
Her promotion speed is comparable to that of a helicopter, and she Chinese first rank to deputy department level, and the secret of promotion is only two words

author:Top Breeze 34p

The promotion of the first Chinese to the deputy department level is a remarkable phenomenon. This may be a common occurrence during the war years, when the prevalence of cultural education was low and only the wealthy had access to education. However, after the implementation of universal cultural education after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the speed of promotion from junior Chinese to deputy departmental cadres is intriguing. Especially for this female cadre, her path to promotion is as fast as getting on a helicopter. This brings to mind whether there is a power trade. In Anhui, a cadre known as a "female corrupt official" revealed the secret of her promotion after she fell from office. There are only two words for this secret, so what are those two words? The story takes place one day in 1990, when the working day of the Anhui Taihe County Court is as usual. However, something unusual happened on this day. On the desk of the President of the Court was a letter with no words in it, but two bullets inside. This is clearly a retaliatory threat to the dean. The dean has long been fighting criminals, and this blackmail incident makes it reminiscent that the dean may have offended someone. The county political and legal committee organized a case-handling team to investigate the case, but it turned out to be an unsolved case.

Her promotion speed is comparable to that of a helicopter, and she Chinese first rank to deputy department level, and the secret of promotion is only two words

The dean who was blackmailed was Shang Jun, the female dean who had just taken office. She originally held the position of vice president, but after the dean was punished for illegally misappropriating legal fees to build a house, she was directly promoted to dean. The illegal misappropriation of litigation fees to build a house was a matter of the court's "party group research decision", and Shang Jun participated in it as a vice president. After the dean was punished, she did not descend but rose, which is incredible. The subsequent incident of bullet blackmail is even more bizarre. Shang Jun's career seems to have nothing to do with her image and abilities. Her work performance and performance were average, and although she later had professional training, she only had a junior high school education. She was born in 1954 to a cadre in the Taihe County Discipline Inspection Commission. However, in those days, cadres were not treated as well as they are now, and their living conditions were even inferior to those of ordinary workers' families. There are still many children in the family, and Shang Jun is the eldest daughter in the family and began to take on housework very early. She started working at just 16 to earn money to support her family. She works in a food factory carrying heavy sugar packets, a job that men find tired. However, she is not afraid of hardship and hard work, and she longs to earn a stable income through labor.

Her promotion speed is comparable to that of a helicopter, and she Chinese first rank to deputy department level, and the secret of promotion is only two words

She was lucky, after working in a food factory for two years, the police station of the Public Security Bureau lacked female policemen, and she was selected because of her hard work and became a female policeman, mainly responsible for logistics. Although there were no achievements in this work, she won a second-class merit award for her hard work in solving a case. This is a commendation unique to Taihe County, and she got it. After that, she became a deputy instructor at the police station. While working at the police station, Shang Jun married his colleagues. Career and love seem to be going well, but over time, the diametrically opposed personality traits between them gradually widen the distance. The husband likes to study the material with a stuffy head, while Shang Jun likes to build a good relationship with the leader. She gets along well with superiors, colleagues and subordinates. Such a sleek and witty person will naturally be liked by the leadership. In 1984, she was transferred to the Court as Vice-President. Subsequently, driven by the bullet blackmail, Shang Jun became the vice president of the Fuyang Intermediate Court, and then promoted to president. Her career was smooth sailing, but her marriage broke down, and she divorced her husband soon after due to emotional discord. Despite this, this did not affect her career development. She eventually became the deputy secretary of the Fuyang Municipal Party Committee and the deputy director of the Health Department.

Her promotion speed is comparable to that of a helicopter, and she Chinese first rank to deputy department level, and the secret of promotion is only two words

Shang Jun rose all the way up, and the speed was comparable to that of a helicopter. Many people think that a female cadre can achieve such a high position without power trading, but Shang Jun is not the case. Her appearance is ordinary, and her success depends entirely on the "drill camp". Shang Jun established a good relationship with his superiors and subordinates during his time at the police station, and even became a "child king". However, her goal is not to make real contact, but to gain the leader's liking, so that she can achieve twice the result on the road to promotion. The bullet blackmail incident may even be part of her "drill camp." Such a sociable person will naturally not be rejected by the leadership. As she rose through the ranks, she began to accept bribes, no matter how large or small, she did not refuse. Until the time of the case, Shang Jun embezzled more than 900,000 yuan in bribes, and was finally exposed. Looking back at Shang Jun's career, it can be seen that it has nothing to do with the power trade. Her relationship with female leaders is even good. For her, it's just purposefully making friends with those who are useful, and she fits perfectly with the word "drill camp." Her path to promotion was the result of her careful planning. However, she eventually became obsessed with corruption and bribery, and eventually fell behind. What does this story tell us? In my opinion, this story teaches us that promotion is not just about ability and hard work.

Her promotion speed is comparable to that of a helicopter, and she Chinese first rank to deputy department level, and the secret of promotion is only two words

In the workplace, relationships and close leadership can play a very important role. However, we cannot ignore ethics and professional conduct. True success can only be achieved through the right means and real competence. At the same time, we also need to strengthen supervision and fight corruption to ensure a fair and just environment. How do you feel about the story for readers? What factors do you think led to the promotion and fall of Shang Jun? How do you think a similar situation can be prevented? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

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