
Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

author:China Meteorological Administration
Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

On June 17, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River entered the plum rainy period, and continuous heavy precipitation occurred in Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan and other places. On the 23rd, the China Meteorological Administration upgraded the Level 3 emergency response status for heavy rain to Level 2. On the 24th, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a red warning for heavy rain.

The rainfall duration is long, the accumulated precipitation is large, the overlap of the falling areas is high, and the risk of disasters is high...... In the face of the severe flood control situation, the party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in the meteorological department have shouldered heavy burdens, been pioneers, and taken the lead with a sense of responsibility of "always being at ease", building a red embankment to protect the safety of people's lives and property, and letting the party flag fly high on the front line of flood control and disaster relief.

High-level deployment: Planting the party flag on the front line of flood control and meteorological services

The Party Group of the China Meteorological Administration attaches great importance to the meteorological service work in the flood season, and has held many meetings since the beginning of the flood season to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on disaster prevention, mitigation and relief and meteorological work, analyze and judge the new situation, new requirements and new tasks faced by the flood season, and fully mobilize and carefully deploy meteorological services in the flood season.

On June 25, the China Meteorological Administration held a meeting to implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and further strengthen, deepen and refine the meteorological service work in the flood season. Chen Zhenlin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Bureau, stressed that it is necessary to further strengthen the bottom-line thinking and limit thinking, continue to strengthen monitoring, forecasting and early warning, carry forward the style of continuous combat and not afraid of fatigue, and make every effort to pay close attention to the work of flood prevention and disaster relief meteorological services, and effectively build the first line of defense for meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation.

Meteorological departments at all levels promote the deep integration of party building and business, understand the importance and urgency of doing a good job in meteorological services in the flood season with a higher political position, do a good job in meteorological services in the flood season with higher standards, and unite the joint efforts of meteorological services in the flood season with stricter requirements, and resolutely win the battle of flood control——

On June 10, the Zhejiang Provincial Meteorological Bureau launched an emergency response to major meteorological disasters (heavy rain) according to the precipitation situation. The party group of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau attaches great importance to it, quickly convenes a party group meeting, and then studies and implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and drought control, and requires strengthening the duty to ensure that meteorological monitoring, forecasting and early warning are in place, strengthening the linkage between the upper and lower levels and the coordination of departments, and at the same time using multimedia channels to carry out popular science propaganda to guide the public to know the danger and avoid danger, and respond scientifically.

Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

On the night of June 25, forecasters from the Zhejiang Provincial Meteorological Bureau analyzed and judged the rainfall process in the Xin'an River basin Photo: Su Guiyang

Since June 19, Anhui has seen heavy rain to heavy rain in many places. The Provincial Meteorological Bureau issued a notice on June 24, requiring meteorological departments at all levels in the province to give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of the majority of party members, and combine the promotion of party discipline learning and education with the meteorological services in the flood season, and further do a good job in the current flood prevention and drought relief meteorological service guarantee work. Since the "Mei", the Provincial Meteorological Bureau has sent a total of 7 groups of experts to various places for guidance, and 24 party members have formed a flood control meteorological service commando team to carry out work on the front line.

On June 26, the party group of the Jiangxi Provincial Meteorological Bureau issued an initiative to the party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the meteorological department of the province, calling on the grassroots party organizations to stick to the front line and defend the land with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured"; Leading cadres should charge at the front line and set an example with the action of "having the bottom in their hearts"; The majority of party members must fight on the front line and be the vanguard with the spirit of active responsibility.

Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

During the heavy precipitation, the pioneer team of party members of the forecast service of the Nanchang Meteorological Bureau stuck to their posts all night Courtesy of Liu Cheng

In Hunan, the party group of the Provincial Meteorological Bureau requires meteorological departments at all levels to always adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, regard the meteorological services for flood prevention and disaster relief as the top priority at present, earnestly strengthen organizational leadership, and further strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, tasks and work. In Loudi City, which was greatly affected by heavy precipitation, on June 26, the Municipal Meteorological Observatory established a temporary party branch for flood control and disaster relief meteorological services to guide and organize front-line party members and cadres of the meteorological observatory to charge ahead during the critical period of meteorological services in the flood season.

Party organizations and party members at all levels of the meteorological department stick to their posts, let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood prevention and disaster relief, and take the "main battlefield" of flood prevention and disaster relief as the "main examination room" to test the effectiveness of party discipline study and education.

Perseverance in the wind and rain: witness the original mission before the rain and danger

Since June 19, there have been two rounds of heavy precipitation in She County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province. She County Meteorological Bureau strictly implements the system of leadership and 24-hour business duty. As of 18:00 on the 26th, the bureau issued a total of 14 geological disasters and flash flood meteorological disaster risk warnings, 54 weather forecast and early warning text messages, serving more than 49,000 people, providing decision-making reference for the county party committee, county government and relevant departments, and helping the county to transfer and resettle more than 58,000 people.

Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

On June 23, there was a relatively serious waterlogging in the urban area of She County, Anhui Province Source: Xinhua News Agency

Affected by heavy precipitation, the ancient city of Huizhou in She County was flooded. On June 21, Wu Cheng, director of the county meteorological bureau, waded from the county meteorological bureau located in the ancient city to the county emergency command center to participate in the rain research and judgment meeting. On the 22nd, Wang Chenyu, a cadre of the county meteorological bureau stationed in the village, who had just finished shoveling the silt in Changye Township, immediately rushed to the meteorological station of Taiping Village, Xinxikou Township, in the rain, to repair the weather station that was suddenly abnormal due to heavy precipitation.

In the past few nights, some people are destined to not be able to sleep, and Tang Qun, deputy director of the Huaihua Meteorological Bureau in Hunan Province, is one of them. In the early morning of June 22, extremely heavy precipitation occurred in Yuanling, north of Huaihua City, with a maximum cumulative precipitation of 399.2 mm in 24 hours. Since 0:00, Tang Qun has been keeping an eye on the meteorological station, leading everyone to "call" the deputy mayor in charge and the person in charge of the emergency management bureau many times, and reminding the Yuanling meteorological department by phone to pay attention to the rain situation and development trend.

Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

On June 17, Nanmuping Township, Zhijiang County, Huaihua City, encountered heavy precipitation, and the county road was flooded Photo: Wu Kaiqun

"Huaihua night rain characteristics are obvious, as long as there is a process in the forecast, I will set the alarm clock at 1 o'clock in the morning and 3 o'clock in the morning." Tang Qun said that since Huaihua launched the three-level emergency response to the rainstorm on June 16, this is the seventh day he has adhered to, "I am a party member, so I should rush to the front, and this is still an internal matter." ”

In Tongren City, Guizhou Province, there was a thunderstorm at 19 o'clock on June 21, and Zhong Youping, a veteran party member on duty, Lu Chunyan, a young forecaster, and Chen Jun, a young party member who was ordered to come to support and guide in danger, had not had time to eat a hot meal, and began to busy producing the latest issue of "Meteorological Information Express". "It is necessary to seize the time to send the latest weather forecast and early warning information to the party committee, government and relevant departments, and strive for 'advance amount' for disaster prevention, mitigation and relief."

Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

On June 29, the water level of the county river in Yuping Dong Autonomous County, Tongren City rose Photo: Hu Panxue

"The recent weather situation has been greatly adjusted, mainly due to the oscillation of the subtropical high in the western Pacific and the difficulty in predicting the intensity of the southerly airflow." Zhong Youping said. After consulting with experts from the Provincial Meteorological Observatory, Zhong Youping boldly made the conclusion that "the subtropical high pressure and the high-altitude trough will be pressed south on the 21st, and there will be heavy rain in the central and eastern parts of Tongren City on the night of the 21st, and heavy rain in some towns and towns", and made a "meteorological information report" in time and sent it to the party committee, government and relevant departments.

Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

On June 29, a forecaster from the Meteorological Bureau of Yuping Dong Autonomous County, Tongren City, analyzed the changes in rain conditions through a radar echo system Photo: Hu Panxue

In fact, every duty is a continuous "battle" - inspecting the weather situation map, analyzing the weather trend, consulting with the provincial meteorological station, and guiding the county-level meteorological department...... "Although it is very exhausting, as a party member, you must stand up at a critical moment." Zhong Youping said.

"Is there a rainstorm warning?" "Where is the main rainstorm area?" At the Huanggang Meteorological Observatory in Hubei Province, Wu Jianlei, director of the station, kept a close eye on radar echoes and precipitation data, and analyzed and discussed with forecasters. At 17 o'clock on the 26th, an orange warning signal for heavy rain was issued from the Huanggang Meteorological Observatory and sent to the heads of relevant departments such as the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the Municipal Flood Control Headquarters through mobile phone text messages.

"The power of short-term heavy precipitation should not be underestimated." Wu Jianlei, who has many years of experience on duty, analyzed. According to the "631" disaster early warning release mechanism, a disaster early warning is sent to the administrative responsible person of the risk township through the "point-to-point" flood prevention and disaster relief early warning system, and the local government is quickly engaged in intensive flood prevention work. Due to the timely issuance of the early warning, the Dong'an River Reservoir, which was hit by heavy rain, has no disaster for the time being.

Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

On June 27, Wu Jianlei was doing a weather review report Photography: Cui Yunjia

At 8 o'clock on June 27, the precipitation was temporarily suspended, and Wu Jianlei, who had not slept all night, was still sitting in the conference room, because there was still a tough battle to be fought: there was another rainstorm from the 28th to the 29th. "There are a lot of young watchmen in the meteorological station, this process is very critical, I will go back later."

And they all have a common name - communists.

