
Dislike Xiao Xianrou's poor physical strength, and kick 13 husbands only for macho men!

author:Hero Liu Jia

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Thailand's wealthy Lena is known for her eclectic lifestyle and picky marriage standards, and has been the focus of media attention. Her life is not only full of twists and turns in emotional experiences, but also witnesses to her different experiences in career and relationships. Now, we'll reconstruct her story, disrupting the timeline and logical order of the original text and presenting it in a whole new way.

Part I:

Lena, the wayward rich woman in Thailand, has been looking for her true destiny for a long time, and her marriage conditions are very strict. She owns a successful beauty brand and ran unsuccessfully for mayor of Bangkok three times. Despite this, Lena's determination and bold lifestyle have not changed. In 2017, she conducted her ninth marriage solicitation on the whole network, attracting more than 50,000 male guests to sign up.

Dislike Xiao Xianrou's poor physical strength, and kick 13 husbands only for macho men!

Lena's requirements are quite demanding, she likes young fresh meat, requires a height of more than 1.8 meters, weighs less than 70 kilograms, and requires real life to have energy. Despite the difficult conditions, she finally chose a young man named Lancy to take him to the variety show.

Part II:

However, soon after, Lancy is unable to meet Lena's needs, leading to the end of their marriage. Lena quickly welcomed her twelfth husband, Dom, a master's degree dance instructor. Despite his slightly subpar height, his muscles and intelligence attracted Lena.

They went shopping together, attracting the attention of the media and onlookers, showing their intimacy. However, even though Dom was brilliant, he ended up failing to meet Lena's high standards, leading to the end of their marriage.

Dislike Xiao Xianrou's poor physical strength, and kick 13 husbands only for macho men!

Part III:

In 2019, Lena was fascinated by the young and handsome little singer Nick. She spent her fortune for him and gave him plastic surgery. However, after the facelift, Lena's appearance changes attracted widespread attention, and some even suspected that she was injured. Despite all this, Lena insists that her relationship with Nick is stable.

However, Nick ends up taking away her possessions and luxury car, leaving a puffy Lena. Despite being deceived, she still chooses to protect Nick, claiming that he has something unspeakable. But her life changed, and she refocused her energy into her career, saying that being single was not bad.

Lena, the rich woman in Thailand, has gone through many marriage and love adventures, but her strength and determination are impressive. Her story shows the challenges and changes at different stages in her life, and ultimately she chose to focus her attention on her career and embrace her future single life.

Dislike Xiao Xianrou's poor physical strength, and kick 13 husbands only for macho men!

Article 1:

The legendary experience of Thailand's rich woman Lena teaches us that wealth does not necessarily buy happiness. She has wealth, career, and looks, but her multiple successive marriage failures reveal that money can't fill the emotional void. Lena's requirements and standards are too harsh on our partner, which also makes us understand that excessive demands can lead to relationship breakdown. Her experience also taught us that appearance and possessions are not enough to sustain a relationship, and that true feelings require more factors.

Article 2:

Lena's marriage experience proves once again that valuing the relationship between appearance and flesh is unsustainable. Her demands appealed to some young and handsome partners, but eventually, she found that her need for higher standards could not be met. This suggests that feelings require more depth and shared interests, not just appearance and sex life. Lena's multiple marriage failures also remind us that pursuing novelty and liking the new and disliking the old can hurt our own happiness.

Dislike Xiao Xianrou's poor physical strength, and kick 13 husbands only for macho men!

Article Three:

The story of Thailand's rich woman Lina teaches us that blind pursuit of love and a young partner is not always a wise choice. She loses her mind in her feelings for Nick and even gives up her appearance. However, the relationship ended in failure, teaching us to maintain sanity and self-esteem and not to give up our dignity for love. Lena's experience also shows that career and self-reliance can be more meaningful life choices rather than relying on relationships for happiness.


The marriage experience of Thailand's rich woman Lina shows a special way of life, and her multiple marriages and different partners reveal some profound truths. First of all, money and appearance do not guarantee a happy marriage, and feelings require more depth and common interests. Secondly, the pursuit of novelty and liking the new and the old may lead to the breakdown of the relationship and require rational choices. Finally, relying on feelings for happiness is not always reliable, and career is just as important as self-reliance. Lena's story is a profound reflection that reminds us not to be fooled by superficial delusions, but to cherish true happiness and self-esteem.

Dislike Xiao Xianrou's poor physical strength, and kick 13 husbands only for macho men!

Article 1:

Lena's marriage presents a thought-provoking reality that money and appearance are not the only key factors that hold a marriage together. Although she has wealth and a career, she has repeatedly failed to find happiness. This leads us to the profound revelation that inner qualities and emotional connections are far more important than external factors. Feelings require real empathy, shared values and trust, not just money and appearances.

In addition, Lena's demanding requirements and standards have also triggered reflection. Her pickiness and excessively high standards can make your partner feel oppressed and disrespected, which can be very dangerous to maintain a relationship. We can learn that when looking for a partner, we should keep an open mind, not be too critical, and also be rational about each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Article 2:

Lena's story once again emphasizes the fragility of the relationship between appearance and flesh. Although she attracts some young and handsome partners, this relationship based on appearance and sex life is not sustainable. Emotional relationships require more depth, shared interests and spiritual fit. Lena's marriage journey is a stark lesson that physical appearance and physical attractiveness, while important, are not enough to sustain a long-lasting relationship.

In addition, Lena's behavior of liking the new and disgusting the old also brings us reflection. She changed partners frequently, looking for something new, only to find that it didn't last a relationship. This tells us that stability and loyalty are very important for relationships, and that frequent changes of partners will only destroy the depth and stability of the relationship.

Article Three:

Lena's story reveals a dangerous mindset of blindly giving up self-esteem and sanity for love. She gets lost in her obsession with her young handsome partner and even undergoes plastic surgery and ends up in a failed relationship. This reminds us to stay sane and not to give up our dignity and values for love.

Lena's choice also shows that relying on feelings for happiness is not always wise. Her experience has taught us to be independent, pursue careers and self-reliance, and not attach our entire lives to feelings. Career and self-reliance can bring us more satisfaction and happiness without having to rely on others to achieve it.

Taken together, Lena's marriage experience has taught us many profound lessons. Relationships require more inner depth and stability, and appearance and money are not decisive factors. Also, stay sane and don't sacrifice your dignity and values for love. Ultimately, independence and self-reliance are sustainable ways to achieve happiness without relying on relationships.

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