
Monopoly 3.0 annuity insurance, 40-year-old money, dual plan optional

author:Daddy Bao
Monopoly 3.0 annuity insurance, 40-year-old money, dual plan optional

As the market enters the era of a predetermined interest rate of 3%, there are very few annuity products that can offer such high returns.

Recently, there has been some news that the era of the 3% predetermined rate is about to become the era of the 2.75% predetermined rate.

It really worries many people.

Among the many annuity insurance products, Fude Life Monopoly 3.0 Annual Insurance has become the focus of the market due to its unique protection scheme and efficient capital appreciation potential.

So how does this product perform? Is it worth buying?

For quick enquiries, click here:


What about Monopoly 3.0 annuity insurance?

George Bernard Shaw said, "A man who never has to worry about the future can enjoy true freedom." ”

What are the advantages of Fude Life Monopoly 3.0 Annuity Insurance, as an innovative insurance product in the market?

Monopoly 3.0 annuity insurance, 40-year-old money, dual plan optional

1. Break through tradition and enjoy an early retirement

The biggest highlight of the Fortune Life Monopoly 3.0 Annual Insurance is its unique age setting.

Unlike traditional insurance products, the pension age is usually set at 55 or 60 years old.

Fude Life Monopoly 3.0 Annuity Insurance allows policyholders to receive annuities as early as the age of 40, which greatly advances the time to enjoy retirement life.

This provides a new path for those looking to establish an early retirement plan.

2. Efficient capital appreciation, steady preparation for the future

The Fortune Life Monopoly 3.0 annuity insurance not only provides flexibility in terms of age of payment, but also has an internal rate of return (IRR) of 4%, which is at a high level in the current insurance market.

This means that policyholders' funds can achieve higher value-added effects under the management of the insurance company, so as to prepare for future retirement more effectively.

3. Flexible and diverse collection schemes

Fude Life Monopoly 3.0 annuity insurance offers two payment options: lifetime payment and regular payment until the age of 80.

This design allows policyholders to choose the most suitable method for them based on their individual needs and future plans.

In terms of payment methods, policyholders can also choose to receive it on an annual or monthly basis, providing great flexibility.

This flexible design allows policyholders to adjust their coverage strategies according to their own circumstances at different stages of life.

If you want to know more about the guaranteed annuity insurance, you can click here to consult us

4. Death benefit double plan, comprehensive protection

The Fortune Life Monopoly 3.0 Annuity Insurance's death benefit plan is also flexible and comprehensive.

Option 1 and Option 2 provide protection for different benefit strategies to ensure that in the unfortunate event of the insured person's death, the family members or designated beneficiaries can receive the financial support they deserve.

Whether it is death before or after payment, Fude Life Monopoly 3.0 Annual Insurance provides comprehensive consideration to ensure that the interests of each policyholder are maximized.


Monopoly 3.0 annuity insurance income performance

So how does Monopoly 3.0 annuity insurance perform?

We take a 30-year-old male who pays 100,000 yuan a year, pays it for 10 years, and starts to receive it at the age of 60 to see the benefits under the two programs.

Monopoly 3.0 annuity insurance, 40-year-old money, dual plan optional

It can be seen that the annuity of plan 1 is relatively high, from the age of 60, you can receive 65,300 yuan per year, and plan 2 is 56,700 yuan.

At the age of 80, the cumulative amount of plan 1 is 1,371,300 yuan, and the cumulative amount of plan 2 is 1,190,700 yuan.

If you prefer a high claim, you can give preference to option 1, as option 2 has a chance to break through 4.0% in the long term.

If you prefer a more stable payout, you can give preference to option 2, as option 2 guarantees 20 years.


Daddy concluded

Nowadays, with the diversification of people's lifestyles, pension insurance products also need to keep pace with the times.

With its forward-looking design and superior returns, Fude Life Monopoly 3.0 Year Gold Insurance,

It is indeed an ideal choice for those who pursue early retirement freedom and high-quality retirement.

As Steve Jobs said, "You have a limited amount of time, so don't waste your time living in someone else's life." ”

It is a very wise choice to choose a suitable annuity insurance to prepare for your retirement life in advance.

If you are interested in this product, please click here to contact us

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