
The little couple ran on the rooftop in order to find excitement, and the big brother opposite had a passionate explanation!

author:Otaku tells stories

In the bustling city, there are many high-rise buildings, each with its own story. Today, we are going to tell a short story that happened on a residential building.

The little couple ran on the rooftop in order to find excitement, and the big brother opposite had a passionate explanation!

It was an ordinary afternoon, and the sun shone through the clouds on the earth, giving a warm and peaceful feeling. However, on this calm afternoon, a small couple of high school students staged a "passion play" on the roof.

The little couple ran on the rooftop in order to find excitement, and the big brother opposite had a passionate explanation!

This little couple, the boy is called Xiaoming, and the girl is called Xiaohong. They are classmates and a couple in love. Their affection is deep and they are secretly sweet in the corner of the school every day. However, this sweet life, for them, can no longer satisfy their desire for life. They want to find some new thrills to make their lives more interesting.

The little couple ran on the rooftop in order to find excitement, and the big brother opposite had a passionate explanation!

So, they came to the roof of this residential building. Here they can overlook the whole city and feel the freedom of the wind. They hugged and kissed on the rooftop, as if the whole world belonged to them.

The little couple ran on the rooftop in order to find excitement, and the big brother opposite had a passionate explanation!

However, their passion was not taken away by the wind, but by a big brother opposite. This eldest brother is named Da Fei, he is the resident of this building and a person who loves life. He saw Xiaoming and Xiaohong's passionate performance on the rooftop, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Today's children really dare to do it!" ”

The little couple ran on the rooftop in order to find excitement, and the big brother opposite had a passionate explanation!

Da Fei did not bother them, but chose to quietly observe from the sidelines. He felt that although the behavior of the little couple was somewhat bold, their enthusiasm and bravery made him feel admiration. So, he decided to use his mobile phone to record the passion of this moment.

Da Fei took out his mobile phone and began his "passionate commentary". He used his mobile phone to record Xiaoming and Xiaohong's every movement and expression, and then used his unique language to explain their behavior.

He said, "Look, Xiaoming and Xiaohong are hugging on the rooftop now. Their eyes were full of enthusiasm and love, as if the whole world was left with only the two of them. ”

"Look, Bob is kissing Xiao Hong's cheek now. Although this action is simple, it is full of affection. Their love, like this kiss, was deeply imprinted in their hearts. ”

"Look, Xiaohong is gently stroking Xiaoming's cheek now. This action is gentle, but full of power. Her love, like this touch, gently surrounded Xiaoming. ”

Da Fei's "passionate commentary" makes Xiaoming and Xiaohong's behavior more interesting. Their passionate performances on the rooftop have also become more enthusiastic.

However, the story doesn't end the way we imagined it. Xiaoming and Xiaohong's behavior attracted the attention of their class teacher. Their head teacher approached them and criticized them harshly. Their behavior was also known to the school's principal, who was severely punished by the school.

This story teaches us that while we can try to find the excitement in life, we must not forget our identity and responsibilities. We are students, and our main task is to learn, not to pursue those ephemeral stimuli.

Finally, I would like to say to everyone, "Life may be dull, but we can make it fun in our own way." As long as we feel and experience with our hearts, our lives will be full of color. "If you like this story, or you have other stories you want to share, please follow my account and we will provide you with more interesting stories."