
became popular because of Gao Qiqiang's younger brother, but he lost popularity in a short period of time, and played a good hand of cards

author:Da Niu moment
became popular because of Gao Qiqiang's younger brother, but he lost popularity in a short period of time, and played a good hand of cards

Who said that supporting roles in TV series will not be popular? In the hit "Crazy", if you ask me who my most memorable character is, my answer is undoubtedly Gao Qisheng. The character seems to be an assassin on the battlefield, and every appearance surprises the audience. And the big hero behind the scenes, Su Xiaoyi, quickly became popular with this role and became the focus of people's heated discussions after tea and dinner.

became popular because of Gao Qiqiang's younger brother, but he lost popularity in a short period of time, and played a good hand of cards

Will you become an "Internet celebrity" when it is hot?

Su Xiaoyi's decision after becoming popular is really urgent. He seemed to suddenly think, since everyone knows me, can I also try the lifestyle of those "Internet celebrities"? As a result, he quickly entered the tide of online live broadcasting, as if he had become an all-round anchor overnight. Bring goods, dance, sing, you name it, he comes, and seems to especially like to cooperate with other influencers and forcibly "team" live broadcasts.

became popular because of Gao Qiqiang's younger brother, but he lost popularity in a short period of time, and played a good hand of cards

Fan heartbreak: King Glory turned Internet celebrity battle

Fans are really not very receptive. The original Gao Qisheng, the villain that everyone loves, why is it so "floating"? Many people began to complain on the Internet: "Su Xiaoyue, have you forgotten that you are an actor, not an anchor?" "Looking at his various behaviors in the live broadcast, many fans feel like they are watching a businessman who is eager to use his fame to make money, rather than an actor who really lives for art.

became popular because of Gao Qiqiang's younger brother, but he lost popularity in a short period of time, and played a good hand of cards

The forest lost in commerce

What is even more incomprehensible is Su Xiaoyi's attitude towards commercial advertising. He seems to have adopted the strategy of "no refusal to come", as long as he gives money, he will accept any endorsement and shoot any advertisement. It makes it feel like he's more of an unprincipled businessman than a professional actor. It is clear that the profession of "actor" has given him everything, how can he give up so easily to pursue those short-term interests?

became popular because of Gao Qiqiang's younger brother, but he lost popularity in a short period of time, and played a good hand of cards

Conclusion: the popularity of the double-edged sword

Yes, becoming popular is indeed a double-edged sword. It can transform you from a no-name to a big star you all know overnight, but it can also expose you to many temptations and challenges. Su Xiaoyue, you have lost your way on the road to popularity, blindly pursuing those short-term glory and wealth. But I hope you can return to your original intention and find your crazy self for art. Check out the experiences of other successful actors, learn from them, and find your own path.

became popular because of Gao Qiqiang's younger brother, but he lost popularity in a short period of time, and played a good hand of cards