
Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

author:Möngke talks about health

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On a sunny afternoon, Sister Zhu Yifang stood behind the counter of a department store, rummaging through those colorful goods, but she was thinking about the upcoming physical examination. "It is said that eggplant can lower blood lipids, but is this really the case?" She wondered in her heart. Soon after, she stepped through the doors of the hospital, ready to uncover the mystery.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Zhu Yifang's medical examination went very smoothly, and the last item was a consultation with Dr. Wu. Dr. Goh is an experienced internist who is trusted by his patients. Zhu Yifang sat in front of the doctor, and the question just now popped up again. She couldn't help but ask, "Doctor Wu, I heard that eggplant is a good thing to lower blood lipids, is this true?" "

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Dr. Goh smiled slightly, his smile revealed a wealth of knowledge and care for his patients. He explains: "Eggplant is rich in vitamin P, which can enhance the adhesion between cells in the body and help prevent vascular diseases. That doesn't mean it's for everyone, though. "

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Dr. Wu went on to elaborate on the double-edged sword effect of eggplant. "For those with renal insufficiency, the higher potassium levels in eggplant may aggravate their condition. In addition, eggplant is a cold food, and if people with a cold constitution eat too much, it may cause abdominal pain or diarrhea, which is counterproductive. "

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Zhu Yifang was surprised when she heard this, she didn't expect that there was so much knowledge hidden behind an ordinary eggplant. Seeing her surprise, Dr. Goh went on to explain, "Actually, each food has its own unique nutrient profile and who it is suitable for. In our usual diet, we need to choose the right ingredients according to our own health conditions. "

Zhu Yifang was completely attracted by Dr. Wu's words. Under Dr. Goh's guidance, she also learned a lot about food and health, such as how to choose vegetables and fruits according to her body type, and how to balance her daily diet.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

When Zhu Yifang left the hospital, she not only had a new understanding of eggplant, but also had a deeper understanding of healthy eating. She decided to re-plan her eating habits when she returned home, and to share what she learned today with her family and friends, so that more people can understand the science behind different foods and their applicability.

Those vegetables that may not be so friendly to vascular health. While it may sound counter-intuitive – after all, vegetables have always been seen as a proxy for healthy foods – the truth is that certain vegetables may not be the best choice for people with certain constitutions or health conditions.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Spinach. Spinach, in fact, contains a lot of oxalic acid. Oxalic acid can combine with calcium in the body to form calcium oxalate precipitates, which can not only cause kidney stones but may also exacerbate joint pain, especially for those with a tendency to rheumatism and arthritis.

Oxalic acid can also affect the absorption of minerals, especially iron and zinc, which may exacerbate iron or zinc deficiency symptoms in people who need iron or zinc supplementation.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Then there are the bamboo shoots. Although bamboo shoots are crunchy and nutritious, their high-fiber properties can be challenging for people with weak gastrointestinal function. The fiber in bamboo shoots can cause indigestion if not cooked adequately, triggering bloating and intestinal problems. Bamboo shoots contain a certain amount of oxalic acid, which also has the risk of kidney stones.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Celery. It is favored for its low-calorie and high-fiber properties. The high potassium in celery can be a hidden crisis for people with renal insufficiency. Patients with kidney disease may have problems with potassium excretion, and the high potassium content in celery, if not properly controlled, may cause abnormal potassium levels in the blood, which is extremely dangerous for the heart, and may cause heart dysfunction or even cardiac arrest.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

These may come as a surprise, after all, in everyday life, these vegetables are widely recommended for their nutrition. However, as we have seen, there is no such thing as a perfect food, each food has its own different effects, and the key is to understand and adapt to the specific health needs of the individual.

When consuming these vegetables, it is very important to be aware of the side effects they may bring, making an informed choice based on the individual's health status.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

For people who want to keep their blood vessels healthy, understanding the relationship between food and their own health, and choosing foods that are truly beneficial to them, is much more practical than simply pursuing so-called "healthy foods". In your daily diet, you should try to choose foods that meet your nutritional needs and are in line with your health status, so that you can truly achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Vegetables that are particularly good for blood vessels are not only highly nutritious, but also play a significant role in preventing cardiovascular disease. Garlic sprouts. When it comes to lowering blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health, the first thing that comes to people's minds may be garlic, but garlic sprouts are actually not far behind.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

The sulfide in garlic sprouts activates the body's natural antioxidants, which are essential for protecting blood vessels as it helps reduce oxidative stress, one of the main culprits of arteriosclerosis. Garlic sprouts are also rich in magnesium and potassium, two minerals that are very helpful in regulating blood pressure.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Tomato, although many people eat it as a fruit, it is really a star in the vegetable world. The lycopene in tomatoes not only gives your skin a natural filter, but more importantly, it is a powerful antioxidant that protects blood vessels from free radical damage and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Even better, lycopene is greatly absorbed when eaten with fat, so adding olive oil to your salad is not only delicious, but it will also make your heart healthier.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Onions. Onions not only make your dishes more delicious, but they can also help you fight your cardiovascular health. It contains a compound called propylene sulfide, which helps lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent platelet aggregation, which reduces the risk of blood clots.

Onions are also rich in flavonoids, plant compounds that are good for fighting inflammation and lowering high blood pressure, making them a versatile helper.

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Not only can they make your diet more colorful and flavorful, but they can also help you keep the door to health. It is important to remember that eating more vegetables is one of the effective weapons against cardiovascular disease, not only because of their low calorie content, but more importantly, the various nutrients they contain are good for the heart. Don't underestimate these ordinary vegetables, they have extraordinary powers!

(All names have been changed)

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Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution



[1] Wang Hua, Cai Guoliang. Progress in evidence-based research on the combination of exercise and diet in the intervention of hyperlipidemia, Sichuan Sports Science, 2022

Is eggplant the "nemesis" of high blood lipids? Doctor: If you want to have healthy blood vessels, 3 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

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