
Refusing to renew his contract, Thompson chose 1 of 2, Jenna shouted Booker to get back together, Irving or be suspended

author:Sports and entertainment single ring

When the skies of the Warriors suddenly turned dark, the fan world began to tremble. Suddenly, like a spring breeze overnight, such a big movement, what made this powerful team fall into a deep predicament? The starting point of the story is worth delving into.

With all this, Klay Thompson has already made it clear that he will not ask for a maximum salary contract and will not seek the maximum amount of money in the league. However, just as he showed enough sincerity to play for the Warriors, news exploded in basketball circles, and the words of the famous WOJ revealed the frozen stalemate in Thompson and Warriors contract extension negotiations. Such a situation is really elusive.

Refusing to renew his contract, Thompson chose 1 of 2, Jenna shouted Booker to get back together, Irving or be suspended

As a result, the core of the problem arises: the length and amount of the contract have become an insurmountable gap between the two parties. This huge gap caused Thompson to refuse to renew his contract, and there were only two paths left in desperation. First, dragging himself into the free agency market, which is full of unknowns and risks, and the last two serious injuries have greatly reduced Thompson's strength.

The choice was mixed, and it was as dark as night in front of us, but just as we sighed, another door opened. If Thompson does not renew his contract with the Warriors, the Warriors may force a trade to open to avoid heavy losses. Right now, the Lakers and the Lone Ranger have begun to move, and they already know Thompson's thoughts. After all, Thompson's three-point shooting and off-ball ability are a coveted asset for many teams.

Refusing to renew his contract, Thompson chose 1 of 2, Jenna shouted Booker to get back together, Irving or be suspended

But let's turn the camera again and go back to Kerry Owen's world. Recently, Irving's remarks have been hot, and he has become the focus of fans for a while. However, at this time, the American gossip media TMZ broke a news that made people nervous, Irving may once again fall into the sanctions of the league, and may even be banned.

Why is that? It is worth mentioning that Irving was once attacked for his remarks involving Jews and almost lost his basketball career. Although he eventually apologized and donated money to get back on his feet, the media is now reporting again that Irving may be punished by the league again. However, it is worth noting that there is no official news of the alliance so far, only the voice of the media. Irving's rhetoric may not be excessive, or he may have become more cautious in his words and actions because of the profound lessons.

Refusing to renew his contract, Thompson chose 1 of 2, Jenna shouted Booker to get back together, Irving or be suspended

Finally, let's take a look at Jenna's story. Since her debut, she has forged an indissoluble bond with NBA stars, from Griffin, Clarkson to Simmons, her love life has become a wonderful drama, turning her from a nobodygirl to an NBA celebrity. Especially the relationship with Devin Booker, her words inspired Booker's ambition to win the championship, and also allowed her to gain a lot of traffic and attention.

Refusing to renew his contract, Thompson chose 1 of 2, Jenna shouted Booker to get back together, Irving or be suspended

However, a story is a story after all. After Jenna broke up with Booker, she found a new boyfriend, and this new boyfriend even wrote songs to taunt Booker because of emotional problems. However, perhaps because her new boyfriend can't bring enough light, Jenna has recently begun to send longing feelings to Booker, whether because of the traffic or Booker's unique charm, she has begun to feel the sweetness of the NBA again. And now, we can only wait to see if Booker is willing to renew the frontier and let this love story play out again.

Refusing to renew his contract, Thompson chose 1 of 2, Jenna shouted Booker to get back together, Irving or be suspended

Everyone has their own choices and problems. From Klay Thompson's contract extension, to Kerry Irving's words, to Jenna's emotional twists and turns, the basketball world is always full of endless variables and appeals. How the future will develop, and who will become the next basketball legend, this is a wonderful performance of basketball drama, which is worth looking forward to together.

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