
People's Daily: Excessive environmental protection and the creation of civilized cities must not become shackles to social development

author:Xiaoxin, let's take stock

Recently, People's Daily published a commentary article on the phenomenon of excessive environmental protection and the creation of civilized cities, pointing out the possible negative impact of these actions, and how to balance the relationship between environmental protection, civilized city construction and social development.

People's Daily: Excessive environmental protection and the creation of civilized cities must not become shackles to social development

1. The negative impact of excessive environmental protection and the creation of civilized cities

The article pointed out that excessive environmental protection and the creation of civilized cities may lead to a series of problems, including slowing economic growth, rising costs for enterprises, and inconvenient living for residents. If these negative effects are not properly addressed, they may weaken people's support for environmental protection and civilized city construction, and affect the sustainable development of society.

People's Daily: Excessive environmental protection and the creation of civilized cities must not become shackles to social development

2. The original intention of environmental protection and civilized city construction

The original intention of environmental protection and the creation of a civilized city is to protect the ecological environment and improve the quality of life of residents. However, in the process of implementation, there has been an overemphasis on environmental protection and civilized city construction in some places, resulting in a series of negative consequences. This may be related to factors such as biased understanding of policy implementers and pressure on performance appraisal.

People's Daily: Excessive environmental protection and the creation of civilized cities must not become shackles to social development

3. How to balance the relationship between environmental protection, civilized city construction and social development

The article emphasizes that environmental protection and the creation of civilized cities should be coordinated with social development. The following points are worth paying attention to:

(1) Scientific formulation of policies: When formulating policies for environmental protection and civilized city construction, the actual situation of each region should be fully considered and one size fits all should be avoided.

(2) Strengthen policy coordination: Government departments should strengthen coordination to ensure that environmental protection, civilized city construction and other social development goals are coordinated.

People's Daily: Excessive environmental protection and the creation of civilized cities must not become shackles to social development

(3) Focus on policy implementation: In the process of policy implementation, supervision should be strengthened to ensure that policy implementers fully understand policy intentions and avoid excessive implementation.

(4) Encourage public participation: The government should encourage the public to participate in the decision-making process of environmental protection and civilized city construction, improve the public's awareness of environmental protection, and form a good atmosphere for the whole society to participate in environmental protection and civilized city construction.

People's Daily: Excessive environmental protection and the creation of civilized cities must not become shackles to social development

The People's Daily article offers a profound critique of excessive environmental protection and the creation of civilized cities, reminding us that when implementing these policies, we must fully consider the impact on social development. By scientifically formulating policies, strengthening policy coordination, focusing on policy implementation and encouraging public participation, we can protect the environment and build civilized cities while ensuring sustainable social development.

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