
When you are afraid, you will be more afraid, and when you are greedy, you will be more greedy

author:73 ants

Remember the decline and fear during this time, especially for new and old investors, should already be familiar with this feeling, because the big A has demonstrated this deterrent many times over the past 30 years.

When the bull is big, most people will forget this feeling again.

When you are afraid, you will be more afraid, and when you are greedy, you will be more greedy, this is normal human nature. Most people can't escape this pattern.

An idea, throw bricks and stones, and not necessarily right.

The heavy positives, the front has been out one after another, the back of the positive, maybe a few occasionally, but the bottom of the market, never by the good.

When the market falls so that everyone is afraid, what should be sold and what should not be sold is sold, and only some who say nothing is sold, then since it has fallen like that, the person who does not sell, if it rises a little, he should not sell.

In that market, the potential to sell people is close to zero.

That very little money, come in and buy, will make the price rise rapidly, who said, the market is big, it takes a lot of money to rise?

What determines the rise and fall does not necessarily require a huge amount of funds, it has always been a relationship between supply and demand.

Far away do not say, close, just say house prices, when everyone does not want to sell, a little buy, is up and up.

It's very simple.

This is also why the shrinkage rises, the volume of stagnation and the like, it sounds, amazing professional vocabulary, many industries, like to use some "professional" words to appear tall, artificial casting industry barriers.

The real bottom things are the same, the same as the primitive society, the most simple and universal.

If this wave of decline, can last until Friday, when I have spare money, don't think, buy!

Just afraid of it, it didn't last until Friday, and it had already taken off.

If the back has not been up, then I will continue to buy when I have money.

Never afraid of falling.

Every time it is said that this fall is different, it will not rise, well, historical experience, it proves that it is the same every time.

However, in theory, there will always be a time when this law will be broken, so I can't say that the person who clears the warehouse now is right or wrong.

I am also a gamble, which is essentially a gamble, so it is not necessarily right for me to continue to buy, and it may be right for others to sell it all the time.

I write this sentence to avoid people talking to me or criticizing me.

Own money, make your own ideas, don't ask me, I can only say what I will do, relatives and friends, I can't give him ideas either.

This is the best shortcut for loved ones to become enemies.


The most detailed article, about 9,000 words, 2023-09-09 was reorganized and released, titled "Why 73 ants can make a stable profit?" 》

The slogan shouted, whether it goes up or down, the article is there, believe it or not, look or not, it's there.

Shout the slogan first:

Firmly optimistic about big A shares, bull market can be expected, the more it falls, the more opportunities! Full positions waiting to rise! New spare money to buy on the dip!

Target: 8,000 points for the Shanghai Composite Index and 12,000 points for the CSI All Index

Officially mentioned this in the article "The reason for opening high and going low, and the new journey of 12,000 points" on 2023-08-28

If you want to add a period, it is about 1~5 years, and the probability is within 3 years.

If you really want to pull up, you don't need much money, you just need everyone's confidence that you are unanimously bullish, and after forming this cognition, in fact, very little money is needed, and in the early stage, a lot of money will be needed to form a consensus.

The flow of funds is actually another form of voting, which is the same as what I have always emphasized, what products to buy, you don't know much, just turn out the sales ranking, buy the top 3, basically will not step on the pit, of course, the premise is that the ranking is real and effective, not fraudulent.

I recommend taking a look at the article "How to learn the methods of investing masters quickly and efficiently" written on August 26, 2023

Position status:

When you are afraid, you will be more afraid, and when you are greedy, you will be more greedy
When you are afraid, you will be more afraid, and when you are greedy, you will be more greedy

The sergeant heard the word and acted diligently; The sergeant heard that if he survived; The corporal heard this and laughed.

Open the door to a new world, if you haven't read it, please take a look at these two articles

2023-02-02 How many people are there today, feel played? 》

2022-09-26 Detailed discussion of the three major disciplines of 73 ants

Often netizens ask me about some experiences, I have written a lot before, you can Baidu my previous article "73 ants brief anthology" or "from 300 pieces to 1.9 million", there is a detailed description.

The points you think have loopholes and need to be improved have long been filled in years of practice, and what you want to ask, the answer is all in the "73 Ants Three Major Disciplines Detailed Discussion", written in detail, better understood than a question and answer.

When you are afraid, you will be more afraid, and when you are greedy, you will be more greedy

If you like stimulation and want to be a hundred times a week, you can read this article "A hundred times a week, drizzle~ You can also achieve it!" 》

To do short-term, refer to this article "Talk about my short-term operation"

This is the variety that my long-term strategy has previously announced, many of which have been bought many times, and the trigger price of the next purchase (at present, I have less spare money, so I will concentrate small money and do big things. If you have a large proportion of spare money, it is better to customize the price yourself, do not copy mine, everyone's situation is different):

Securities ETF 512880 0.779

Consumer ETF 159928 0.7

Bank ETF 512800 0.916

H股ETF 159954 0.522

China Internet ETF 159607 0.517

Hong Kong Stock Connect Internet ETF 159792 0.454

Hang Seng Technology 30 ETF 513010 0.379

Infrastructure ETF 516950 0.861

Media ETF 512980 0.494

Securities Insurance ETF 512070 0.515

Double Venture ETF 159780 0.476

Science and Technology 50 ETF 588000 0.906

Medical 50 ETF 159847 0.447

Medical ETF (SH:512170) 0.39

Information Technology ETF 159939 0.443

SSE 180 ETF 510180 2.988

Hang Seng Medical ETF 513060 0.454

Livestock ETF (SZ:159867) 0.641

Farming ETF (SZ:159865) 0.614

Agricultural ETF (SZ:159825) 0.698

Battery ETF (SZ:159755) 0.46

Chemical ETF (SZ:159870) 0.598

Defense ETF (SH:512670) 0.676

Travel ETF (SZ:159766) 0.7

Biotech ETF (SZ:159837) 0.49

Delivery ETF (SZ:159662) 0.873

Rare Metals ETF (SH:562800) 0.505

Steel ETF (SH515210) 1.18

New Energy ETF (SH:516160) 0.48

ChiNext 50 ETF (SZ:159949) 0.789

Disclaimer: This article is only a record of my personal operations and thoughts, and does not constitute investment advice and guidance. Please decide your own operation and do not blindly copy it!

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