
More than 150 varieties and more than 10,000 pots of flowers appeared! The 49th Drunken White Pond Ju Exhibition opened

author:Thoughtful client

On October 20th, the 49th Drunken White Chiju Exhibition of "Golden Autumn Juyi Yayun Drunken White" opened. More than 150 varieties of chrysanthemums made a stunning appearance, and more than 10,000 pots of flowers were all over the garden, full of chrysanthemum fragrance, attracting praise from tourists.

More than 150 varieties and more than 10,000 pots of flowers appeared! The 49th Drunken White Pond Ju Exhibition opened
More than 150 varieties and more than 10,000 pots of flowers appeared! The 49th Drunken White Pond Ju Exhibition opened

With the theme of "picking chrysanthemums and smelling the fragrance of deer", this year's chrysanthemum exhibition is carried out in accordance with the four characteristics of "plant landscaping, highlighting skills", "chrysanthemum full garden, natural harmony", "inheriting culture, innovative development" and "crowds of fragrances and sharing civilization", with a 300-meter-long main road as the main line, 4 chrysanthemum cultural theme attractions of different sizes are arranged in Ximen Zhaobi, Metasequoia Forest, etc., with chrysanthemums as the main modeling material, supplemented by silhouettes such as deer element standing carvings, mountains, auspicious clouds, fences and other seasonal flowers, through careful layout. It brings out a different atmosphere of flower exhibitions and creates a chrysanthemum appreciation mood of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the South Mountain".

More than 150 varieties and more than 10,000 pots of flowers appeared! The 49th Drunken White Pond Ju Exhibition opened

In terms of varieties, the flower exhibition will bring together more than 100 kinds of traditional Chinese chrysanthemums, including many "Ten Thousand Mountains Red", "Yanshan Golden Lion", "Tang Yu Fenghua", "Jade Dragon Soaring" and other fine products, covering green, purple, red, yellow, orange and other colors, supplemented by chrysanthemum science knowledge introduction, adding a beautiful autumn scenery to the quiet Jiangnan classical garden. While appreciating the flowers and learning about flowers, citizens can further enhance their understanding of the traditional chrysanthemum culture of the mainland. "Very beautiful, many varieties of chrysanthemums I saw for the first time, very stunning!" Ms. Zhao, a tourist, said while taking pictures.

More than 150 varieties and more than 10,000 pots of flowers appeared! The 49th Drunken White Pond Ju Exhibition opened

In terms of landscaping, the park makes full use of the characteristics of the background plant level and water system area and terrain under the forest in the garden, and arranges different volumes of large standing chrysanthemums, cliff chrysanthemums, tower chrysanthemums, variety chrysanthemums, small chrysanthemums, bonsai chrysanthemums, bulb chrysanthemums, modeling chrysanthemums, multi-headed chrysanthemums, etc. along the shores of lakes and ponds, courtyards and flower fields in the park. "At the same time, we also placed cliff chrysanthemums on some tree branch points, stone bridge guardrails, and lake barges, presenting a rich and colorful landscape effect in shape and color." Zhang Qi, deputy director of Shanghai Zuibaichi Park, introduced.

More than 150 varieties and more than 10,000 pots of flowers appeared! The 49th Drunken White Pond Ju Exhibition opened

In addition to the chrysanthemum exhibition, the 2023 Songjiang District Young Calligraphers Association Director Works Exhibition also opened in the park on the same day, bringing together more than 40 recent works by the directors of the Songjiang District Young Calligraphers Association, with a variety of creative styles, the writing content revolves around the genealogy of Drunken Bai Qunfang, integrating the poems of celebrities of previous generations, allowing the public to feel the beautiful poetry and painting garden artistic conception.

It is reported that this chrysanthemum exhibition and calligraphy exhibition will last until November 20.

Source: Shanghai Songjiang

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