
It's shameless! The A-share leek harvester first divides 4 billion by itself, and then goes public to raise 6 billion!

author:Xiaoxin, let's take stock

Recently, an A-share company planning to be listed has attracted widespread attention from public opinion. The company has been questioned as a "leek harvester" because the company's original shareholders had already taken 4 billion yuan in dividends before going public, and now they plan to raise 6 billion yuan through an IPO.

It's shameless! The A-share leek harvester first divides 4 billion by itself, and then goes public to raise 6 billion!

It is understood that this enterprise was founded in 2005, after years of development, has become a leading enterprise in the industry. However, in the process of its development, there are many problems, especially in the distribution of benefits to corporate shareholders, which has been criticized by the outside world.

It's shameless! The A-share leek harvester first divides 4 billion by itself, and then goes public to raise 6 billion!

Data shows that in the past decade, the company's shareholders have divided more than 4 billion yuan in dividends. These dividends mainly come from the company's own profits and borrowing from financial institutions. However, while corporate executives enjoy high dividends, ordinary employees face the pressure of low wages and long working hours.

It's shameless! The A-share leek harvester first divides 4 billion by itself, and then goes public to raise 6 billion!

Not only that, but the company is also seeking to go public. According to the company's prospectus, it plans to raise 6 billion yuan through the IPO to expand the scale of the company and improve its research and development capabilities. However, market participants are concerned that the money could be used by companies to fill past debt black holes, or squandered by corporate executives.

It's shameless! The A-share leek harvester first divides 4 billion by itself, and then goes public to raise 6 billion!

Many investors have expressed indignation at such a situation. They believe that such enterprises are simply "leek harvesters", taking investors' money for their own enjoyment. In addition, there are also industry insiders who call for regulators to strengthen the supervision of such enterprises and prevent them from using the capital market to make improper profits.

It's shameless! The A-share leek harvester first divides 4 billion by itself, and then goes public to raise 6 billion!

To sum up, there are many problems in the A-share enterprise to be listed, especially in the distribution of benefits to the shareholders of the enterprise, which has been widely concerned and questioned by the outside world. We hope that the regulatory authorities can strengthen the supervision of such enterprises, ensure the fairness and impartiality of the capital market, and enable investors to invest in a healthy and transparent environment.