feast. This is not only a key node in their personal careers, but also an important turning point in the future development of the Chinese women's basketball team.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

Yang Liwei and Jin Weina, two players who have a pivotal position in the Chinese women's basketball team, their stable performance on the court and leadership style off the court have been important pillars of the Chinese women's basketball team for many years. Their outstanding skills and tenacious struggle on the international court have won countless honors and respect for the Chinese women's basketball team.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

The Paris Olympics may become the pinnacle and end of their careers. On such a stage of global attention, they may hope to bring their basketball career to a successful end in the most perfect way. For them, retiring does not mean a complete break from the sport of basketball, and their experience and leadership can still play an important role in many aspects such as the dugout, the commentary bench or basketball promotion.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

The retirement of players such as Yang Liwei and Jin Weina will undoubtedly bring a certain impact to the Chinese women's basketball team. Their departure means that the team will lose some of its experienced core strength, and the new generation of players will need to grow rapidly in a short period of time to carry the banner of the Chinese women's basketball team. This is a challenge and an opportunity. The new generation of young players will have more opportunities and space to show themselves, and how to prove themselves on the higher and stronger competitive stage will be an important issue for them.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

At this critical turning point, the Chinese women's basketball team needs a series of strategic adjustments and talent combing. The coaching staff needs to pay more attention to the cultivation and growth of young players, and help them adapt to the rhythm and intensity of international competitions as soon as possible through scientific training and reasonable competition arrangements. At the same time, we should also make full use of the experience of predecessors such as Yang Liwei and Jin Weina to provide more opportunities for young players to learn and communicate.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

On the road ahead, the Chinese women's basketball team will usher in new challenges and opportunities. In this process, we expect the new generation of female basketball players to grow rapidly and continue to win glory for the country in the international arena, and also look forward to Yang Liwei, Jin Weina and other older generation players to continue to contribute to China's basketball cause in new fields.

The reserve strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is worse than that of the men's basketball team! After a few years, it will fall off a cliff

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