
The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

author:Yiren Cinema

Author: Green Stream

Successful careers, and smooth sailing has been a success that many people can not hope to achieve, and one of her jobs is to keep patting beautiful men and women, Saito Ko, Mizuhara Yoshiko, Oriental Shenqi, Fukuyama Masaharu, etc., almost all the big stars of the three East Asian brothers have not cooperated with her.

The design of cross-border cooperation also goes very far, and it is needless to say that beauty and clothing are self-explanatory.

The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

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The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated


The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

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The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

Can't count, can't count at all.

She was so successful in the business world, but she debuted as an "art", a photographer, and the style was just like her name - flowers, flowers, dazzling, fire trees and silver flowers. Right, right, looking at the familiar picture, you can guess at once, it is the real flower of the river.

The photographic style of The Flower is too obvious, the unique color and light, the most common flowers, goldfish, women, landscapes and other imagery, the picture is stuffed with colorful dreamy light and shadow.

The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

At the age of 25, she began to make films again, her debut work was shortlisted for the Berlin Film Festival, she directed not many works, the early "Wolf" and "Hua Kui" were highly completed, the aesthetic style made the Western world shine, the rich colors were extremely impactful, using art to set the scene, wrapping a very watchable story, is a successful attempt to combine business and art.

The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

With a total of 6 film works, she actually produced two in 2019, and in 2020, she also had a TV series cooperating with Netflix. How powerful is Kashi, 2020's "Follower" starred by Miki Nakatani, 2019's "Killer Restaurant" starred by Fujiwara Ryu, and the other one in 2019 is even more frightening, "Human Disqualification: Osamu Dazai and the Three Women", starring: Shun Oguri, Riki Miyazawa, Hidey ryuka Sawajiri, Fumi Nijirido, supporting roles and Fujiwara Ryuya and my super love Tanmi. The three women are Osamu Dazai's wife Michiko, her high-society but self-depraved lover Shizuko, and her last lover, Fuei, played by Riki Miyazawa, Hideya Ryūka Sawajiri, and Fumi Fujido, respectively.

The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

When the "lustful" Shika Kawa met the real lustful Dazai, this cross-border is still quite exciting, to be honest, I looked forward to it for more than a year, including because Sawajiri Hideyahua's drug-related news was once worried about not being able to watch. As a result, it was disappointed, and the heroine fell in love with the mood of death, just as the audience watched the movie of Shihana Kawa with a feeling of disappointment. Beauty is beautiful and soulless.

The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

Osamu Dazai was originally a big melon in the Japanese literary world, and the scumbags and scumbags in the movie also had it, and the ones that should be taken off were also taken off, but how the overall plot was fragmented and did not have a little attraction, and it was a bit interesting to reproduce the Mishima Yukio Kick Hall. It is better to take the manga version of Junji Ito directly, and you don't have to draw the sub-shots.

During his lifetime, Osamu Dazai, known for his literary brilliance and numerous attempts to martyrdom, in 1948, his tuberculosis worsened, and on June 13, he committed suicide by throwing himself into the water on the Tamagawa River with his female reader and lover Tomitaka Yamazaki, and on the 19th, the body was found, which was his thirty-ninth birthday. Since then, every year on this day, Japan has held a commemoration of Osamu Dazai's "Cherry Taboo" (the novel "Cherry", published a month before his suicide, which is also the season when cherries are on the market), and as a memorial, people will pile a bunch of fresh red cherries in front of his tombstone.

The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

Not only does the protagonist himself have such a high degree of topic, but several actors in this movie are legendary enough, so I deeply regret that Shika Kawa did not shoot the scene well.

Hideryū Wasejiri became famous for starring in the weak and tough beautiful girl in "A Liter of Tears", and began to cooperate with Shihana Kawa in the 2012 starring role in "Wolf", which happened to be that this story is about a female star who lost herself after becoming famous and embarked on the road of no return to drug addiction.

The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

Born into a wealthy, beautiful and personality, Sawajiri is not a popular type in East Asian societies, so she won the first place in the "List of Actresses Hated by Women" for two consecutive years. At a young age, she experienced the broken rod of family changes, flash marriages, and financial disputes after divorce, and just like that, she was also shortlisted for the best actress of the 36th Japan Academy Awards, and she can be compared with Liang Luoshi and Cecilia Cheung.