Progressive service: grassroots party organizations weave a dense flood control "safety net"

From June 23 to 26, heavy precipitation occurred in Nanchang County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. At 8:40 on the 24th, Chen Lifu, director of the county meteorological station and a member of the "post-90s" party, stood in front of the computer screen in the duty room, keeping an eye on the development trend of a new round of strong convection. At 10:56, the county meteorological bureau upgraded and issued a red warning signal for heavy rain, and Chen Lifu immediately "called" the main person in charge of the party and government, and reminded the person in charge of the key towns and villages (communities) in the precipitation.

"As a grassroots meteorological station, it should focus on service, not just be a 'setter'." Chen Lifu immediately contacted the county financial media center to broadcast the latest forecast and warning information on local TV channels and new media channels.

In the early morning of the 25th, the precipitation tended to weaken, and Chen Lifu and the attendant still did not dare to slack off in the slightest, until late at night, when the radar echo gradually moved out, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the sound of rain outside.

Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

On June 24, Chen Lifu and other on-duty officers closely monitored the radar echo and analyzed the development trend of precipitation

"The precipitation in Yucun Township has exceeded 80 mm, and the current heavy precipitation will continue, please strengthen dispatch and pay attention to prevention." From 4 o'clock to 5 o'clock on June 20, the hourly rain intensity in Yucun Township, Xiuning County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province reached 90.5 mm.

It was this phone call that accelerated the progress of the Yucun Township Government in transferring the people threatened by the geological hazards. At 13 o'clock, the torrential rain caused a landslide, which washed away the house of villager Zhou Zhilin, but fortunately, the transfer was timely and no casualties were caused.

Not only Cheng Ruohu, since the launch of the flood season meteorological service, Xiuning County has organized party members and cadres to charge at the front line, fight at the forefront, and resolutely win the battle of flood control and disaster relief.

Since the beginning of the flood season, Rongshui Miao Autonomous County in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has suffered nine consecutive rainstorms. "From tonight to the 19th, there will be heavy to heavy rain in our county, and local heavy rain to extremely heavy rain." At 12:56 on June 16, Li Sibiao, director of the county meteorological station, issued an information report in the county's meteorological service group; At 10:18 on the 17th, 96 mm of heavy precipitation occurred in Tonglian Yao Township, Rongshui County, and the river water in related townships soared.

"What is the current situation? Is there any arrangement for the evacuation of people in hazardous areas? At 10:22, Li Sibiao immediately made a telephone inquiry to the party and government offices of various townships and towns.

Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

Li Sibiao reported the rainfall situation to the townships and towns affected by the heavy rainfall, the flood control office and other departments Photo courtesy of Lei Xiaoxia

"Rolling Bei Dong Township urgently evacuated 6 people from 1 household geological disaster site, and they are still being transferred."

"Gaoqiang Village urgently evacuated 2 households and 4 people."


With the calls being made one by one, the response of each township was quickly summarized. According to statistics, 14 of the 20 townships in the county had heavy rainstorms that day, and there were no casualties.

In Zhejiang, digital and intelligent means have become the technical support for targeted disaster prevention and mitigation at the grassroots level. In the past few days, Hangzhou has suffered from continuous precipitation, and on June 23, the staff of the Meteorological Bureau of Lin'an District, Hangzhou City, carried out a timely "call". In the afternoon of the same day, after receiving the prompt information, the main person in charge of Tuankou Village, Lin'an Tuankou Town, quickly arranged for the villagers to be transferred.

Stand up the backbone of flood control and disaster relief! Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in meteorological departments take the lead in taking the lead

On June 23, Lin'an Tuankou Town evacuated the masses in the rain overnight Source: Lin'an News

He Junfei, secretary of the general party branch of Tuankou Village, said: "Now after checking the forecast and early warning information of 'digital and intelligent meteorology' through mobile phones, the transfer work can be carried out in a more planned way. She used the Hangzhou Meteorological Brain "Digital Intelligent Meteorology" platform led by Wang Xiaoliang, a party member of the Municipal Meteorological Information Center, to develop and upgrade the Hangzhou Meteorological Brain "Digital Intelligent Meteorology" platform for the 18,000 key responsible persons for disaster prevention and mitigation in Hangzhou, which has realized the self-help search for meteorological intelligent products and receive forecast and early warning information by flood control responsible persons at all levels.

Author: Ye Yihong, Wu Tong, Liu Dan, Liberal Arts, Zhang Xiaochen, Wang Bing, Qi Zhuzhu, Deng Minjia, Deng Jianying, Liu Yue, Xiang Qianqian, Wang Guanghua, Peng Lin, Yang Chunzhu, Cui Yunjia, Wu Xiao, Yue Yi, Xiang Qiongfei, Zheng Jielin, Sun Yibo, Lei Xiaoxia, Editor: Huang Bin, Wang Suqin, Release: Bu YuReview: Jiang Hong, Duan Haoshu

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