
His childhood playmate was an emperor and a self-made monopoly, and he couldn't compare to his more exciting second half of life!

author:Refreshing ice cream E0

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In the long river of history, there are countless heroes, including a man named Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan's family history is a story full of legends, like a bright color in a long volume of history.

His childhood playmate was an emperor and a self-made monopoly, and he couldn't compare to his more exciting second half of life!

Ma Yuan's family was not rich and could be described as "noble and dishonorable", and its roots can be traced back to the famous general Mafujun Zhao Fu during the Warring States period, and later they changed their surname to Ma to avoid involving Zhao Jiang's family. During the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty, Ma Yuan's great-grandfather the Matong brothers participated in the Wuxiao Rebellion and were severely punished. This blow made the Ma family almost slumped.

His childhood playmate was an emperor and a self-made monopoly, and he couldn't compare to his more exciting second half of life!

However, the Ma family has a fairly strong heritage. By the time of Ma Yuan's father, Ma Zhong, he became Xuanwu Sima, a high-ranking official in charge of the Xuanwu Gate in Miyagi during the Han Dynasty. In addition, Ma Yuan's three elder brothers also held the official position of 2,000 shi, especially Ma Yu, who was one of the eight captains of the Northern Army and had important military powers. These family backgrounds enabled Ma Yuan to accumulate a wealth of insights that laid a solid foundation for his future career.

His childhood playmate was an emperor and a self-made monopoly, and he couldn't compare to his more exciting second half of life!

Ma Yuan has shown outstanding talent since childhood, but also has his own ambitions. He did not want to stick to the classic chapters, but longed to go to the border counties to farm and graze cattle. This decision made his brother Ma Yuan feel a little confused, but he did not blame Ma Yuan, but encouraged him to develop his interests. Ma believes that Ma Yuan is a talented person with great achievements, and believes that he will eventually achieve something.

However, Ma Yuan's life underwent a major change at the age of twelve, when his father Ma Zhong died, and his eldest brother Ma Yuan took on the responsibility of teaching and caring for his younger brother. The importance of this family education also reflects the importance that the Hao family attaches to education.

When Ma Yuan became an adult, he became the county governor, which was an important starting point for his career. However, compared with the imperial uncle who had killed the enemy desperately in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Ma Yuan's career did not seem to be satisfactory, he only obtained the official position of Zhongshan An Xiwei, but after disagreement with the governor, he fled with a cane, and finally abandoned the official and fled with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Ma Yuan, who had fought hard but gave up his official position because he was temporarily out of control, a decision that shocked his brother and family. In the late Han Dynasty, the gap between the Hao family and the commoners gradually widened, the social classes began to consolidate, and the gate family gradually overwhelmed the imperial power. Ma Yuan's move is a product of the changes of the times.

In the years that followed, Ma Yuan accepted a mission to escort prisoners. Although the prisoner committed a serious crime, Ma Yuan took pity on him, released him privately, and fled to Northland County himself. This action shows Ma Yuan's kindness and benevolence, but also plunges him into a life of escape. Ma Yuan began herding cattle and sheep in Northland County, and his ranch was large, with thousands of cattle, horses and sheep, and tens of thousands of grain. The fact that a young man created such a huge business from scratch in a strange place fully demonstrates his determination and ability. In addition, people came to him from all directions, and soon he had hundreds of servants. Ma Yuan's career gradually grew, he not only herded cattle and sheep, but also continued to nomadic between Longhan and Han, fully expressing his love for life and longing for the future.

Ma Yuan eventually divided his fortune among his brothers and friends, ready to go to Chang'an to seek greater opportunities. At that time, the world was in chaos, the new dynasty under Wang Mang's rule failed to change, and rebellions were everywhere. In order to calm the chaos, Wang Mang ordered his cousin Wei general Wang Linguang to recruit heroes of the world, and Ma Yuan came into being, was appointed as a shan, and was directly recommended by Wang Mang. After Wang Mang came to power, he reformed many systems, the political situation at this time was unpredictable, the gate valve family continued to grow, and Ma Yuan, as a member of the Hao family with a rich background, was valued by Wang Mang and directly promoted to the taishou of 2,000 stones. Despite Wang Mang's rule over the dynasty, the situation remained precarious. Soon, Wang Mang was killed by the Green Forest Army, and as an old minister of the previous dynasty, Ma Yuan and his third brother Ma Yuan, fearing liquidation, fled to Liangzhou. This is the new beginning of his career.

In Liangzhou, Ma Yuan was appreciated by the warlord Kui and was appointed general of Suide and directly involved in decision-making. He soon demonstrated outstanding leadership and made great contributions to the building of the regime. At this time, the whole world was in a state of chaos, and there were many big forces, Liu Xiu, Gongsun Shu, and Kui Yao were all vying for power. Gongsun Shu declared himself empress, and Kui was a little shaken, so he sent Ma Yuan to Luoyang to hear the news.

Ma Yuan went to meet Liu Xiu. He used his experience under Gongsun Shu's rule as an example to refute Liu Xiu's doubts about him. This dialogue made Liu Xiu interested in Ma Yuan, believing that he was a courtier of the Ming Jun. Eventually, Ma Yuan was accepted by Liu Xiu and began to contribute to the construction of the new imperial dynasty. All these are the opportunities given by history to Ma Yuan, and they are also the results of his own unremitting efforts.

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