
Provincial solicitation! Waiting for you to sign up

author:Youth Hubei
Provincial solicitation! Waiting for you to sign up

Recently, the Cyberspace Administration of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Provincial Youth League Committee will jointly hold the 2024 Hubei Provincial University Outstanding Network Cultural Achievements Exhibition Solicitation Notice is here

In order to strengthen the construction of network culture in colleges and universities, strengthen the political guidance, positive publicity and literacy education of young people in colleges and universities, develop a positive, healthy, upward and benevolent network culture in colleges and universities, and fully display the achievements of network culture construction in colleges and universities in the province, the Internet Information Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Provincial Youth League Committee will jointly hold the 2024 Hubei Provincial University Excellent Network Culture Achievements Exhibition Activities.

First, the theme of the event

The network gathers the power of civilization and blooms with youthful style

2. Organizational structure

1. Guiding unit: Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee (Provincial Civilization Office)

2. Organizers: Provincial Cyberspace Administration of the CPC Provincial Committee, Provincial Department of Education, and Provincial Youth League Committee

3. Organizer: Huazhong University of Science and Technology

The organizing committee of this university achievement exhibition is set up, and the secretariat under the organizing committee is located in Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

3. Target of the activity

In Hubei colleges and universities

Fourth, the arrangement of activities

Phase 1 (May):

Extensive organization and mobilization

1. The Cyberspace Administration of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Provincial Youth League Committee jointly formulate a work plan, issue a notice, and make deployment arrangements in colleges and universities in the province.

2. Colleges and universities should carry out extensive publicity, atmosphere creation and organization on campus websites and new media platforms. In order to ensure the smooth development of the activity, all colleges and universities are requested to submit the information of one contact person to the mailbox [email protected] before July 15.

Phase 2 (June to August):

Solid progress in construction

1. In accordance with the requirements of the work plan and in combination with their own realities, all colleges and universities should carry out extensive and in-depth construction of network culture in colleges and universities, guide the majority of young people in colleges and universities to actively practice network civilization and jointly build a good campus network ecology.

2. The Secretariat shall provide timely guidance and promotion to the construction of network culture in various universities.

Phase 3 (September to November):

Summary of project solicitation

1. Call for works. The Secretariat collects outstanding network culture projects in colleges and universities in the province in five categories. All colleges and universities should complete the application before September 15, and the information should be submitted to the relevant column of the ideological and political network of Hubei colleges and universities (a subsequent submission notice will be issued).

2. Summary selection. The Secretariat collects and summarizes the outstanding achievements of the construction of network culture in various colleges and universities, and uses them for stage displays, websites and display board publicity. Organize experts to select outstanding works, and carry out all-media publicity on the selected excellent works.

Stage 4 (November to December):

Achievement display, exchange, publicity and promotion

1. Centralized display. It is planned to hold the 2024 Hubei Provincial University Network Culture Achievement Exhibition at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in early December, and perform in the form of a stage.

2. Display panels. Around the venue, display boards were used to display the achievements of the network culture construction of various universities.

3. Long-term display. The ideological and political network of Hubei colleges and universities has set up a special column to carry out long-term exhibition, exchange and promotion. Excellent works will be recommended to, Changjiang Cloud, Douyin and other platforms for publicity and display.

For more information about the event, click [Read the original article] at the end of the article↓

Provincial solicitation! Waiting for you to sign up
Provincial solicitation! Waiting for you to sign up
Provincial solicitation! Waiting for you to sign up
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Provincial solicitation! Waiting for you to sign up
Provincial solicitation! Waiting for you to sign up
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