
Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized

author:Ruixue Feihua ME

"Gentlemen, if you go this time, you may not be able to come back."

"Well, if you can't come back, then you won't come back."

Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized

It is said that these are some of the 1,500 Palestinian parachutists, teenage commandos, and from the photos, they are only teenagers, still children in our eyes, and still need to go to class to study, play happily and talk about the age of love.

But they resolutely chose to sacrifice. What kind of desperate path is this a choice that will be made by encountering some unforgettable hatred?

The young faces of Hamas warriors who parapolated and flew to Israel never to return... It is heartbreaking to know that there is no way back and still die generously. All 1,500 people died in battle, and none of them fell, how tragic!

They are still so young, but they have no hesitation to die generously, don't they cherish life?

Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized
Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized
Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized
Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized

The wind is bleak and the water is cold, and the strong man is gone!

How magnificent is 1500 strong men who know that they will die! A nation that has not been bullied will not have such warriors. Although they have been bullied, people who are spineless will not have such heroes. Children of suffering, you cannot choose your origin, but you must fight to change your destiny! Justice is on your side! The country is shattered, there is only one war!

Twenty years ago, Palestinian children grew up, their souls belonged to the land, and their blood would awaken the sleeping Arab nation, singing the Internationale and going to the soup for dignity, for survival and for future generations. Tribute to the Palestinian warriors! This is the meaning of Hamas's sacrifice, and without the awakening of world consciousness, Palestine will only gradually die under the encroachment of Israel. They are warriors, and all Palestinians will awaken in endless blood and tears, just like our forefathers!

Where is Hamas, where are there terrorists! It's just that the crying children on the ruins have grown up! It's just a bunch of avengers after their parents are killed! For the lovely Motherland! Cute young heroes go ahead and move forward! Advance! Advance! For the lovely motherland, donate blood and blood for the life of a man, and forge ahead without fear of power, domineering and bullying!

Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized

These are heroes! No rebuttals accepted! Seeing that they thought of the first generation of Chinese pilots during the Anti-Japanese War, they also knew that they would die or did not hesitate to fly the plane into the sky and fight with the Japanese invaders! I have found articles about the pilots of the Nationalist Army fighting to the death with Japan over Chongqing. Tears in my eyes. The Sichuan army went out of Sichuan to resist the Japanese in the summer, and the equipment was simple, and they all wore single-clothed straw shoes. Some people ask, what to do in winter? A: We didn't expect to live to that point. What a tragic military soul this is!

Young heroes, sacrificed for righteousness. I smiled from the knife to the sky and went to keep two kunlun of liver and gallbladder. Knowing that it is death, but walking towards death. For the sake of the nation, for the sake of the country, sacrifice one's life for righteousness, this is the real hero! They are the purest people, they are the bravest people, they are warriors who sacrifice their lives for righteousness. It's really, so heartbreaking... They are all children, but they choose to die... Terrible war, terrible humanity.

There is no full of painful experience, where does the cold and firm eyes come from. The immature face stood up the backbone of defending the country. The eyes are resolute and full of murderous aura, knowing that there is no return, but they are moving forward. The eyes of these children are not hated to the bone, how can they have such courage!

Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized

You may not have brushed a video of being a child, what did the reporter do for you to grow up, the child replied, we will not grow up, because Israel will shoot him anytime and anywhere. The answer of a 12-year-old child was sad and tearful.

Empathetic, suddenly thought of our anti-Japanese 7,000 Songshan battle baby soldiers. I also remembered a domestic movie "War Meridian", when the most difficult moment of the Anti-Japanese War, our fighters were also a group of children. There are many seventeen and eighteen-year-old children on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea! When the nation is in danger, the country is in danger, and there is no distinction between men and women, old and young. Pifu is responsible!

Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized

Young people are awe-inspiring for national liberation, and respect is born in sorrow. The eyes are resolute, full of murderous aura, knowing that there is no return, and moving forward. If they had advanced weapons in their hands, Israel would have no chance of victory. Although tens of millions of people, I will go! The autumn breeze is bleak, the strong man does not return, Yi Shui is still sad!

"Gentlemen, this time you may bear thousands of insults and become terrorists that everyone shouts to kill."

