
Who is the first person to study politics in the ranking of famous teachers in the examination and research?

author:Small chai chai 86

Fifth place: Shi Lei. Two stars.

Who is the first person to study politics in the ranking of famous teachers in the examination and research?

Examination and research counseling political elites and authoritative representatives. New in knowledge, academically profound, proficient in all six courses of examination and research politics, a set of original difficult points and key memory methods, and the lecture content is closely related to the direction of examination propositions and problem solving methods.

Personally, I feel that people are quite cattle, and the lectures are also very good, but the topics are very general, and it is not good to say exactly...

You can apply for his class to listen to his class, but if you don't report to the class, don't buy his questions, especially the sprints and bets in the back, they are difficult and basically won't take the test.

Fourth place: Ren Rufen. Three stars.

Who is the first person to study politics in the ranking of famous teachers in the examination and research?

Professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University, master tutor of philosophy and ideological and political education, officially retired from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1990, was named the outstanding teacher of "three education people" of Xi'an Jiaotong University, and is currently mainly committed to the teaching and research of political theory courses.

Teacher Ren is an old man in the examination and research circle, but after all, he is halfway out of the house, from mechanical to political, many things are not meticulous enough, especially in the final sprint pressure of the time when every second must be raced, everyone is red in order to study the bayonet, and see him bet on the same as the headless fly. His last four sets I did, did not feel good, his test questions, especially the big questions, I have a feeling, strange. Something out of the way, hard, weird, weird. The answer was also inexplicably wonderful, wasting three days of my time, alas. But before the preparation stage, it doesn't hurt to look at it.

Third place: Xu Tao. Four stars.

Who is the first person to study politics in the ranking of famous teachers in the examination and research?

Ph.D. in Political Economy.

Multiple choice questions are great, and the choices are very exquisite. Maybe it is related to the teacher's major, the economic part I think he is the best to talk about, students with poor economic foundation can watch his economic video. The teacher is more cute, and the voice-controlled students can watch his video. Because now they are watching videos and playing PPT, there are more ways to listen to sound network learning. The final questions can be complemented by Uncle Xiao, some questions Xu Tao is more accurate than Uncle Xiao's pressure, and Xu Tao's online classes are still recognized as great.

Second place: Xu Zhiming. Four stars.

Who is the first person to study politics in the ranking of famous teachers in the examination and research?

He is currently a professor at Renmin University and graduated from the National People's Congress.

His research interests include Russian politics and the rise and fall of great powers.

The teacher of the National People's Congress explained the current affairs very thoroughly. Listening to him talk about current politics is particularly interesting, laughing at the dead, and containing a lot of Taoism in it, which can also be used in life. People who are humorous and funny, who find politics boring, can listen to his lessons and are absolutely entertaining. I still like it, that is, the content of the book I bought is too thick, and the logic diagram, I sketched and did not remember much. There are also outlines, exercises, and handbooks, which are really too many.

First prize: Xiao Xiurong. Five stars

Who is the first person to study politics in the ranking of famous teachers in the examination and research?

He is currently a professor at minzu University of China and graduated from Peking University.

The question is too accurate, and there is a !!! Even asking questions is the same. Some people say that the question is the simplest, because the hot spots are just a few, such as the Eighteenth National Congress, as long as the topic has the word eighteenth congress, they say that they have pressed one, this kind of teacher is irresponsible. And Uncle Xiao, in addition to the materials, even the questions are exactly the same!!! Exactly the same, I almost laughed out of the examination room, the most cattle teacher in the examination, there is no one. If you have doubts, you can take the real questions, compare them with the last four sets of volumes, and make a judgment from above and below!!

Secondly, Uncle Is very modest, with five major political problems and four pressures. Yes, it is the same four questions even set up, and even the words have not changed! Actually Weibo did not mention this matter at all, just to give everyone re-examination and adjustment suggestions, very conscientious, for the teacher should be like this.

However, Uncle Xiao's class was still complained about by many students about the accent problem, after all, no one was perfect.

Of course, there is also the leg sister, Mi Peng teacher is very good.

Who is the first person in everyone's mind to study politics?

Who is the first person to study politics in the ranking of famous teachers in the examination and research?