Another female lead actress, Riki Miyazawa, is also a legend, who was used as a cash cow by her single mother since childhood, and took over the Shiseido advertisement at the age of 13, and the Mitsui real estate advertisement at the age of 14, which shocked the country with beauty. Her mother is also an agent in her acting career, this person really has a business vision, but also fierce enough, for fame and fortune, even took the initiative to invite Nobu Shinnobu Shinoyama to take a nude photo of her daughter, and was still shooting on-site supervision, that year was 1991, Miyazawa Riki was 18 years old. Fortunately, it is Nobu Shinoyama, this photo album is not vulgar, but a real work of art. However, the image of The Jade Girl that Miyazawa Riki once had plummeted and became synonymous with lusting women.

In 1993, she was once frustrated by her mother's obstruction, her engagement to sumo wrestler Takahanada, and then she fell into an unrequited love affair with Kabuki masters, suicide, anorexia, and depression. But talent is talented, once you receive a good movie, immediately get the award to get soft, in 2000 and Wang Zuxian group CP acted in "Garden Dreams", won the Russian International Film Festival Best Actress; in 2002, acted in "Dusk Qingbingwei", won the Best Actress Award of the 26th Japan Film Academy, the film itself won the 23rd Hong Kong Film Awards Best Asian Film, and nominated for the 76th Academy Awards Best Foreign Language Film; 2014 "Paper Moon", won the Best Actress Award at the Tokyo International Film Festival ...... After a thousand sails, the goddess is still there.

In 2009, Riki Miyazawa got married, and although she divorced again in 2016, it is valuable that this time the marriage was not manipulated by her mother. When she herself became a single mother, raising her daughter alone, she gave her lost childhood and love to her children.

The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

The above two actresses are talented and invincible, but unfortunately they were born in a society that is not friendly enough to women, and the status of Japanese performing arts stars has not been high, and they have to suffer moral criticism for a long time and are imprisoned by prejudice.

The male lead actor of the movie, Oguri Shun, is a Hanazawa class in the Japanese version of "Meteor Garden", and Hanamio gradually embarked on the route of personality, but to completely control his career, he still has to be his own boss. As early as 2010, Oguri had a dream: "In the future, I want to establish a federation of Japanese actors, I want to create an environment where actors can freely express their opinions and take responsibility." Ten years from now, Oguri will be the president of triston Entertainment, his firm.

The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

Inside and outside the play are selling points, And The "Human Disqualification" of Shuchuan Shihua also takes the road of commercial films on the whole, but how can it be so fluttering on the street, just like a beauty, the exquisitely crafted temperament is different, take a closer look, it is an inflatable doll, hey.

The same is true of Shikazu Kawa in another movie in 2019, "Killer Restaurant", a girl who spent her days in a chaotic nightmare came to a restaurant dedicated to serving the killer by chance, at first glance it should be violent aesthetics plus food, but unfortunately wrapped in such a beautiful color is a mediocre warm love story, no matter how interesting the setting, no matter how good the actors can not save the story itself of boredom, the whole rhythm is not attractive, the elements of food, gangsters, violence are split, the fight is not beautiful, White blinded Dvořák's uplifting music.

The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

However, the failure of one or two films does not shake the status of Shikazu Kawa in the fashion industry. It is also a very magical thing, an artist, the style of decades as a day, a trick to eat all over the sky, there are so many big stars and big brands to buy, it is not simple. This shows that a person's success, personal efforts are important, it also depends on who the father is.

Shikazu Kawa's father, is the Japanese drama industry titan Yukio Kusagawa, Japan's most capable of making Shakespearean drama directors, Oguri Starring drama "Caligula" is his old man's work, Fujiwara Ryuya, Nomura Mansai, Aoi Yu, Suzuki Apricot, etc. are his cooperation objects, with the status of the old man, the star can perform his drama, it is equivalent to being opened by the veteran avant-garde artist, at least he can be regarded as an artist.

Of course, it is also unfair to say that the success of Shikagawa is dependent on her father, but it has to be said that it is indeed her father who gave her such a strong network of contacts, so that she can fully and willfully exert her talents. Although her recent film and television works are disappointing, but the products of cross-border cooperation with fashion brands I still want to buy, who does not like to bloom, I hope she still takes more photos, more design, make movies, play tickets to get addictive.

The colorful real flowers of the river cannot be exaggerated

(Image from the Internet, copyright belongs to the original author)

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