"Well, I can't care about it, even if I am scolded by tens of millions of people, fall into hell after death, and sink forever, I will not regret it."

Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized

Israel has created the big prison of Gaza, three tall military walls plus power grids, etc., no factories are allowed in it, hospitals and schools are also aided to build a bombed one, balloons are not allowed, there are warships on the seaside, fish are not allowed to be fished, and water and electricity are controlled, etc., millions of people are trapped inside all rely on international aid to survive, just this Israel has to bomb and deter every third and fifth, killing Palestinian civilians is like a common thing, Palestinian resistance is terrorism, if you are a Palestinian trapped inside, what will you do? What would you do if your parents were blown up???

If their ancestors had known that the Jews were now repaying their descendants in this way when they took in the Jews, they would probably have repented of their bowels. Everyone remembers the way the Israelites rewarded. Parents, siblings, and family members were all killed by Israel. Why not take revenge, think that our ancestors were also killed by the Japanese, and countless heroes gave their lives. The range of missiles is fairness and justice, that is, the national border.

Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized

I think of China's 7,000 child soldiers, and the song, "After many years, who still remembers me, remembers that I came?" The martyr's cemetery in Tengchong, Yunnan, the oldest is only 15 years old, and more than 1,000 child soldiers have not survived! Honor our forefathers!

In order to drive out the Japanese invaders, we paid more than 40 million lives. Even if it takes more, I think our predecessors will not hesitate. Today, we empathize with the Palestinians because they are experiencing what we have experienced, so their struggle and sacrifice cannot be measured in proportion. They deserve our respect!

Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized

These poor children, in addition to admiration, should also rejoice that because we have a strong motherland, we live in a peaceful country, no hunger, no war! In order for our descendants to not have such an experience, what we should do now is the most important thing. Work together to make our motherland strong, do what we can, support domestic products, and make achievements in the fields we are good at. 1.4 billion Chinese work together, our future will be better and better!

Children, you have sacrificed for your motherland, you have lost the years of higher cultural education, you have lost your youth, you have lost love, you have lost the love of your parents, you are really great, future generations will always remember you, God prayed for you in heaven, I hope your sacrifice can be exchanged for the independence and happiness of the Palestinian people!

Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized

Salute to the heroic Palestinian people, knowing that they will die if they attack Israel, or if they are brave and courageous, such a people will not be destroyed, and their dreams will surely come true! There is no lone brave who sacrifices his life and forgets his life, where is Cathay safe. Only by fighting to the death to the end can we hold our homeland. How tragic is Hamas's fight for the survival of its own nation to drive out the Israeli Jews, who have usurped its own land. No retreat is the road to victory, majestic, warriors! They do not die in silence, they erupt in silence! If they can, who doesn't want their wife and children to be hot? They are desperate struggles that have no way back but to fight to the death. Tragic!

Tragic! 1,500 young lives were killed, and the young heroes of Palestine were immortalized

I have no way to retreat, I am retreating my wife and children, this notoriety needs to be borne by others, I am willing to bear this name. Gentlemen, this deed is a great merit in modern times.

A manly husband, death is death, only a death can repay the country and hate family feuds, then die well! It's as heavy as Tarzan! To protect the family and defend the country, the death is heavier than Mount Tai. The Palestinian people should erect heroic monuments with their names inscribed so that they will always be remembered. Little heroes are immortalized! Children, grow up in peace, happiness and prosperity in the afterlife! They dedicated their young lives to their homeland and deserve the respect of all!

Some people are dead, but he is still alive. Some people are alive, but they are no different from those who are dead. The tragedy of today's Palestinian warriors is for the dignity, freedom, democracy and right of the Palestinians to exist. In the same way, the tragedy of China's ancestors in the past is also for the dignity, freedom, democracy and right to existence of the Chinese nation today.

Ignite the spark with blood, the fire of national independence, the fire of defending the homeland... Hats off to the heroes! Gone are the strong men, tragic, desolate, national heroes! Young people are strong and the country is strong, warriors of Palestine, your sacrifices will eventually be exchanged for the establishment of the country, you will be immortalized and remembered by the people and history!!

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