
Codenamed N701, Hongqi mystery model mass production! The production capacity is only 5 vehicles, which far exceeds the status of Hongqi L5

Codenamed N701, Hongqi mystery model mass production! The production capacity is only 5 vehicles, which far exceeds the status of Hongqi L5

Codenamed N701, Hongqi mystery model mass production! The production capacity is only 5 vehicles, which far exceeds the status of Hongqi L5

We know that FAW Hongqi has announced this year, its "national car" Hongqi L5 has been officially launched globally, which is a milestone progress for FAW Hongqi, now another mysterious model of FAW Hongqi is about to be mass-produced, and the future will not rule out going abroad, this car has no specific name, but there is a codename, that is, the picture of "N701"!

Codenamed N701, Hongqi mystery model mass production! The production capacity is only 5 vehicles, which far exceeds the status of Hongqi L5

From the official data, this car has an annual production of only 5 units, which makes the editor begin to wonder, is it purely handmade? This can only wait for further official news. We return to this car, first of all, from the design style, this car and the new Hongqi L5 has obvious differences, the latter is mainly retro elements, and the front side has a clear business, in fact, we will always see this car on TV, and although the sense of solemnity is obvious! The entire front face is composed of multiple sets of vertical grilles, with a large number of silver friezes, solemn and stylish.

Codenamed N701, Hongqi mystery model mass production! The production capacity is only 5 vehicles, which far exceeds the status of Hongqi L5

The size of this car has not been exposed, but because it is higher than the existence of Hongqi L5, it is likely to be better than the latter! From the perspective of the picture above, the waist line runs from the rear of the car to the front of the car, and the progressive layout adopted enhances its sense of solemnity, and the iconic large wheel eyebrows match the new LOGO, which is full of substitution. Compared with the front face, the rear of the car is slightly flattened, the headlights adopt a square layout, and a silver decorative band stands above, and the word "red flag" is particularly abrupt. The oval exhaust on both sides also fits perfectly with the style of the whole car.

Codenamed N701, Hongqi mystery model mass production! The production capacity is only 5 vehicles, which far exceeds the status of Hongqi L5

The interior still has many similarities with the already listed Hongqi L5. For example, the center console is equipped with a through-type dashboard, the size almost forms a leapfrog layout, the lower end of the screen is a multi-layer structure of air conditioning vents, and the unique log trim also adds a sense of solemnity to this car. The seats are made of traditional 2+2 four-seat layout, and the material is also made of cotton and linen materials, but from the degree of luxury, this car is not at all inferior to Rolls-Royce and other series.

Codenamed N701, Hongqi mystery model mass production! The production capacity is only 5 vehicles, which far exceeds the status of Hongqi L5
Codenamed N701, Hongqi mystery model mass production! The production capacity is only 5 vehicles, which far exceeds the status of Hongqi L5

Finally, looking at the power performance, this N701 is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system consisting of a 3.0T V6 engine and motor, and the maximum kilometer can reach 340kW. However, the specific performance will only be revealed after the listing. Because the production capacity is only 5 vehicles, in addition to its status, the future price will not be lower than Hongqi L5! I don't know what you think about this car.

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